Hi, I have a BaseClass, defined in “BaseClass.h” and a Class inheriting from BaseClass, defined in “Class.h”. Everything is ok unless when I defined functions of BaseClass in “BaseClass.C” but decleared them in “BaseClass.h”.
the erro read as:
cling::DynamicLibraryManager::loadLibrary(): /root/CombinedFit/models/Class_C.so: undefined symbol: _ZN9BaseClassC2Ev
IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol '_ZN5ClassD1Ev' unresolved while linking [cling interface function]!
You are probably missing the definition of Class::~Class()
Maybe you need to load the corresponding shared library?
IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol '_ZN5ClassC1Ev' unresolved while linking [cling interface function]!
You are probably missing the definition of Class::Class()
Maybe you need to load the corresponding shared library?
P.S. the version of my root is V 6.20 and my systeam is Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS on Windows 11.