I launch the ./configure command and then launch the compilation with make. ROOT is successfully built.
However when launching root, it gives:
[quote]Couldn’t find font “-adobe-helvetica-medium-r---10-----*-iso8859-1”,
trying “fixed”. Please fix your system so helvetica can be found,
this font typically is in the rpm (or pkg equivalent) package
XFree86-[75,100]dpi-fonts or fonts-xorg-[75,100]dpi.
W E L C O M E to R O O T *
- Version 5.34/32 23 June 2015 *
- You are welcome to visit our Web site *
[root.cern.ch](http://root.cern.ch) *
ROOT 5.34/32 (v5-34-32@v5-34-32, Jun 23 2015, 17:58:02 on linuxx8664gcc)
CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.18.00, July 2, 2010
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
root [0] [/quote]
After some researchThis is due to a previous package xfs which does not exist in Ubuntu 14.04. I found some more information here:
and here:
[url]Adobe helvetica on ubuntu 11.04
It looks like ROOT continues running without any problem.
If you have some other suggestion to correct the bug described above, do not hesitate to post it.
Many thanks,