Can't use DATA on my HDD on root/ubunto

Hello, i’m a begginer with root and yesterday, I installed ubuntu and root on my computer on windows. Everything work perfectly but it’s still un-usable since i can’t use DATA from my HDD and the place allowed by unbuntu is far to be enough.

When I open TBrowser, i can only navigate to file wish are under the home/user/root.6.30.06 … but i have absolutely no acces to other HDD.

Maybe it’s juste really not possible to use root on windows.

Dear @KillianUB ,

Thanks for reaching out to the forum! Your problem does not seem to be related to ROOT per se. Accessing a folder from the Windows machine on WSL should be possible, there are many similar questions online, such as command line - How to access Windows files from Linux in WSL? - Ask Ubuntu .

Let me know if that helps,

Hello, thanks for your answer. Unfortunately, I’ve tried everything I saw on internet and I understand why it’s not working but however, i dont know how to fixe it.

Should I install root in an other file ? Like what if i do cd mnt/c/Users/Me and then install root in it ?

Dear @KillianUB ,

Unfortunately I do not think that that will solve the issue per se, but you can try. Another possibility is installing the prebuilt binaries for Windows as demonstrated on the installation instructions.


I saw that already but i don’t really understand what should i do exactly. As I mentionned it earlier, I am a beginner on it, I started using Root for an internship.

Dear @KillianUB ,

As I mentioned in previous responses, yours is really not a ROOT problem. There are many ways to use the Windows file system through WSL, and failing that ROOT also offers precompiled binaries for Windows.

If you need guidance in installing a generic software package in your work computer, I suggest you discuss it with your supervisor.

Let us know if any ROOT-related questions arise.


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