Accessing directories using tdataframe

I tried to analyze some root files using the chain feature and TDataFrame.

Since I have a directory tree, I use the command:

TChain chain(“ntuple/nt”);

Up to root 6.08 I could just chain the root files together and then perform my analysis. Everything worked as expected.

Now using 6.09.02 and the new feature TDataFrame, I do the following:

i) chain the root files the same way as described above.
ii) ROOT::Experimental::TDataFrame dataFrame(chain);
iii) auto selected = Select(dataFrame); // some cuts
iv) auto h1x = selected.Histo1D(“x”);
v) h1x->Draw(“AL”);

When executing the file, I get the following error:

Warning in TTreeReader::SetEntryBase(): The current tree in the TChain ntuple/nt2 has changed (e.g. by TTree::Process) even though TTreeReader::SetEntry() was called, which switched the tree again. Did you mean to call TTreeReader::SetLocalEntry()?
Error in TTreeReaderValueBase::CreateProxy(): The branch x contains data of type double. It cannot be accessed by a TTreeReaderValue

I certainly can change the variable “x” from double to float before filling the tree, but was does the warning message mean? How do I deal with directories using chains?

Any help or additional information is highly appreciated.


Hi Wolfgang,

@Danilo reported a failure like that to me. I’ll have to debug this - that seems to be a problem with the TTreeReader / TDataFrame interaction… We’ll let you know once that’s fixed!


HI Wolfgang,

thanks for the feedback: as @Axel says, we are on it.
If it is possible in your case, could you check if the TDataFrame constructor which takes in input a glob has the same effect?


Hi Danilo,
OK, if I add the directory in the in the constructor, the error message disappears. However, now I get:

Error in TFile::TFile: file ntuple does not exist
Error in TTreeReaderValueBase::CreateProxy(): The tree does not have a branch called x. You could check with TTree::Print() for available branches.

Here is what I did:

 ROOT::Experimental::TDataFrame dataFrame("nt2","ntuple");

  long int nentries = (long int)chain.GetEntries();
  cout << "Total number of initial events: " << nentries << endl;   // no complaints up to here

  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas();

  auto h1x = selected.Histo1D<double>(TH1F("h1x", "x",40,-6,6), "x");
  //  auto h1x = selected.Histo1D<double>("x");


The error message is related to the Draw command.

As always, any help is highly appreciated.

Thanks a lot,

Hi Wolfgang,

I think the file(s) are not defined correctly. How are they called? With the present invocation you are looking for a file called “ntuple” while perhaps what you wanted is “ntuple*.root”


Hi Danilo,
Yes, I am sure I don’t access the files properly. Here is what I do:

TChain chain("ntuple/nt2");

std::string DataDir = "/Users/korsch/data/rootfiles/" std::string Run = "Run" + itos(run) +  "/";
  std::string datafile("");
  const int nfiles(12);

for(int i=0; i<nfile; i++){
    datafile = DataDir + Run + "SomeName" + itos(i) + ".root";

 ROOT::Experimental::TDataFrame dataFrame("nt2","ntuple");
  long int nentries = (long int)chain.GetEntries();
  cout << "Total number of initial events: " << nentries << endl;

  auto selected = Select(dataFrame); // cuts
  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas();
  auto h1x = selected.Histo1D<double>(TH1F("h1x", "x",40,-6,6), "x");
  //  auto h1x = selected.Histo1D<double>("x");


This yields the error message I posted in my previous note.

I would like to access a tree (ntuple) in a directory after I chained multiple files together.
It’s clear that there is something wrong in the way how I do it.

Thanks a lot for your help,


Still unsolved?

We don’t see an error on our side, so let’s try to understand your actual issue. There are two - one is due to the Histo1D which should be a Histo1F because the branch x contains floats. That one was easy :slight_smile:

Now the second one: I’m a bit lost - there seems to be more than what I can read out of your posts (e.g. your chain set of with DataDir + Run + "SomeName" + ... isn’t used in the setup of the TDataFrame).

Can you create a stand-alone reproducer of what you are doing? Or share a single file that we then copy 12 times - anything that allows us to reproduce the issue you have?


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