Missing symbol in arma library

Sorry for the bump, but I am having a somewhat similar issue when trying to load a library.
I recompiled it with Root 6.14.04, it’s some sort of encapsulation of Armadillo to use it into Root, and I am getting the following error when Root starts:

cling::DynamicLibraryManager::loadLibrary(): /directory/to/KArma.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4arma23arma_rng_cxx11_instanceE
root [0]

Seems to be an issue with Armadillo’s Arma_RNG, but I can’t pinpoint the exact problem with it.

Moved to new topic (please don’t resurrect old ones.)

$ c++filt _ZN4arma23arma_rng_cxx11_instanceE

That’s the symbol that is used but missing in that library. Not much we can help with from ROOT’s side…

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