Check Keywords Warn ! Set drift distance, E fields, and voltage between LEMs ! dist: distance in cm ! Edrift: drift field in V/cm ! Etrans: transfer field in V/cm ! Einduced: induction field in V/cm ! deltaV1: voltage (in V) between 1st LEM ! deltaV2: voltage (in V) between 2nd LEM $ldist = 0.2 $mdist = 0.02 $udist = 0.3 $Edrift = 50 $Etrans = 200 $Einduced = 1000 $deltaV1= 1250 $deltaV2= 850 $WTuel = 0 $WTucp1 = 0 $WTlcp1 = 0 $WTucp2 = 0 $WTlcp2 = 0 $WTlel = 0 Header Mesh DB "." "doublegemcell" End Simulation Coordinate System = Cartesian 3D Simulation Type = Steady State Steady State Max Iterations = 1 Output File = "doublegemcell.result" Post File = "doublegemcell.ep" End Constants Permittivity Of Vacuum = 8.8542e-12 End Body 1 Equation = 1 Material = 1 End Body 2 Equation = 1 Material = 2 End Body 3 Equation = 1 Material = 3 End Body 4 Equation = 1 Material = 3 End Body 5 Equation = 1 Material = 2 End Body 6 Equation = 1 Material = 3 End Body 7 Equation = 1 Material = 3 End Equation 1 Active Solvers(1) = 1 Calculate Electric Energy = True End Solver 1 Equation = Stat Elec Solver Variable = Potential Variable DOFs = 1 Procedure = "StatElecSolve" "StatElecSolver" Calculate Electric Field = True Calculate Electric Flux = False Linear System Solver = Iterative Linear System Iterative Method = BiCGStab Linear System Max Iterations = 1000 Linear System Abort Not Converged = True Linear System Convergence Tolerance = 1.0e-10 Linear System Preconditioning = ILU1 Steady State Convergence Tolerance = 5.0e-7 ! Adaptive Mesh Refinement = True ! Adaptive Remesh = True ! Adaptive Save Mesh = True ! Adaptive Error Limit = 1.0e-12 End ! Gas Material 1 Relative Permittivity = 1 Density = 1 End ! Dielectric Material 2 Relative Permittivity = 3.23 Density = 2 End ! Copper Material 3 Relative Permittivity = 1.0e10 Density = 3 End ! Upper copper plate of 1st LEM Boundary Condition 1 Target Boundaries = 1 Potential = $-1*Einduced*ldist - deltaV2 - Etrans*mdist - deltaV1 + WTucp1 End ! Lower copper plate of 1st LEM Boundary Condition 2 Target Boundaries = 2 Potential = $-1*Einduced*ldist - deltaV2 - Etrans*mdist + WTlcp1 End ! Upper copper plate of 2nd LEM Boundary Condition 3 Target Boundaries = 3 Potential = $-1*Einduced*ldist - deltaV2 + WTucp2 End ! Lower copper plate of 2nd LEM Boundary Condition 4 Target Boundaries = 4 Potential = $-1*Einduced*ldist + WTlcp2 End ! Upper electrode Boundary Condition 5 Target Boundaries = 5 Potential = $-1*Einduced*ldist - deltaV2 - Etrans*mdist - deltaV1 - Edrift*udist + WTuel End ! Lower electrode Boundary Condition 6 Target Boundaries = 6 Potential = $WTlel End ! Set up boundary A for hole 1 for both 1st and 2nd LEM Boundary Condition 7 Target Boundaries = 7 End ! Link to half A of hole 2 for both 1st and 2nd LEM Boundary Condition 8 Target Boundaries = 8 Periodic BC = 7 Periodic BC Potential = Logical True End ! Set up boundary B for hole 3 for both 1st and 2nd LEM Boundary Condition 9 Target Boundaries = 9 End ! Link to half B of hole 2 for both 1st and 2nd LEM Boundary Condition 10 Target Boundaries = 10 Periodic BC = 9 Periodic BC Potential = Logical True End ! Set up boundary C for hole 1 side for both 1st and 2nd LEM Boundary Condition 11 Target Boundaries = 11 End ! Link to the side containing hole 3 Boundary Condition 12 Target Boundaries = 12 Periodic BC = 11 Periodic BC Potential = Logical True End