Cling - How to get error from the execution of the last statement into a string

Is there a way to re-direct Cling’s stdout/stderr to a std::string?

I am using metaprocesor’s process function. How I can get the error from the execution of the last statement into a string.

int ret_val = metaProcessor->process(input_line, compRes, &value, disableValuePrinting);

if (compRes != cling::Interpreter::kSuccess) {
	string result = "Statement is not correct."; //How I get the excat error message?

Check the classes inheriting from clang::DiagnosticConsumer

clang::TextDiagnosticBuffer might do what you need. You can set the diagnostic consumer with the clang::CompilerInstance as returned by cling:: Interpreter


Thanks Alex! I was able to write my own diagnostic consumer and set it up as a new client in diagnostics engine. It worked flawlessly!


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