Can Xcode 15.3 on macOS use Homebrew to install ROOT?

ROOT Version: 6.30
Platform: macOS 14.5
Compiler: Xcode 15.1

Dear ROOT Experts,

My computer has been prompting me to update Xcode to version 15.3. I tried updating before, but after the update, ROOT stopped working, and I had to roll back to Xcode 15.1. This happened a few months ago, and now I’m wondering if it’s safe to update Xcode to 15.3 and use Homebrew to install a fully functional version of ROOT.

Has anyone had success with this setup recently? Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


Thanks for the post and welcome to the ROOT Community!
I am sorry to read ROOT packaged by Homebrew did not work out of the box for you.

According to this table, XCode 15.4 was released in May, we released 6.30.08 in June based on it. If Homebrew kept its usual very high standards, there should be no issue with the installation.



Thank you for your response. I will try to update the Xcode and see if is possible to use home-brew to install ROOT in Xcode 15.4.
Wish me luck.

Mingche Sun

Hi Mingche,

Good luck (I tried of course on a macos node, xcode 15.3 and i works :wink: )
