#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Garfield/MediumMagboltz.hh" #include "Garfield/SolidBox.hh" #include "Garfield/GeometrySimple.hh" #include "Garfield/ComponentConstant.hh" #include "Garfield/Sensor.hh" #include "Garfield/AvalancheMicroscopic.hh" #include "Garfield/AvalancheMC.hh" using namespace Garfield; int main() { TFile outfile("micro_arco2.root", "RECREATE"); // Electric field [kV / cm]. double field = 570.*40; double gap = 0.025; //double drift = 0.025; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // Initial electron energy [eV]. const double e0 = 1.; // Make a gas medium. MediumMagboltz gas; /*gas.SetTemperature(293.15); gas.SetPressure(760.); gas.SetComposition("ar", 90., "co2", 10.); gas.SetMaxElectronEnergy(1000.); constexpr double scale = 1.; gas.SetExcitationScaling(scale, "ar"); gas.Initialise();*/ gas.LoadGasFile("../GasFile/ar_90_co2_10.gas"); // Make a drift volume. SolidBox box(0, 0, gap/2, 2, 2, gap/2); GeometrySimple geo; geo.AddSolid(&box, &gas); // Make a component with constant drift field. ComponentConstant cmp; cmp.SetGeometry(&geo); //cmp.SetElectricField(0, 0, field * 1.e3); cmp.SetElectricField(0, 0, field); // Make a sensor. Sensor sensor; sensor.AddComponent(&cmp); // Microscopic tracking. AvalancheMicroscopic aval; //AvalancheMC aval; aval.SetSensor(&sensor); aval.SetCollisionSteps(1); //aval.SetDistanceSteps(0.0001);//only with AvalancheMC, but error in calc of drift velocity // Histograms TH1::StatOverflows(true); TH1F hElectrons("hElectrons", "Avalanche Size", 200, 0, 200); TH1F hIons("hIons", "Avalanche Size", 200, 0, 200); TH1F hEnergy("hEnergy", "Energy Distribution", 500, 0., 50.); // Request the electron energy histogram to be filled. //aval.EnableElectronEnergyHistogramming(&hEnergy); std::cout << field << " kV/cm\n"; // Count the ionisations and excitations in the avalanche. unsigned int nIon = 0; unsigned int nExc = 0; constexpr unsigned int nEvents = 10000; double x0,y0,z0,t0,x1,y1,z1,t1; int status; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nEvents; ++j) { gas.ResetCollisionCounters(); aval.AvalancheElectron(0, 0, gap-0.005, 0, e0, 0, 0, 0); //aval.AvalancheElectron(0, 0, gap, 0.);//e0, 0, 0, 0); //unsigned int ne, ni;//for AvalancheMC int ne, ni;//for AvalancheMicroscopic aval.GetAvalancheSize(ne, ni); // if (j % 100 == 0) /* { std::cout << j << "/" << nEvents << "\n" << " " << ne << " electrons\n"; }*/ /*for(int e=0; e