{ //copy from th13delta.c, change th13_steps and delta_steps to Int_t /* Scan the th13-delta plane */ double this_th13, this_delta; double th13_lower = 0.05; double th13_upper = 0.12; //you should increase No of steps to have finer histogram, change in the th13delta.c, recompile and run to produce th13delta.dat again Int_t th13_steps = 360;//15 is too small double th13_halfstep = (th13_upper-th13_lower)/(th13_steps*2); Int_t TotalLineb = (th13_steps+1); double *achisqb = new double[TotalLineb]; double *achisq2b = new double[TotalLineb]; double *atheta13b = new double[TotalLineb]; ifstream cfile("theta13_proj_reactor_current.dat"); double MinNLLb = 1e6;//to get the minimum value of chisq double MinNLL2b = 1e6; float th13_valb, chisq_valb, chisq_val2b; for (int ilineb=0; ilineb> th13_valb >> chisq_valb >> chisq_val2b; if(chisq_val2bDraw("AL"); pchisq2b->SetTitle(""); pchisq2b->SetLineWidth(2); pchisq2b->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("sin^{2}2#theta_{13}"); pchisq2b->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#chi^{2}"); pchisq2b->SetMaximum(2); pchisq2b->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.075, 0.095); pchisq2b->SetLineColor(2); pchisq2b->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); pchisq2b->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); pchisq2->SetLineWidth(2); pchisq2->SetLineColor(4); pchisq2->Draw("*"); TLegend * pleg1 = new TLegend(0.75,0.62,0.8,0.75); pleg1 -> AddEntry( "" , "sin^{2}#theta_{23} = 0.5" ,""); pleg1 -> AddEntry("" , "#delta_{CP} = -#pi/2" ,""); pleg1 -> SetFillColor(0); pleg1 -> SetBorderSize(0); pleg1 ->SetTextSize(16); pleg1 ->SetTextFont(43); pleg1 -> Draw(); gPad->Print("2020_theta13_proj_reactor.pdf"); }