TTree->GetBranch("branch") segmentation violation after removing a branch

Dear root expert,
In my code I need to change entries of a particular TBranch. I figured out that the easiest way was to first remove the branch, then adding a new empty branch with the same name and then fill it.
To remove a TBranch I followed the following topic:

using a code more or less like this:

auto *f = new TFile(fileName, "UPDATE");
auto *t = (TTree*)f->Get(treeName);

Sadly this procedure half-broken my file. Now

auto *f = new TFile(fileName, "UPDATE");
auto *t = (TTree*)f->Get(treeName);
t->GetBranch(branchName);  //<--- segmentation violation 

gives a segmentation violation if branchName (any branchName) is not present in the TTree, while should give a null pointer.

I also tried to re-add the branch

auto *f = new TFile(fileName, "UPDATE");
auto *t = (TTree*)f->Get(treeName);
TBranch *b;
float value = -1.;
b = t->Branch(name, &value, name + "/F");
for(int i=0; i<t->GetEntries(); ++i){

But I get another segmentation violation if I try to Draw this branch:

auto *f = new TFile(fileName,);
auto *t = (TTree*)f->Get(treeName);
t->Draw(branchName); //<--- segmentation violation

What I did wrong?
What can I avoid this?


ROOT Version: ROOT 6.12/07
Platform: Not Provided
Compiler: Not Provided

You would also need to remove the corresponding leaves from GetListOfLeaves.

How can I do it?
I find it strange that this is never mentioned in any of the topic I read about the argument.


For the ‘simple’ cases, an example is at the last post of the topic you linked.

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