Bexec() in benchmarks.C

:slight_smile: What is the function bexec() which is used in the tutorial benchmarks.C? It seems that it does the same as gROOT->ProcessLine()? I cannot find documentation about it. Thanks in advance

Hi Gentit,
see $ROOTSYS/tutorials/rootalias.C

void bexec(char *macro)
if (gROOT->IsBatch()) printf(“Processing benchmark: %s\n”,macro);
TPaveText summary = (TPaveText)bench->GetPrimitive(“TPave”);
TText *tmacro = summary->GetLineWith(macro);
if (tmacro) tmacro->SetTextColor(4);
bench->Modified(); bench->Update();


TPaveText summary2 = (TPaveText)bench->GetPrimitive(“TPave”);
TText *tmacro2 = summary2->GetLineWith(macro);
if (tmacro2) tmacro2->SetTextColor(2);
bench->Modified(); bench->Update();

Regards. Valeriy