BadDrawable with drag_and_drop.C


I tried the ‘drag_and_drop.C’ macro from the gui tutorial with root 5.27 and when dragging the ‘Rose’ to a pad,
the complete screen gets frozen with the following message:

Error in : BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) (XID: 119538025, XREQ: 70)

The other ‘objects’ (Graph, 1D Hist, and 2D Hist) work fine.

Thank You,

Bertrand Roessli


I’ll add a protection in drag_and_drop.C, but for the time being, to avoid the problem, make sure you have this file: [color=#BF0000]$(ROOTSYS)/tutorials/image/rose512.jpg[/color]

Cheers, Bertrand.