hallo. I’m using ROOT 6.34.2 on_Platform: Ubuntu 24.04.1 in a virtual machine installed on windows11. I used to open TBrowser using the the line:
new TBrowser
and untill this Monday it worked fine. Now any windows doesn’t open.
I start ROOT with root --web=off, then: new TBrowser
and I get only this message and no browser window, I get this answer:
(TBrowser *) 0x562d91380a30
I checked if ROOT opens an html window but I haven’t seen any.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
Is it a ‘typical’ VM (if so, what VM manager?), or do you mean WSL, or maybe WSL2 if it’s Windows 11? And did you compile ROOT or use a precompiled version --better use compiled, if you will run it on Ubuntu–?
Anyway, do you really need to run v6.34 (I suppose you mean 6.34.02, as there is no 6.34.2)? Better use the latest stable release, currently 6.32.10, unless you really know you need something from that development release; try also reinstalling ROOT.