Cannot extract ROOT files

I have a program that contains custom classes. Each class contains some histograms.
Everything works until I made update of the system and ROOT. Now it seems that cannot convert my files into HTML.
To explain - during exporting to HTML I’m doing something like

Bool_t batch = gROOT->IsBatch();
      TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("canvas", "canvas", 0, 0, 1000, 1500);
      c->Divide(2, 1);
      TH1D* hKt = (TH1D*) fNumProp->Clone();
      hKt = (TH1D*) fDenProp->Clone();

      c->SaveAs(Form("%s/corrfunc_%i/kt.root", dir.Data(), counter));
      // delete c;

The problem is that when I delete canvas (call delete c) code crash. I noticed that that I get a plenty of warning like “Error in TList::Clear: A list is accessing an object (0x55f5bc44f890) already deleted (list name = TList)”.
I know that in ROOT there was some change in storage format and probably this is the source of my problem. Question is: is there some workaround? I tried SetDirectory(0x0) to histogram, I tried to clone inner histograms - nothing helps.

_ROOT Version:6.26/06
Platform: Not Provided
Compiler: Not Provided

Edit: I noticed that also creation of TCanvas might generate problems if few of canvases have the same name (probably ROOT now manage memory by names of objects and this generate problems).


Do you have the same problem with ROOT 6.32.04, the latest stable?


I have no problems with newer ROOT. So I think I can make this problem as solved.

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