Charset again

I am trying to enable local characters support in root 4.0, without success.

I changed GUI.DefaultFont and it caused menu etc. to use font with local characters, but nothing changed on the picture iitself…

Other thing are truetype fonts - I have $ROOTSYS/fonts directory with ttf files, root claims to loaf freetype but when I chose view->Editor in GUI, I see no truetype fonts to be chosen…

What am I doing wrong?

Lech Wiktor Piotrowski

I found out that truetype fonts were enabled for TCanvas. I disabled them and I think I have the same font for GUI and for canvas, although ingui I have national characters and in the canvas rubbish…

And for another thing, how to add new true type fonts to root? There is no list file available in ROOTSYS/fonts directory and copying new ttfs there changes nothing…

Lech Wiktor Piotrowski