Attempting to run a c++ script in root

Hello, I’m entirely new to root and to c++, but I understand that root works primarily on c++.
I have therefore written a script in c++ that works, compiles and runs, and am now trying to run it in root.
I dont know whether this is possible or not, or whether I would need to change various library types that I use but the code is below and any help with getting it running in root would be great.
The code basically takes input from a file written for a different display language, scans it for keywords and then takes the appropriate values from the file and at the moment simply prints them to screen. Eventually I would like to be able to make a histogram for each of the data collections and then produce a root tree, (possibly with tuples of the data attached) containing all of the histograms.
Many Thanks for any help.
Geoff Herbert.

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>

//using namespace std;
//int main()

void histogram2()

const string ws = " \t"; //going to be used to test input

string filename = ""; //will need to obtain this from elsewhere eventually
const char* filenamechar = filename.c_str();
ifstream inwards; //initialise the opening if the file;
if( !inwards.good() ) //test to see if the file can be opened
	cerr << "Cannot open the file: \"" << filename+"\"!" << endl;
	abort(); //if it can't then print an error and abort

//initialise the variables
string line("");
string title_a("");
string title_b("");
string title_c("");
string title_d("");
string left_title("");
string top_title("");
string bottom_title("");
string lower_x_limit("");
string upper_x_limit("");
string scale("");
string limits("");
float number1;
float number2;
float number3;
int new_plot_switch = 0;
int loc_0;
int loc_1;
int loc_2;
int loc_3;
int loc_4;
int loc_5;
int loc_6;
int loc_7;
int loc_8;
int loc_9;
int loc_10;
int loc_11;
int loc_12;
int loc_13;
int title_counter = 0;
int begin_hist = 0;
int end_hist = 0;

while( getline(inwards, line)) { //whilst there are still lines from the file to read
//	line=""; //initialise line to be empty
//	inwards >> line; //take the line from the file
//	cout << "line inputted: " << line << endl; //print the inputted line to the screen

	std::string::size_type loc_0 = line.find_first_not_of(ws); // find the first non whitespace element
	if(std::string::npos == loc_0) //if the line is empty then just continue
	else //If the line has text, then erase all whitespace up to that text
        line.erase(0, loc_0);

	// Find the location of all the important strings if they're there
	loc_1 = line.find( "SCALE", 0 );
	loc_2 = line.find( "TITLE", 0 );
	loc_3 = line.find( "SET LIMITS", 0);
	loc_4 = line.find( "title", 0);
	loc_5 = line.find( "BEGIN HIST", 0);
	loc_6 = line.find( "END HIST", 0);
	loc_7 = line.find( "NEW PLOT", 0);	
	//test to see if anything interesting has been found
	if (std::string::npos != loc_1) //If the line contains the y-axis scale
		scale = line.substr(12); //extract just the scale used
		continue; //Once this line has been identified then we can move on with the next line 
	else if (std::string::npos != loc_2) //If the line contains one of the TITLES
		loc_8 = line.find( "TOP", 0); //find the location of all the relevant strings
		loc_9 = line.find( "BOTTOM", 0);
		loc_10 = line.find( "LEFT", 0);
		loc_11 = line.find( "SET TITLE", 0);
		if (std::string::npos != loc_8) //If the line contains the TITLE TOP
			top_title = line.substr(10);
		else if (std::string::npos != loc_9) //If the line contains the TITLE BOTTOM
			bottom_title = line.substr(13);
		else if (std::string::npos != loc_10) //If the line contains the TITLE LEFT
			left_title = line.substr(11);
		else if (std::string::npos != loc_11) //If the title doesnt contain anything interesting
			if (title_counter == 1)				
				title_a = line.substr(14);
			else if (title_counter == 2)
				title_b = line.substr(14);
				title_c = line.substr(14);
				title_counter = 0;
	else if (std::string::npos != loc_3)//If the line contains the limits of the x-axis
		limits = line.substr(16);
		loc_12 = limits.find_last_of(ws);
		loc_13 = limits.find_first_of(ws);
        line.erase(0, loc_0);
		lower_x_limit = limits;
		lower_x_limit.erase(loc_13, lower_x_limit.length());
		upper_x_limit = limits;
		upper_x_limit.erase(0, loc_12+1);
	else if (std::string::npos != loc_4) //If the line contains the title
		title_d = line.substr(23);
	else if (std::string::npos != loc_5) //If the line contains the BEGIN HIST marker
		cout << "x\ty\tdy" << endl;
			getline(inwards, line);
			std::istringstream streamer(line);
			loc_6 = line.find( "END HIST", 0);
			if (std::string::npos != loc_6) //If the line contains the END HIST marker
			streamer >> number1;
			streamer >> number2;
			streamer >> number3;
			cout << number1 << "\t" << number2 << "\t" << number3 << endl;
	else if (std::string::npos != loc_7) //If the line contains the NEW PLOT marker
		new_plot_switch = 1;
		cout << "Histogram Title A: " << title_a << endl;
		cout << "Histogram Title B: " << title_b << endl;
		cout << "Histogram Title C: " << title_c << endl;
		cout << "Histogram Title D: " << title_d << endl;
		cout << "Histogram Top Title: " << top_title << endl;
		cout << "Histogram Left Title: " << left_title << endl;
		cout << "Histogram Bottom Title: " << bottom_title << endl;
		cout << "Histogram Scale: " << scale << endl;
		cout << "Lower x-axis limit: " << lower_x_limit << endl;
		cout << "Upper x-axis limit " << upper_x_limit << endl;
		cout << "\n" << endl;
	else //Its a line that I dont care about
return 0;

NB, the code will compile and run correctly if you un-comment out the two lines:
//using namespace std;
//int main()

and instead comment out
void histogram2()

Currently the error that I recieve is:
root [2] .x histogram2.C
Error: ws already declared as different type. ~string() called
*** Interpreter error recovered ***

As I said above, I am entirely new to root and so any pointers on what might not be possible in root would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


unfortunately, CINT has an implicit “using namespace std” built in. There is a ws defined in std, and your local variable clashes with that. Simply use a different variable name.

Cheers, Axel.

Thanks Axel, That’s great.