Choosing ROOT installation for Delphes use

Hi everyone,

Posted this in a forum for MadGraph and was recommended here
Sorry in advance if this question has an extremely simple solution that I just overlooked…
I had to update my MacOS version recently, and consequently was forced to update my ROOT version from 6.26.10 to 6.30. While madgraph appears unaffected, Delphes now no longer works properly. Through some testing I found that it was struggling to work between 6.26 and 6.30, and after temporarily moving version 6.26 to a different location, it appears that delphes is still trying to access 6.26 and therefore failing. How can I configure it such that delphes works with version 6.30 instead?

Thanks in advance.

ROOT Version: 6.30
Platform: MacOS 14.4.1, ARM M1


How did you install Delphes? Perhaps it’s still looking for the old ROOT version.
Apologies if this first answer is naive.


I installed Delphes a while ago so I don’t really remember the exact details, but I didn’t use a package manager or anything like that if that’s what you’re referring to. I’m pretty sure it is still looking for the old ROOT version based on the log outputs I’m receiving, but I’m confused as to how I can reconfigure it to make Delphes look for version 6.30 instead.


Thanks. At this point, it seems that reinstalling Delphes is the best course of actions.


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