I’m trying to make a script that renames a bunch of branches in a tree. Most of the branches are std::vector<some_type>, but one is just an unsigned int (“RunNumber” in the below). This code works for all the vector-type branches:
// Open file and rename some branches
TFile * output_file = new TFile(output_filename.c_str(),"UPDATE");
TTree *tree = (TTree*)output_file->Get(tree_name.c_str());
std::vector<std::string> final_names = {"main_track_nominal_nothadron","main_track_nominal_notmuon","stable_track_nominal_nothadron","main_track_validation_nothadron","main_track_validation_notmuon","stable_track_validation_nothadron"}; //,"RunNumber"};
for (auto out_name : final_names) {
std::string in_name = out_name + "_new";
auto branch = tree->GetBranch(in_name.c_str());
But if I include RunNumber in the list, the final tree doesn’t seem to have the branch named correctly (there’s no title):
*Br 18 :RunNumber : UInt_t *
*Entries : 632573 : Total Size= 2532527 bytes File Size = 25207 *
*Baskets : 18 : Basket Size= 339968 bytes Compression= 100.44 *
I excluded RunNumber and instead added this code, which includes the type in SetTitle:
auto branch = tree->GetBranch("RunNumber_new");
In both cases, running my RDataFrame-based code on the output root file crashes with the error:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): Unknown column: RunNumber
I can open the root files interactively and look at the contents of RunNumber: they can be displayed in a TTree and are correctly filled. Any idea what I’m doing wrong that my DataFrame can’t interpret the branch?
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