

I have a simple macro which calls the method TH1::Chi2Test(…) :

TH1F * histogram = new TH1F( “histogram”, “Simple Gaussian Histogram”, 100, -2, 2 );
histogram->FillRandom( “gaus”, 1000 );

TH1F * reference = new TH1F( “reference”, “Simple Gaussian Histogram”, 100, -2, 2 );
reference->FillRandom( “gaus”, 10000 );

float res1 = histogram->Chi2Test(reference);
float res2 = histogram->Chi2Test(reference,"");
cout<<res1<<" "<<res2<<endl;


The output is :

0.227191 0

I don’t know why it doesn’t give the same results.

Thanks for your help,

Nikola Makovec

lxplus212>echo $ROOTSYS

the default for the second argument of TH1::Chi2Test is “UU” not “”
