Best way to start developing a GUI in ROOT

Hello (again) all,

I have a more conceptual question in regard to TEve and GUI.

I have a TEve application with my geometry working well. What I’d like to do is to customise my user interface by adding some functionalities, something (even if vaguely) similar to this well known image from Alice (if I’m not wrong).

The question is: should I start by customising my TEve application in order to have my functionalities? Or should I start by building a GUI “from scratch”?

In case it is the latter, how can I implement a TEve window in my GUI code? I have searched a lot in the GUI tutorials, but there’s no case where the TEve is implemented.

Thanks in advance.

_ROOT Version: 6.26
_Platform: GNU/Linux - conda environment
_Compiler: GCC 10.4.0


I add in the loop @linev and @bellenot who might have useful insights.


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If you plan to build new event display - I recommend to check REve and its tutorials in tutorials/eve7. Here screenshot of running event_demo.C macro:

It is web-based application which provides similar functionality as original Eve but in web browsers. More details about the REve project can be provided by @matevz and @alja.


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Hi Igi,

I’m adding here an information about web base Eve (REve) which uses openui5 toolkit [1].

An example of custom REve application is available in git:

git clone
cd EveWebApp
root.exe pointTest.C

The applications is based on modifying and extending existing REve controllers.

Let me know if you have any questions related to the web applications.


[1]OpenUI5 SDK - Demo Kit

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