Browser option same does not work?

Hi ROOTers,

since a while my beloved way of overlaying plots with the “same” option or “AP/P” for graphs seems to be broken in the TBrowser. For instance, after having drawn the first histogram in a ROOT file by double-klicking I select “same” in the upper bar and then double klick on the second histogram. Nothing happens…I have to select DrawClone from the context menu and enter the option in the text field. This works but is cumbersome. I wonder…is this my ROOT version (528-00c)? It is hard to believe nobothy found this before…

Thanks already and best regards,

Hi Daniel,

This was fixed in more recent versions of ROOT. With your version, you can simply type “same” with the keyboard (instead of selecting it in the drop down list), this works.

Cheers, Bertrand.


Thanks a lot Bertrand!
