Branches and TTree:Fill()

Dear Support,
I have a silly problem. In my program I have set a tree with several branches and the program is a sequence of conditions (if) and I would like to check the Entries variation for every condition. If I call TTree:Fill() at the end of the program, I got the Entries with all the cuts and I cannot crosscheck the variation of entries condition by condition.
What should I do?

Thanks a lot in advance,

[quote]I would like to check the Entries variation for every condition.[/quote]Which ‘Entries’ do you need to check? Could you be more explicit in what you are trying to do (For example, a small representative sub-set of your code).


Dear Philippe,

here there is my code (a subset):

({…}declarations of the branches and histos)

int Bvtx   =  e.iBestPrimaryVertex();

h1[26]->Fill(Bvtx);//number of events

if(Bvtx >=0){
  const PaVertex& v = e.vVertex(Bvtx);
  int imu0 = v.InParticle();           // get beam      mu index
  int imu1 = v.iMuPrim();              // get scattered mu index
  h1[27]->Fill( (imu0!=-1)? imu1 : -1 ); //number of BPV
  if(imu0 != -1 && imu1!= -1) {
const PaParticle& Mu0   = e.vParticle(imu0);    // it's beam muon 
const PaParticle& Mu1   = e.vParticle(imu1);    // it's scattered muon
const PaTPar& ParamMu0  = Mu0.ParInVtx(Bvtx);     // fitted mu  parameters in the primary vertex
const PaTPar& ParamMu1  = Mu1.ParInVtx(Bvtx);     // fitted mu' parameters in the primary vertex
TLorentzVector LzVecMu0 = ParamMu0.LzVec(M_mu); // calculate beam      mu Lorentz vector
TLorentzVector LzVecMu1 = ParamMu1.LzVec(M_mu); // calculate scattered mu Lorentz vector

h1[28]->Fill(imu1 ); //# reconstructed muons

I would need the entries which I get, for istance, in the histos: h1[26], h1[27], h1[28].

Thanks again

Hi Elena,

Humm … This code does not seem to contain any call to TTree::Fill …!

The quantities you are looking are seems unrelated and thus you would external counters to keep track of the entries variation in the histogram. For example:[code]std::vector variation;
variation.resize( 28 ); // 28 being the highest index used

variation.clear(); // reset to zero

int Bvtx = e.iBestPrimaryVertex();

h1[26]->Fill(Bvtx);//number of events

if(Bvtx >=0){

const PaVertex& v = e.vVertex(Bvtx);
int imu0 = v.InParticle(); // get beam mu index
int imu1 = v.iMuPrim(); // get scattered mu index

h1[27]->Fill( (imu0!=-1)? imu1 : -1 ); //number of BPV

if(imu0 != -1 && imu1!= -1) {

const PaParticle& Mu0 = e.vParticle(imu0); // it’s beam muon
const PaParticle& Mu1 = e.vParticle(imu1); // it’s scattered muon
const PaTPar& ParamMu0 = Mu0.ParInVtx(Bvtx); // fitted mu parameters in the primary vertex
const PaTPar& ParamMu1 = Mu1.ParInVtx(Bvtx); // fitted mu’ parameters in the primary vertex
TLorentzVector LzVecMu0 = ParamMu0.LzVec(M_mu); // calculate beam mu Lorentz vector
TLorentzVector LzVecMu1 = ParamMu1.LzVec(M_mu); // calculate scattered mu Lorentz vector

h1[28]->Fill(imu1 ); //# reconstructed muons


Dear Philippe,

I don’t know if I got you right, in any case here there is the whole code (w/o variables declaration) with the Tree::Fill().

I’ll try what you suggest in any case.
Thank you

  tree = new TTree("USR111","User Ntuple example"); // name (has to be unique) and title of the Ntuple
    tree->Branch("Run",    &Run,    "Run/I");
    tree->Branch("Xprim",  &Xprim,  "Xprim/F");
    tree->Branch("Yprim",  &Yprim,  "Yprim/F");
    tree->Branch("Zprim",  &Zprim,  "Zprim/F");
    tree->Branch("Nout",   &Nout,   "Nout/I");
    tree->Branch("Y",      &Y,      "Y/F");
    tree->Branch("W",      &W,      "W/F");
    tree->Branch("Xf",     &Xf,     "Xf/F");
    tree->Branch("Q2",     &Q2,     "Q2/F");
    tree->Branch("Xbj",    &Xbj,    "Xbj/F");
    tree->Branch("Mmiss",  &Mmiss,  "Mmiss/F");
    tree->Branch("Df",     &Df,     "Df/F");
    tree->Branch("Ebeam",  &Ebeam,  "Ebeam/F");
    //for the cross-check
    tree->Branch("Bvtx", &Bvtx, "Bvtx/I");
    tree->Branch("imu1", &imu1, "imu1/I");
    tree->Branch("Ebeam1", &Ebeam1, "Ebeam1/F");
    tree->Branch("target", &target, "target/I");
    tree->Branch("l_pion", &l_pion, "l_pion/F");
    tree->Branch("l_kaon", &l_kaon, "l_kaon/F");
    tree->Branch("l_pro", &l_pro, "l_pro/F");
    tree->Branch("l_bg", &l_bg, "l_bg/F");

  } // end of histogram booking

  Run = e.RunNum();

  if(method == 1) { // method # 1 (starting from vertex loop)
    int Bvtx   =  e.iBestPrimaryVertex();
    h1[26]->Fill(Bvtx);//number of events
    if(Bvtx >=0){
      const PaVertex& v = e.vVertex(Bvtx);
      int imu0 = v.InParticle();           // get beam      mu index
      int imu1 = v.iMuPrim();              // get scattered mu index
      h1[27]->Fill( (imu0!=-1)? imu1 : -1 ); //number of BPV
      if(imu0 != -1 && imu1!= -1) {
	const PaParticle& Mu0   = e.vParticle(imu0);    // it's beam muon 
	const PaParticle& Mu1   = e.vParticle(imu1);    // it's scattered muon
	const PaTPar& ParamMu0  = Mu0.ParInVtx(Bvtx);     // fitted mu  parameters in the primary vertex
	const PaTPar& ParamMu1  = Mu1.ParInVtx(Bvtx);     // fitted mu' parameters in the primary vertex
	TLorentzVector LzVecMu0 = ParamMu0.LzVec(M_mu); // calculate beam      mu Lorentz vector
	TLorentzVector LzVecMu1 = ParamMu1.LzVec(M_mu); // calculate scattered mu Lorentz vector

	h1[28]->Fill(imu1 ); //# reconstructed muons
	if(LzVecMu0.E()>140 && LzVecMu0.E()<180){
	  Ebeam1= LzVecMu0.E();
	  h1[25]->Fill(LzVecMu0.E());//energy beam
	  h1[23]->Fill(v.Pos(2));//Zprim before the target cut

	  //if(PaAlgo::CrossCells(ParamMu0,Run)== true && Commented to verify the Luigi's numbers
	     if(PaAlgo::InTarget(ParamMu0,'U',Run)== true || 
	       PaAlgo::InTarget(ParamMu0,'C',Run)== true || 
	       PaAlgo::InTarget(ParamMu0,'D',Run)== true ) {
	     h1[29]->Fill(imu1);//3 of scattered muons off the target

	     // calculate some kinematic variables
	     Y   = (LzVecMu0.E()-LzVecMu1.E())/LzVecMu0.E();
	     Q2  =      PaAlgo::Q2 (LzVecMu0, LzVecMu1);
	     Xbj =      PaAlgo::xbj(LzVecMu0, LzVecMu1);
	     W   = sqrt(PaAlgo::W2 (LzVecMu0, LzVecMu1));
	     TLorentzVector q =  LzVecMu0 -  LzVecMu1; // virtual photon's 4-vector 
	     TLorentzVector p(0,0,0,M_Pr);             // proton's 4-vector (in rest) 
	     int myMask = 8 | 256;//inclusione dell'outer & middle trg 17/01/2012

	       h1[1] ->Fill(v.Pos(2));          // fill vertex Z position
	       h1[2] ->Fill(v.NOutParticles()); // histogram number of outgoing particles in the vertex
	       h1[3] ->Fill(W);                 // fill W histogarm
	       h1[5]->Fill(Mmiss);               //fill missing energy
	       h1[6]->Fill(Y);                  //fill Y
	       h1[10]->Fill(Q2);               // fill Q2 histogarm
	       h1[11]->Fill(Xbj);               // fill Xbj histogarm
	       // fill N-tuple's variables.
	       Xprim   = v.Pos(0);
	       Yprim   = v.Pos(1);
	       Zprim   = v.Pos(2);
	       if(isnan(Zprim)) cout<<"Zprim is nan (1)!"<<endl;
	       Ch2prim = v.Chi2();
	       Nout    = v.NOutParticles();
	       Ebeam= LzVecMu0.E();

	       //inserendo nuovi tagli per l'identificazione degli adroni

	        // have a look on other particles in the vertex
	       //condizione sulla coordinata z

	       PaTPar MaxMomParam; 
	       double maxP = 0; 
	       int ih=-1;

	       TLorentzVector LzVecOut(0,0,0,0); // for sum 4-vectors of all created particles  

	       for(int j = 0; j < v.NOutParticles(); j++) { // loop over outgoing particles of the vertex
		 int ip = v.iOutParticle(j);     // index of outgoing particle
		 const PaParticle& p = e.vParticle(ip);
		 const PaTrack& t= e.vTrack(ip) ;//reference to track ip
		 float zfirst = t.ZFirst();
		 float zlast = t.ZLast();
		 float xx0 = t.XX0();
		  if(zfirst<350 && zlast>350 && xx0<15){


		    if(p.IsMuPrim()) continue;      // skip mu'
		    const PaTPar& param   = p.ParInVtx(Bvtx);
		    LzVecOut += param.LzVec(M_pi);  // add 4-vector to sum
		    if(param.Mom() > maxP) { // search max. mom. particle
		      maxP = param.Mom();
		      MaxMomParam = param;
		      TLorentzVector q =  LzVecMu0 -  LzVecMu1; // virtual photon's 4-vector 
		      TLorentzVector p(0,0,0,M_Pr);             // proton's 4-vector (in rest) 
		      double Mx2    =  (LzVecMu0 + p - (LzVecMu1+LzVecOut)).M2(); 
		      Mmiss  = (Mx2 - M_Pr*M_Pr)/(2*M_Pr);
		      if(ih != -1) { // "leading" hadron had found
			TLorentzVector LzVecHadron = MaxMomParam.LzVec(M_pi);  
			z= LzVecHadron.E()/(LzVecMu0.E()-LzVecMu1.E());//hadron fraction momentum

			if(z>0.2 && z<0.85){
			  Xf = PaAlgo::Xf(LzVecMu0, LzVecMu1, LzVecHadron);
			  h1[4]->Fill(Xf); // fill Xf of hardron
			  h1[30]->Fill(z); //fill hadron fraction momentum
			  PaPid id;
			    l_pion = id.GetLike(0,e.vTrack(ip));//pion LH
			    l_kaon = id.GetLike(1,e.vTrack(ip));//kaon LH
  			    l_pro  = id.GetLike(2,e.vTrack(ip));//proton LH
			    l_bg   = id.GetLike(5,e.vTrack(ip));//background LH
			    h1[31]->Fill(id.LikePid(e.vTrack(ip))); //fill unidentified hadrons
			    PaTPar Hout;//cosi' nn funziona

			      if(Hout.Theta()>10 || Hout.Theta()<120){

			    if(l_pion>l_bg && l_pion>l_kaon && l_pion>l_pro)
				h1[32]->Fill(l_pion); //fill pion LH value
			    if(l_kaon>1.24*l_bg && l_kaon>1.02*l_pion && l_kaon>l_pro)
				h1[33]->Fill(l_kaon);//fill kaon LH value
			    tree->Fill(); // store Ntuple entry.
			      }//theta_rich condition
			    }//extraploated track for getting theta
			  }//chechrichinfo condition
			}//condizione su energia hadron
		      }//condizione sulla z e sulla radiation length
		    }//loop ih!=-1

	     }//if del trg mask
	       Phast::Ref().h_file = tree->GetCurrentFile(); // "refresh" pointer to histogram file
	   }//condizione in target
	}//condizione sul fascio

      }//condizione sui muoni entranti e uscenti

    }//conteggio dei Bvtx

  }//chiude il metodo 1
  if(Q2 > 0.01) e.TagToSave();


for(int j = 0; j < v.NOutParticles(); j++) { // loop over outgoing particles of the vertex ..... tree->Fill(); // store Ntuple entry. }//theta_rich condition }//extraploated track for getting theta }//chechrichinfo condition }//condizione su energia hadron }//condizione sulla z e sulla radiation length }//loop ih!=-1 }//param.Mom()>maxP }//loop Are you intentionally creating ‘one’ TTree entry per particles? This is unusual; typically it is one entry per event contains arrays/vectors holding multiple particles …
