I’m trying to build a box using only 6 TGeoHalfSpace (not using others objects like TGeoBBox)… So, I define 6 points and 6 normal vectors. Then using a TGeoCompositeShape (with 5 intersections) I build a TGeoVolume, and finally I build the geometry (see below).
But the result looks strange : I’ve infinite dimensions and nothing to draw.
Does anyone have an idea ?
Thanks in advance,
#include "TGeoVolume.h"
#include "TGeoManager.h"
#include "TGeoHalfSpace.h"
#include "TGeoCompositeShape.h"
void test_box()
/// Creation du TGeoManager
TGeoManager *geom = new TGeoManager("GeoManager", "Geom_box");
TString compos = "composition1" ;
TGeoMaterial* compo = new TGeoMaterial (ToUpper(compos),1,1,1);
TGeoMedium * Compo = new TGeoMedium (ToUpper(compos), 1 , compo) ;
compos = "composition2" ;
TGeoMaterial* compo2 = new TGeoMaterial (ToUpper(compos),1,1,1);
TGeoMedium * Compo2 = new TGeoMedium (ToUpper(compos), 1 , compo2) ;
/// Top Volume = World
Double_t r_min = 0.;
Double_t r_max = 500.;
Double_t z_size = 2000.;
TGeoVolume *world = geom -> MakeTube("World", Compo, r_min, r_max, z_size/2);
Double_t A[3] = { -5., 0., 0. };
Double_t B[3] = { 5., 0., 0. };
Double_t C[3] = { 0., -5., 0. };
Double_t D[3] = { 0., 5., 0. };
Double_t E[3] = { 0., 0., -5. };
Double_t F[3] = { 0., 0., 5. };
Double_t pA[3] = { -1., 0., 0. };
Double_t pB[3] = { 1., 0., 0. };
Double_t pC[3] = { 0., -1., 0.};
Double_t pD[3] = { 0., 1., 0.};
Double_t pE[3] = { 0., 0., -1.};
Double_t pF[3] = { 0., 0., 1.};
Double_t pA[3] = { 1., 0., 0. };
Double_t pB[3] = { -1., 0., 0. };
Double_t pC[3] = { 0., -1., 0. };
Double_t pD[3] = { 0., 1., 0.};
Double_t pE[3] = { 0., 0., 1.};
Double_t pF[3] = { 0., 0., -1.};
TGeoHalfSpace * half1 = new TGeoHalfSpace ("Half1", A, pA);
TGeoHalfSpace * half2 = new TGeoHalfSpace ("Half2", B, pB);
TGeoHalfSpace * half3 = new TGeoHalfSpace ("Half3", C, pC);
TGeoHalfSpace * half4 = new TGeoHalfSpace ("Half4", D, pD);
TGeoHalfSpace * half5 = new TGeoHalfSpace ("Half5", E, pE);
TGeoHalfSpace * half6 = new TGeoHalfSpace ("Half6", F, pF);
TGeoCompositeShape *box_shape = new TGeoCompositeShape("Box_shape2", "Half1*Half2*Half3*Half4*Half5*Half6");
TGeoVolume *box = new TGeoVolume("Box", box_shape, Compo2);
world -> AddNode(box,0);
geom -> SetVisLevel(0) ;
geom -> SetTopVolume (world) ;
geom -> CloseGeometry () ;
world -> SetVisContainers (kTRUE) ;
geom -> SetTopVisible (kFALSE) ;
world -> Draw("") ;
geom->CheckOverlaps(0.0001) ;
geom->PrintOverlaps() ;
ROOT Version: 6.18.04
_Platform: linuxx8664gcc