Adding Branch into Branch

Dear all,
I am trying to reproduce structure of the file AliVSD.root found in the example files, I have some problem in the creation of branches when one is contained into another, in attachments my attempt to fill such a Tree.
The error I get:

Error: Can’t call prova::prova() in current scope buildtree5.C:16:
Possible candidates are…
(in prova)
Error in TClass::BuildRealData: Cannot find any ShowMembers function for prova!
Warning in TStreamerInfo::Build:: prova: ciao has no streamer or dictionary, data member “myciao” will not be saved
Error in TClass::BuildRealData: Cannot find any ShowMembers function for ciao!
*** Interpreter error recovered ***
buildtree.h (241 Bytes)
buildtree5.C (449 Bytes)


You need to compile and generate the dictionary for your custom class, which in you case is a simple as using

 #include <buildtree.h+>

yes note the unusual trailing + … this will only work when your script is process via CINT.


PS. Do not use TDirectoryFile directly use TFile::mkdir instead.
