
please i have one tree and branch and these branches has leafs one of them in a form of branch
i can make tree, branch and leafs except which is in a form of branch
please if you can just to give me the command that make this with thanks [-o<

please if you can just to give me the command that make this [-o<[/quote]
Just 2 comments:

Please post to the Support Forum if you need help with something.

Please try to improve your posts so they become easier to understand for
non-native speakers. Most of us here use English as a second language and at
least I have a hard time understanding your particular problem. Making
unintelligible post with a request for help in the end is very selfish since
anybody trying to help you will need to do a lot of extra work to get to the
root of your problem, and also such a post is unlikely to be useful to
anybody having a similar problem.

please forgive me really i’m sorry i was think that’s i was clear in my questions thanks for your advice =D>