ClassDef not updated for some

Hi, I believe there is an issue in some of the recent patches, 5-34-28, where include files such as TH1.h and TH2.h were updated without the version number of ClassDef being updated. It produces errors such as the following when trying to read a ROOT file created using version 5-34-21:

Warning in TStreamerInfo::BuildCheck:
The StreamerInfo for version 7 of class TH1 read from the file /veritas/userspace2/mbuchove/BDT/backup/processed/stg2/62082.stage2.root
has a different checksum than the previously loaded StreamerInfo.
Reading objects of type TH1 from the file /veritas/userspace2/mbuchove/BDT/backup/processed/stg2/62082.stage2.root
(and potentially other files) might not work correctly.
Most likely the version number of the class was not properly
updated [See ClassDef(TH1,7)].
Warning in TStreamerInfo::CompareContent: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 7 of class ‘TH1’ is missing from
the on-file layout version 7:
int fNcells; //
Warning in TStreamerInfo::CompareContent: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 7 of class ‘TH1’ is missing from
the on-file layout version 7:
TAxis fXaxis; //

I’m not sure which other files are affected, and was unable to create an account to submit a bug report. If this is an issue for others is there a way to patch this?


Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of the in-memory layout version 7 of class 'TH1' is missing from the on-file layout version 7: int fNcells; //This is quite odd as fNCells has been present in TH1 for at least 15 years … Can you provide a way to reproduce this?
