Can't find libssl.1.0.0.dy with precompiled Lion binary

Hi Fons,

I am starting a new thread since I didn’t really see ‘libssl’ as an issue in this previous thread:

I have installed XQuartz and have gotten rid of the libfreetype error. Thanks! Is it okay to update my XQuartz to rc3?

I believe that now I have the proper Xcode (4.3.2) w/ cl tools, XQuartz 2.7.2_rc2, clang 3.1 installed, but am still having this error:

dyld: Library not loaded: /sw/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/griffith/root-v5-32-00-patches/lib/
  Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap: 5

linking an executable to -lTree (among others) seems to cause the above to occur.

I have solved this problem by simply creating a directory on my mac /sw/lib and making a symlink to:


Is there something that I should have installed which would have made the library in the ‘/sw/lib/’ dir?

At the same time I compiled the code from source linking to the old Mac install of X11(am aware this will be discontinued with 10.8 ) w/o incidence. I would like to make sure that I am on board with the current root-build strategy since compiling takes time. This is why I am double checking with getting the default binary to work properly on my machine.


Hi Justin,

ok, the /sw/lib/openssl is a side effect from me building the binary on my system. I’ve some Fink packages installed and openssl is found in /sw/lib and of course won’t work on machines without Fink. I’ve rebuild the binary without Fink references. Please try it, it should work out of the box (with XQuartz though).

Cheers, Fons.

Hi Fons,

I deleted the symlink I had made previously and then tested the new build–it worked out of the box with XQuartz 2.7.2_rc2 and with rc3. Thanks! Is is possible to break compatibility by updating the XQuartz libraries? If so I will turn off the auto-update functionality.


I think XQuartz can be upgraded without problems. The interfaces are not changing in X11 a lot, if at all.

Cheers, Fons.

Hi Fons,

Great! Thanks for all your help. Binaries now work out of the box for me now.
