Cling libraries not installed?

I’m trying to embed a cling interpreter in my application, following this example. However, in my Root installation folder I can’t find the clingInterpreter library, which is present only in the Root build folder as interpreter/llvm/src/lib/libclingInterpreter.a. Am I missing something or is the static library effectively not installed by make install? My version of Root is 6.08.02 compiled with CMake as usual.

Edit: I see now that that example probably does not refer to the cling version shipped with Root but probably with a standalone version. If so, is it possible to adapt it to the cling package distributed with Root?

Hi Nicola,

we build cling and llvm in a special way in ROOT. I recommend to either resort to cling alone or to embed a TInterpreter, which is the wrapper around cling in ROOT.


Thanks Danilo, I’ll try first with TInterpreter. But I see that there is also a TCling class inheriting from TInterpreter. Which are the differences? Which one is better (i.e. less pain to start with, from the perspective of a noob developer)?
Thanks again.

Edit: ah, I see not, TInterpreter is abstract.

Hi Nicola,

as the inheritance chain suggests, the users, even the power users :), are supposed to use TInterpreter :slight_smile:


Yes, I didn’t notice the static instance getter in TInterpreter. Thanks.

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