Anti Aliasing with EVE

Hi Experts

Is it possible to enable anti-aliasing(AA) in EVE or in the standard GL viewer. In particular I would like to on AA for the objects TEveArrow or the TPolyLine3D.

I wish to make some high quality images but the blockyness of lines is making hard to decipher some features.



Hi Anthony,

There are several options.

  1. static function in TEveLine: void SetDefaultSmooth(Bool_t r)
    This will affect eve-lines and eve-tracks so use this instead of TPolyLine3D.

  2. In GL viewer there are two methods:
    void SetSmoothPoints(Bool_t s);
    void SetSmoothLines(Bool_t s);
    The controls are also available in GL viewer GUI – checkbox next to
    line-width scale in “Style” tab.

  3. Make a high resolution image using TGLViewer::SavePictureScale() and
    then apply gaussian blur in gimp/photoshop.

Let me know how it goes … I can add the smooth option also to TEveArrow.


Hi Matevz,

I upgraded the latest dev version of root and all the features you describe now work. Thank you very much for help. Adding smooth option to TEveArrow would be nice.

Thanks you again,


Hi Anthony,

I looked into smooth arrows – turns out the arrows are drawn with polygons and implementing anti-aliasing for polygons is quite cumbersome for particular cases. A better solution is to make 2 or 4 render passes and do full-scene anti-aliasing. This could then be used to produce images or to enable it by default in gl-viewer.

I’ll do that as soon as I get some time.
