------------------------------------------------------------------ | Welcome to ROOT 6.24/06 https://root.cern | | (c) 1995-2021, The ROOT Team; conception: R. Brun, F. Rademakers | | Built for linuxx8664gcc on Sep 02 2021, 14:20:23 | | From tags/v6-24-06@v6-24-06 | | With g++ (GCC) 10.2.0 | | Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Processing scangraphfit.cpp... Error in : can't open display "localhost:10.0", switching to batch mode... In case you run from a remote ssh session, reconnect with ssh -Y 24 FCN=28.5859 FROM MIGRAD STATUS=CONVERGED 179 CALLS 180 TOTAL EDM=6.71423e-06 STRATEGY= 1 ERROR MATRIX ACCURATE EXT PARAMETER STEP FIRST NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE 1 p0 2.34285e+00 9.84901e-03 5.39291e-05 1.57500e-02 2 p1 2.78000e+02 1.01629e-01 1.72057e-03** at limit ** 3 p2 4.34076e+00 1.16345e-01 2.02929e-04 -6.44044e-04 4 p3 2.66167e-06 8.05010e-01 4.87399e-03 -2.03624e-03 Error in : TFitResult is empty - use the fit option S #0 0x00007fda37d93dbc in waitpid () from /lib64/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007fda37d16cc2 in do_system () from /lib64/libc.so.6 #2 0x00007fda38ea539c in TUnixSystem::StackTrace() () from /nfs/luna02/ROOT/root-6.24.06-install/lib/libCore.so #3 0x00007fda32b83668 in cling::MultiplexInterpreterCallbacks::PrintStackTrace() () from /nfs/luna02/ROOT/root-6.24.06-install/lib/libCling.so #4 0x00007fda32b7817e in cling_runtime_internal_throwIfInvalidPointer () from /nfs/luna02/ROOT/root-6.24.06-install/lib/libCling.so #5 0x00007fda3971866b in ?? () #6 0x00000000031a0bd0 in ?? () #7 0x00007fda33c6e5ce in std::_Function_handler, std::allocator > > >), llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::resolveExternalSymbols()::{lambda(llvm::Expected, std::allocator > > >)#1}>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, llvm::Expected, std::allocator > > >&&) () from /nfs/luna02/ROOT/root-6.24.06-install/lib/libCling.so #8 0x00007fda33c5dca9 in std::_Function_handler, llvm::detail::DenseMapPair > >), llvm::orc::JITSymbolResolverAdapter::lookup(std::set, std::allocator > const&, std::function, std::allocator > > >)>)::{lambda(llvm::Expected, llvm::detail::DenseMapPair > >)#1}>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, llvm::Expected, llvm::detail::DenseMapPair > >&&) () from /nfs/luna02/ROOT/root-6.24.06-install/lib/libCling.so #9 0x00007fda33c49308 in llvm::orc::AsynchronousSymbolQuery::handleComplete() () from /nfs/luna02/ROOT/root-6.24.06-install/lib/libCling.so #10 0x00007fda32bf9d51 in _ZN4llvm3orc18lookupWithLegacyFnIZZN5cling14IncrementalJITC4ERNS2_19IncrementalExecutorESt10unique_ptrINS_13TargetMachineESt14default_deleteIS7_EESt8functionIFvmS6_INS_6ModuleES8_ISC_EEEEENKUlSt10shared_ptrINS0_23AsynchronousSymbolQueryEENS_8DenseSetINS0_15SymbolStringPtrENS_12DenseMapInfoISL_EEEEE0_clESJ_SO_EUlRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEE_EESO_RNS0_16ExecutionSessionERSI_RKSO_T_ () from /nfs/luna02/ROOT/root-6.24.06-install/lib/libCling.so #11 0x00000000032c4448 in ?? () #12 0x00000000032c42a0 in ?? () #13 0x00000000032c4488 in ?? () #14 0x00000000032c4448 in ?? () #15 0x00000000032c42a0 in ?? () #16 0x00000000032c4488 in ?? () #17 0x00000000032c4448 in ?? () #18 0x00000000032c42a0 in ?? () #19 0x00000000032c4488 in ?? () #20 0x00000000032c4448 in ?? () #21 0x00000000032c42a0 in ?? () #22 0x00000000032c4560 in ?? () #23 0x00000000032c4520 in ?? () #24 0x00000000032c42a0 in ?? () #25 0x00000000032c4560 in ?? () #26 0x00000000032c4520 in ?? () #27 0x00000000032c42a0 in ?? () #28 0x00000000032c4560 in ?? () #29 0x00000000032c4520 in ?? () #30 0x00000000032c42a0 in ?? () #31 0x00000000032c4560 in ?? () #32 0x00000000032c4520 in ?? () #33 0x00000000032c42a0 in ?? () #34 0x00000000032c4488 in ?? () #35 0x00000000032c4448 in ?? () #36 0x00000000032c42a0 in ?? () #37 0x00000000032c4560 in ?? () #38 0x00000000032c4520 in ?? () #39 0x00000000032c42a0 in ?? () #40 0x00000000032c4520 in ?? () #41 0x00000000032c4520 in ?? () #42 0x00000000032c42a0 in ?? () #43 0x00007fda3971b145 in ?? () #44 0x00007fda3972b0c0 in ?? () #45 0x00007fda39526fdf in _dl_lookup_symbol_x () from /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 Error in : Trying to dereference null pointer or trying to call routine taking non-null arguments. Execution of your code was aborted. In file included from input_line_8:1: /nfs/luna02/casaburf/SimulazioniFatte/21Nepgamma/Risonanza_6998/YealdRun595-618/scangraphfit.cpp:134:19: warning: null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument [-Wnonnull] auto covMatrix = fitResult->GetCovarianceMatrix(); ^~~~~~~~~