Building v5.20.00 on windows


I’m building ROOT v5.20.00 from source on windows via cygwin but using the Visual Studio 2003 (7.1) compiler. I get a couple of error messages that concern me, though the build seems generally successful:

Error: string() declared but not defined prec_stl/vector
Error: string() declared but not defined prec_stl/list

towards the end I get:
‘findstr’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

My config step is:

configure win32 --build=debug --enable-roofit --enable-minuit2 --enable-table --enable-python --enable-gdml --enable-unuran --disable-odbc --enable-mathmore --enable-mathcore --enable-reflex --enable-cintex --with-fftw3-incdir=C:/heather/root-v5.20-gl1/fftw-3.1.2-dll --with-fftw3-libdir=C:/heather/root-v5.20-gl1/fftw-3.1.2-dll --with-gccxml=C:/heather/root-v5.20-gl1/gcc_xml --with-xml-incdir=C:/heather/root-v5.20-gl1/libxml2-2.6.15.win32/include --with-xml-libdir=C:/heather/root-v5.20-gl1/libxml2-2.6.15.win32/lib --with-python-libdir=C:/heather/glast/extlib/python/2.5.1-gl1/vc71/libs --with-python-incdir=C:/heather/glast/extlib/python/2.5.1-gl1/vc71/include --with-gsl-incdir=C:/heather/root-v5.20-gl1/GSL/include --with-gsl-libdir=C:/heather/root-v5.20-gl1/GSL/lib

Any suggestions for how I can eliminate those error messages?


Hi Heather,

I think these errors are harmless:
Error: string() declared but not defined prec_stl/vector
Error: string() declared but not defined prec_stl/list
But I don’t understand this one:
‘findstr’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
since findstr is part of the system (in Windows\System32)
can you type “findstr /?” in a command prompt to be sure you have it?
