I have just installed root_v6.30.06 to take place of 6.28 because I need some C++17 features. But I find that the default Browser is ROOTBrowser instead of Web Browser.
I have changed C:\root_v6.30.06\etc\system.rootrc as follow:
rootrc parameter "Browser.Name" with web browser disabled for security reasons.
See https://root.cern/about/security/#2023-11-26-open-port-for-control-of-web-gui-allows-read-and-write-access-to-file-system for more information.
For environments controlling the security issues you can enable web display by calling
gROOT->SetWebDisplay(); in ROOT prompt or in startup scripts
I want to use Web Browser when I open a .root file, so I guess I need to change the startup scripts. Where is it in windows system?
Thank you very much!
It works when I put rootlogon.C in the current directory.
By the way, it doesn’t work when I put it in the etc directory or my %USERPROFILE%.
OK, so here is how it works: rootlogon.C in the current directory .rootlogon.C in the %USERPROFILE% directory, with _rootlogon() as function name system.rootlogon.C in the %ROOTSYS%\etc directory, with system_rootlogon() as function name