Canonical Way to group-by in RDataFrame

Happy New Year!

I am working on implementing group-by-like counting for my analyses using ROOT’s RDataFrame. However, I have encountered significant performance challenges with my current approach. I wanted to check if the method I am using is the canonical way to achieve this or if there are optimizations, I might be missing that could improve its efficiency.

I have included a minimal reproducible example of my current implementation:

# %%
import ROOT
import numpy as np
# %%
df = ROOT.RDataFrame(100)
df = df.Define("angle", "gRandom->Uniform(0, 3.14)")
df = df.Define("nTracks", "gRandom->Integer(3)")
# %%
#  The idea is to bin the angles and find the number of events with 0, 1, 2, 3 tracks in each bin
bins = np.linspace(0, 3.14, 5, dtype=np.double)
model = ROOT.RDF.TH1DModel("angle", "angle", bins.size - 1, bins)
angle_hist = df.Histo1D(model, "angle")

# %%
count_two_tracks = np.zeros(bins.size - 1, dtype=np.double)
count_one_track = np.zeros(bins.size - 1, dtype=np.double)
count_zero_track = np.zeros(bins.size - 1, dtype=np.double)
for bin_idx in range(bins.size - 1):
    bin_low = bins[bin_idx]
    bin_high = bins[bin_idx+1]
    print(f"Processing bin ({bin_idx}):\t{bin_low:.3f} - {bin_high:.3f}")
    rdf_bin = df.Filter(f"angle > {bin_low} && angle < {bin_high}", f"{bin_low} < angle < {bin_high}")
    count_two_tracks[bin_idx] = rdf_bin.Filter("nTracks == 2").Count().GetValue()
    count_one_track[bin_idx] = rdf_bin.Filter("nTracks == 1").Count().GetValue()
    count_zero_track[bin_idx] = rdf_bin.Filter("nTracks == 0").Count().GetValue()
# %%
# Make histograms of counts
two_track_hist = ROOT.TH1D("two_track_hist", "two_track_hist", bins.size - 1, bins)
for idx, bin_count in enumerate(count_two_tracks):
    two_track_hist.SetBinContent(idx+1, bin_count)

The goal is to bin angles and count events with 0, 1, 2, and 3 tracks in each bin. While the logic works as expected, the performance is suboptimal, particularly when scaling to larger datasets.
Are there any suggestions for improving the implementation?


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Happy New Year to you too!
I guess @vpadulan can help, but with maybe some delay…

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Edit: Changed the position of the GetValue() call to after the for loop,

# Make the count_two_tracks a list containing the RDFResults to invoke the `GetValue` post the for loop.
count_two_tracks = [count.GetValue() for count in count_two_tracks]

Performance is still not great.


Thanks for the post.
What I think can be improved are these lines:

count_two_tracks[bin_idx] = rdf_bin.Filter("nTracks == 2").Count().GetValue()
count_one_track[bin_idx] = rdf_bin.Filter("nTracks == 1").Count().GetValue()
count_zero_track[bin_idx] = rdf_bin.Filter("nTracks == 0").Count().GetValue()

For every line, which is also in a loop, you are running a loop on your dataset, triggered by GetValue().
What I’d suggest is to save the result pointers into the collecations, to then access their values outside the loop.

Full example below: if I made mistakes understanding the code, please bear with me!


# %%
import ROOT
import numpy as np
# %%
df = ROOT.RDataFrame(100)
df = df.Define("angle", "gRandom->Uniform(0, 3.14)")
df = df.Define("nTracks", "gRandom->Integer(3)")
# %%
#  The idea is to bin the angles and find the number of events with 0, 1, 2, 3 tracks in each bin
bins = np.linspace(0, 3.14, 5, dtype=np.double)
model = ROOT.RDF.TH1DModel("angle", "angle", bins.size - 1, bins)
angle_hist = df.Histo1D(model, "angle")

# %%
count_two_tracks = []
count_one_track = []
count_zero_track = []
for bin_idx in range(bins.size - 1):
    bin_low = bins[bin_idx]
    bin_high = bins[bin_idx+1]
    print(f"Processing bin ({bin_idx}):\t{bin_low:.3f} - {bin_high:.3f}")
    rdf_bin = df.Filter(f"angle > {bin_low} && angle < {bin_high}", f"{bin_low} < angle < {bin_high}")
    count_two_tracks.append(rdf_bin.Filter("nTracks == 2").Count())
    count_one_track.append(rdf_bin.Filter("nTracks == 1").Count())
    count_zero_track.append(rdf_bin.Filter("nTracks == 0").Count())

# %%
# Make histograms of counts
two_track_hist = ROOT.TH1D("two_track_hist", "two_track_hist", bins.size - 1, bins)
for idx, bin_count in enumerate(count_two_tracks):
    two_track_hist.SetBinContent(idx+1, bin_count.GetValue())