I am now trying to move from the native ROOT GUI to the Qt-integrated environment to enjoy the excellent productivity of Qt designer.
I am using ROOT v5.27.06 and Qt 4.5.3 on CentOS 5.5.
I successfully built a simple form that contains a TQtWidget to display ROOT graphs and histograms. However, a TCanvas context menu which pops up when right-clicking the TQtWidget is a gray blank and no characters are visible. This also happens in “HelloClick” example here ([url]Clickable ROOT histograms in QT
Could anyone give me advice about this problem?
Thank you.
I see the problem with the HelloClick application, but not with a regular TCanvas. Could you confirm that it works with a a regular ROOT TCanvas for you as well?
And I suppose Valeri will comment on this topic too…
[quote=“kame”]Dear all, …
to enjoy the excellent productivity of Qt designer.
Could anyone give me advice about this problem?
[/quote]To enjoy “excellent productivity of Qt designer” you should install the full-fledged QtROOT as prescribed by root.bnl.gov/QtRoot/How2Install4Unix.html
[quote=“fine”]Did you follow root.bnl.gov/QtRoot/How2Install4Unix.html ?
Can you try root.bnl.gov/QtRoot/How2Install4 … complement to see whether it helps?[/quote]
I am using Qt interface included in the ROOT packages. Do you mean it is a incomplete one?
If so, I wonder why ROOT team is unwilling to incorporate the full functionality of QtROOT…
[quote=“kame”]Unfortunately the access to root.bnl.gov/ is forbidden now. [/quote] No, it is not. [quote=“kame”]I could access bofore, though…[/quote]Please try again. There were the problems with the file systems. [quote]> UPS power failure resulted in loss of power on the RHIC AFS file
servers. Servers are dual powered and from different floor PDU’s but
we have not gotten to the point of getting all redundantly powered
racks powered by separate UPS’s.[/quote] Just keep trying … At least it does work (from the coffee shop ) for me correctly.
[quote=“kame”]If so, I wonder why ROOT team is unwilling to incorporate the full functionality of QtROOT…[/quote]You are not alone. I have been wondering for many years too. (Just look up this forum)
I do not understand both remarks.
If there are special extensions in the BNL version of QtRoot, it is a problem with Valeri if he does not provide the corresponding changes into the official ROOT SVN trunk.
We have indicated here many times that we do not have the manpower to maintain this package that is given us and users more troubles than anything else in the system.
[quote=“brun”]… Valeri if he does not provide the corresponding changes into the official ROOT SVN trunk.
[/quote]It is not true. Just download the QtRoot and run “diff” between CERN SVN and BNL content.
I do not understand what you mean.
Either “diff” shows a difference and in this case I do not understand why you did not incorporate the changes
into the CERN SVN trunk,
or there is no difference and in this case I do not understand your answer above.
Either “diff” shows a difference and in this case I do not understand why you did not incorporate the changes
into the CERN SVN trunk[/quote]Can you be more specific? Which difference did you discover?
The only difference you should see should come from the corrections done by CERN and at CERN to address the Coverity reports and introduce the non-standard strlcpy function. These latest corrections were not included into BNL repository yet because they break the backward compatibility of QtRoot. That I need find time to address yet. As soon as I introduce the solution to keep QtRoot backward compatible I’ll submit it to CERN.
Anyway, It seems it to me it is the BNL repository which is NOT up-to-date. CERN is in possession of the latest version. Did I miss anything else ?
Did you find anything beyond that to support your claim
Of course the issue might not have existed at all if I would be provided with the SVN branch of CERN ROOT repository and was allowed to use SVN the way it was designed for. Each synch of several CVS/SVN repositories is waste of time and needs an extra man-power that as you said we lack of .