ROOT Version: 6.12 and 6.14
Platform: Linux and Macintosh
Compiler: gcc 6.4 and clang 8.0
I have a problem using RDataFrame::Histo2D. Here’s a simple example, derived from
void fill_tree(const char *treeName, const char *fileName)
ROOT::RDataFrame d(10);
int i(0);
d.Define("b1", [&i]() { return (double)i; })
[&i]() {
auto j = i * i;
return j;
.Snapshot(treeName, fileName);
int histo2dtest()
auto fileName = "df001_introduction.root";
auto treeName = "myTree";
fill_tree(treeName, fileName);
ROOT::RDataFrame d(treeName, fileName);
auto hist1 = d.Histo1D("b1");
auto hist2 = d.Histo1D("b2");
auto hist3 = d.Histo2D("b1","b2");
auto canvas1 = new TCanvas();
auto canvas2 = new TCanvas();
auto canvas3 = new TCanvas();
When I try to compile this in ROOT 6.14 on my Mac, I get the error that I quote below. Before you dismiss this as a macports problem: I get the same compilation error running ROOT 6.12.06 on a Linux system, substituting “ROOT::Experimental::TDataFrame” for “ROOT::RDataFrame”.
Is there some obvious mistake I’m making? I’ve tried Histo2D in several different contexts (PyROOT, Jupyter, different TTrees, two different ROOT versions, two different OSes) and always get the same error. I’d attribute this to some syntax error on my part, except that the only other ROOT forum post that mentions Histo2D uses the same syntax.
Macintosh, ROOT 6.14, clang 8:
root [0]
Processing Histo2DTest.C...
In file included from input_line_10:1:
/Users/seligman/Downloads/Histo2DTest.C:27:19: error: no matching member function for call to 'Histo2D'
auto hist3 = d.Histo2D("b1","b2");
/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_root6/root6/work/build/include/ROOT/RDFInterface.hxx:848:23: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'const char [3]' to 'const ROOT::RDF::TH2DModel' for 1st argument
RResultPtr<::TH2D> Histo2D(const TH2DModel &model, std::string_view v1Name = "", std::string_view v2Name = "")
/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_root6/root6/work/build/include/ROOT/RDFInterface.hxx:881:4: note: candidate function template not viable: requires 4 arguments, but 2 were provided
Histo2D(const TH2DModel &model, std::string_view v1Name, std::string_view v2Name, std::string_view wName)
/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_science_root6/root6/work/build/include/ROOT/RDFInterface.hxx:899:23: note: candidate function template not viable: requires single argument 'model', but 2 arguments were provided
RResultPtr<::TH2D> Histo2D(const TH2DModel &model)
ROOT 6.12.06, Linux, GCC 6.4:
root [0]
Processing Histo2Dtest.C...
In file included from input_line_10:1:
/nevis/tanya/home/seligman/review/Histo2Dtest.C:27:18: error: no matching member function for call to 'Histo2D'
auto hist3 = d.Histo2D("b1","b2");
/usr/nevis/src/root-6.12.06-build/include/ROOT/TDFInterface.hxx:1057:25: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'const char [3]' to 'const ROOT::Experimental::TDF::TH2DModel'
for 1st argument
TResultProxy<::TH2D> Histo2D(const TH2DModel &model, std::string_view v1Name = "", std::string_view v2Name = "")
/usr/nevis/src/root-6.12.06-build/include/ROOT/TDFInterface.hxx:1099:4: note: candidate function template not viable: requires 4 arguments, but 2 were provided
Histo2D(const TH2DModel &model, std::string_view v1Name, std::string_view v2Name, std::string_view wName)
/usr/nevis/src/root-6.12.06-build/include/ROOT/TDFInterface.hxx:1126:25: note: candidate function template not viable: requires single argument 'model', but 2 arguments were provided
TResultProxy<::TH2D> Histo2D(const TH2DModel &model)