Background PyROOT automatically stops

I would like to run a PyRoot process in the background that gives me a TBrowser. All the following examples run fine when called as$>python script.pyThe problems only show up when using$>python &The following script runs fine when started normally:

import ROOT,time,sys

infiles=[ROOT.TFile.Open(name) for name in sys.argv[1:]]


while tbrowse:

However, if I start it as a background process it gets stopped somehow.

I have been able to reduce the problem to the following:
This runs (and keeps messing with my command line):

import time while 1: time.sleep(1) print "Still here"
This doesn’t run and get’s stopped immediately:

import time, ROOT while 1: time.sleep(1) print "Still here"


I can’t reproduce the problem, but generally speaking I don’t understand how you expect a background process to work with a graphical interface.


If you can’t reproduce the problem then it’s probably specific to OSX (maybe I should have mentioned that I’m running on mac).

However, I don’t see why the background-ness should stop the process from displaying graphics. In my understanding running something in the background merely means that it isn’t attached to my terminal, after all that’s exactly how I start emacs and other programs from the command line.


no, I’m running on a Mac as well, so I don’t think that’s it. Also, the background process isn’t detached in your case, or it would not be able to print to the terminal … As for emacs, it’s programmed to behave that way: if you run it with -nw it’ll get suspended just as much as it is expecting stdout at that point. Of course, if you don’t actually care about the terminal at all, simply close stdin/out and from there things should work. You can either do that explicitly in python, but best is not to have any terminal stdout/in in the first place, so execute from the shell in a way that does not open them:$ python < &

Ok, your suggestion worked. But since I still want to use other command line options I’m actually doing

os.close(0) #closes stdin at the C-levelbofore importing ROOT.
This fixes it. I now have nice script called rootbrowse which can run in the background. Here it is if anyone is interested:[code]import os, sys, time

def main():
os.close(0) #close stdin
import ROOT

infiles=[ROOT.TFile.Open(name) for name in sys.argv[1:]]

    while tbrowse:
except KeyboardInterrupt,e:
    print ""

if name == “main”: