Armadillo functions not working through Cling

I’ve been trying to use Cling for the last week or so, and while C and C++ code seems to work just fine, I found some issues when trying to incorporate some additional libraries to use in my C++ code through Cling.

Armadillo is one of those, I have the exact same code for both the Cling-ran C++ code, and a compiled binary which uses the exact same code, with the only difference being the #! /usr/bin/cling line at the very beginning of the one ran through Cling.

Here’s the example code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <armadillo>

using namespace std;
using namespace arma;

int a = 1;
vec z = vec(3);
mat A = mat(5,4);
ofstream test;

// Start code
int main(void)
	cout << "\nHello World!\n";
	test << z << "\n";
	test << z.t() << "\n";
	test << A.randu() << "\n";
	cout << A.randu() << "\n";
	cout << A << "\n";

What this does is create a size 3 vector, and a size 5,4 matrix.
Trying to print out the matrix and vector by themselves (initialized as 0s) does work through Cling, but the very moment I try using A.randu() or any other Armadillo function to fill or work with the matrix/vector, Cling errors out and refuses to print the matrix/vector. I’m running the .cpp as an executable with the added #! /usr/bin/cling line at the beginning of it, and then running it in terminal as follows:

$ ./hello.cpp -larmadillo

Trying to print out the A matrix alone works with Cling, but using A.randu() throws the following on terminal:

ERROR in cling::CIFactory::createCI(): cannot extract standard library include paths!
  LC_ALL=C ccache  -O2 -DNDEBUG -xc++ -E -v /dev/null 2>&1 | sed -n -e '/^.include/,${' -e '/^ \/.*++/p' -e '}'
Results was:
With exit code 0
Warning in cling::IncrementalParser::CheckABICompatibility():
  Possible C++ standard library mismatch, compiled with __GLIBCXX__ '20200723'
  Extraction of runtime standard library version was: '20240210'
IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol '__emutls_v._ZN4arma19mt19937_64_instanceE' unresolved while linking [cling interface function]!

For reference, compiling the exact same hello.cpp file with g++ with g++ hello-comp.cpp -o hello-comp -larmadillo does print out the matrix with the .randu() function added into it properly, both in terminal and in the hello.txt file. It’s only through Cling that it doesn’t print them out with the random values.

I was wondering if someone might know why this is happening, since I’m using the exact same code I compiled for Cling, and I added armadillo as a proper loaded library.

It’s worth noting that z.t() does work, but it simply transposes the 0s filled vertical vector to a 0s filled horizontal vector.

Thanks in advance!


Seems like you compiled armadillo with a different C++ standard. How did you get armadillo and ROOT?

Any library that you use in the ROOT interpreter needs to be compiled with the same C++ standard as ROOT itself:


Seems like adding the following line at the very start of the code makes the Armadillo functions work properly:


I think that pretty much covers Armadillo, at least from my initial test.
Now what I’m having trouble with is trying to use gnuplot-iostream with Cling:

In file included from input_line_8:1:
In file included from ./gnuplot-iostream.h:81:
In file included from /usr/include/boost/filesystem.hpp:16:
In file included from /usr/include/boost/filesystem/path.hpp:21:
In file included from /usr/include/boost/filesystem/detail/path_traits.hpp:25:
In file included from /usr/include/boost/system/error_category.hpp:11:
In file included from /usr/include/boost/system/detail/error_category_impl.hpp:15:
/usr/include/boost/system/detail/error_code.hpp:590:33: error: conversion function from 'boost::system::error_code' to 'const std::error_code' invokes a deleted function
            std::error_code e2( *this );
/usr/include/boost/system/detail/error_code.hpp:579:5: note: 'operator error_code' has been explicitly marked deleted here
    operator std::error_code ()
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/13/include/g++-v13/system_error:245:33: note: passing argument to parameter here
    error_code(const error_code&) = default;
In file included from input_line_8:1:
./gnuplot-iostream.h:155:23: warning: variable templates are a C++14 extension [-Wc++14-extensions]
static constexpr bool dont_treat_as_stl_container = false;
./gnuplot-iostream.h:159:23: warning: variable templates are a C++14 extension [-Wc++14-extensions]
static constexpr bool is_like_stl_container = false;
./gnuplot-iostream.h:162:48: error: no template named 'void_t' in namespace 'std'; did you mean 'boost::void_t'?
static constexpr bool is_like_stl_container<T, std::void_t<
/usr/include/boost/type_traits/make_void.hpp:25:1: note: 'boost::void_t' declared here
using void_t = typename make_void<Ts...>::type;
In file included from input_line_8:1:
./gnuplot-iostream.h:168:55: warning: static_assert with no message is a C++17 extension [-Wc++17-extensions]
static_assert( is_like_stl_container<std::vector<int>>);
                                                      , ""
./gnuplot-iostream.h:169:42: warning: static_assert with no message is a C++17 extension [-Wc++17-extensions]
                                         , ""
./gnuplot-iostream.h:173:23: warning: variable templates are a C++14 extension [-Wc++14-extensions]
static constexpr bool is_like_stl_container2 = false;
./gnuplot-iostream.h:176:49: error: no template named 'void_t' in namespace 'std'; did you mean 'boost::void_t'?
static constexpr bool is_like_stl_container2<T, std::void_t<
/usr/include/boost/type_traits/make_void.hpp:25:1: note: 'boost::void_t' declared here
using void_t = typename make_void<Ts...>::type;
In file included from input_line_8:1:
./gnuplot-iostream.h:183:23: warning: variable templates are a C++14 extension [-Wc++14-extensions]
static constexpr bool is_boost_tuple_nulltype =
./gnuplot-iostream.h:184:10: error: no template named 'is_same_v' in namespace 'std'; did you mean 'is_same'?
    std::is_same_v<T, boost::tuples::null_type>;
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/13/include/g++-v13/type_traits:1393:12: note: 'is_same' declared here
    struct is_same
In file included from input_line_8:1:
./gnuplot-iostream.h:184:48: error: expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction
    std::is_same_v<T, boost::tuples::null_type>;
./gnuplot-iostream.h:183:23: error: constexpr variable declaration must be a definition
static constexpr bool is_boost_tuple_nulltype =
./gnuplot-iostream.h:186:15: note: in instantiation of variable template specialization 'gnuplotio::is_boost_tuple_nulltype<boost::tuples::null_type>' requested here
./gnuplot-iostream.h:186:64: warning: static_assert with no message is a C++17 extension [-Wc++17-extensions]
                                                               , ""
./gnuplot-iostream.h:186:15: error: static_assert expression is not an integral constant expression
./gnuplot-iostream.h:189:23: warning: variable templates are a C++14 extension [-Wc++14-extensions]
static constexpr bool is_boost_tuple = false;
./gnuplot-iostream.h:192:41: error: no template named 'void_t' in namespace 'std'; did you mean 'boost::void_t'?
static constexpr bool is_boost_tuple<T, std::void_t<
/usr/include/boost/type_traits/make_void.hpp:25:1: note: 'boost::void_t' declared here
using void_t = typename make_void<Ts...>::type;
In file included from input_line_8:1:
./gnuplot-iostream.h:197:49: warning: static_assert with no message is a C++17 extension [-Wc++17-extensions]
static_assert( is_boost_tuple<boost::tuple<int>>);
                                                , ""
./gnuplot-iostream.h:197:16: error: static_assert expression is not an integral constant expression
static_assert( is_boost_tuple<boost::tuple<int>>);
./gnuplot-iostream.h:183:23: error: constexpr variable declaration must be a definition
static constexpr bool is_boost_tuple_nulltype =
./gnuplot-iostream.h:195:51: note: in instantiation of variable template specialization 'gnuplotio::is_boost_tuple_nulltype<boost::tuples::cons<int, boost::tuples::null_type> >'
      requested here
    >> = is_boost_tuple<typename T::tail_type> || is_boost_tuple_nulltype<typename T::tail_type>;
./gnuplot-iostream.h:198:16: note: in instantiation of variable template specialization 'gnuplotio::is_boost_tuple<boost::tuples::tuple<int, int, boost::tuples::null_type,
      boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type,
      boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type>, void>' requested here
static_assert( is_boost_tuple<boost::tuple<int, int>>);
./gnuplot-iostream.h:195:10: error: constexpr variable 'is_boost_tuple<boost::tuples::tuple<int, int, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type,
      boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type>, void>' must
      be initialized by a constant expression
    >> = is_boost_tuple<typename T::tail_type> || is_boost_tuple_nulltype<typename T::tail_type>;
./gnuplot-iostream.h:198:16: note: in instantiation of variable template specialization 'gnuplotio::is_boost_tuple<boost::tuples::tuple<int, int, boost::tuples::null_type,
      boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type,
      boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type>, void>' requested here
static_assert( is_boost_tuple<boost::tuple<int, int>>);
./gnuplot-iostream.h:198:54: warning: static_assert with no message is a C++17 extension [-Wc++17-extensions]
static_assert( is_boost_tuple<boost::tuple<int, int>>);
                                                     , ""
./gnuplot-iostream.h:198:16: error: static_assert expression is not an integral constant expression
static_assert( is_boost_tuple<boost::tuple<int, int>>);
./gnuplot-iostream.h:198:16: note: initializer of 'is_boost_tuple<boost::tuples::tuple<int, int, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type,
      boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type>, void>' is not
      a constant expression
./gnuplot-iostream.h:192:23: note: declared here
static constexpr bool is_boost_tuple<T, std::void_t<
./gnuplot-iostream.h:199:47: warning: static_assert with no message is a C++17 extension [-Wc++17-extensions]
                                              , ""
./gnuplot-iostream.h:200:52: warning: static_assert with no message is a C++17 extension [-Wc++17-extensions]
static_assert(!is_boost_tuple<std::tuple<int, int>>);
                                                   , ""
./gnuplot-iostream.h:575:19: error: no type named 'enable_if_t' in namespace 'std'
    typename std::enable_if_t<is_boost_tuple<T>>
./gnuplot-iostream.h:588:19: error: no type named 'enable_if_t' in namespace 'std'
    typename std::enable_if_t<is_boost_tuple<T>>
./gnuplot-iostream.h:601:19: error: no type named 'enable_if_t' in namespace 'std'
    typename std::enable_if_t<is_boost_tuple<T>>
./gnuplot-iostream.h:805:33: error: no template named 'conditional_t' in namespace 'std'; did you mean 'boost::conditional_t'?
    using value_type = typename std::conditional_t<is_container, Error_InappropriateDeref, TV>;
/usr/include/boost/type_traits/conditional.hpp:21:40: note: 'boost::conditional_t' declared here
   template <bool b, class T, class U> using conditional_t = typename conditional<b, T, U>::type;
In file included from input_line_8:1:
./gnuplot-iostream.h:837:19: error: no type named 'enable_if_t' in namespace 'std'
    typename std::enable_if_t<is_like_stl_container<T>>
./gnuplot-iostream.h:849:19: error: no type named 'enable_if_t' in namespace 'std'
    typename std::enable_if_t<is_like_stl_container2<T>>
./gnuplot-iostream.h:948:19: error: no type named 'enable_if_t' in namespace 'std'
    typename std::enable_if_t<
fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]

Compiling the same code normally with g++ does work without any errors, it’s only through Cling that these appear.
Should I open a new thread for the gnuplot errors or can I continue in this one?

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