Branch not filled when running on PROOF

I am running an analysis code that fills trees as output.
One of the branches is a vector<vector >, and when I run locally I get:
Error in TTree::Branch: The class requested (vector<vector >) for the branch “TRFChosenTag_ex” refer to an stl collection and do not have a compiled CollectionProxy. Please generate the dictionary for this class (vector<vector >)

I added: gInterpreter->GenerateDictionary(“vector<vector >”,“vector”);
in the class and it runs fine locally (the branch is filled) but when I run on proof the branch is not filled:
00:38:06 27160 Wrk-0.2 | Error in TTree::Branch: The class requested (vector<vector >) for the branch “TRFChosenTag_ex” refer to an stl collection and do not have a compiled CollectionProxy. Please generate the dictionary for this class (vector<vector >)

I tried removing the gInterpreter and adding to the LinkDef.h
#pragma link C++ class std::vector<std::vector >+;
but it doesn’t help locally nor on proof.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Sorry for the late reply.
If you still have this problem you can have a look at the new PROOF tutorial ‘stdvec’ in the trunk.
The new selector is attached to this post.
You should be able to use it like this:

// Create the files and make a dataset 'TestStdVect' with them
root[] proof->Process("ProofStdVect.C+", 100000, "create")
// Run over dataset 'TestStdVect'
root[] proof->Process("TestStdVect", "ProofStdVect.C+")

Hope it helps,

G. Ganis
ProofStdVect.h (2.45 KB)
ProofStdVect.C (9.47 KB)