void DataPointSample() { static Int_t nof = 100; auto can = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800,800); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); can->Draw(); auto avf = new TH1F("avf", "Average of Functions", 100, 0.0025, 1.0); avf->Draw(); TF1 *fpf[nof], *qbs[nof], *qbc[nof], *qes[nof], *qec[nof], *fpa[nof], *dbs[nof], *abc[nof], *aes[nof], *aec[nof]; TF1 *fpb[nof], *bbs[nof], *bbc[nof], *bes[nof], *bec[nof], *fpc[nof], *cbs[nof], *cbc[nof], *ces[nof], *cec[nof]; TF1 *fpe[nof], *ebs[nof], *ebc[nof], *ees[nof], *eec[nof], *fpg[nof], *gbs[nof], *gbc[nof], *ges[nof], *gec[nof]; TF1 *fph[nof], *hbs[nof], *hbc[nof], *hes[nof], *hec[nof], *fpi[nof], *ibs[nof], *ibc[nof], *ies[nof], *iec[nof]; TF1 *fpj[nof], *jbs[nof], *jbc[nof], *jes[nof], *jec[nof], *fpk[nof], *kbs[nof], *kbc[nof], *kes[nof], *kec[nof]; // TF1 *fpl[nof], *lbs[nof], *lbc[nof], *les[nof], *lec[nof]; TString fna; TRandom3 r; const auto rdm = r.Rndm(); for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); fpf[i]->SetParameter(1,1.0); fpf[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); fpf[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); fpf[i]->SetParameter(4,60.6018); fpf[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); fpf[i]->SetParameter(6,2.792847351); fpf[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.963,0.010)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); qbs[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); qbs[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { qbs[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { qbs[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008)); } else { qbs[i]->SetParameter(3,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008))/2.0); } qbs[i]->SetParameter(4,60.6018); qbs[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); qbs[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { qbs[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { qbs[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008)); } else { qbs[i]->SetParameter(7,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008))/2.0); } qbs[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000023)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); qbc[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); qbc[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { qbc[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { qbc[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008)); } else { qbc[i]->SetParameter(3,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008))/2.0); } qbc[i]->SetParameter(4,60.6018); qbc[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); qbc[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { qbc[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { qbc[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008)); } else { qbc[i]->SetParameter(7,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008))/2.0); } qbc[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000023)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); qes[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); qes[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { qes[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { qes[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else { qes[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } qes[i]->SetParameter(4,60.6018); qes[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); qes[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { qes[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { qes[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else { qes[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } qes[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); qec[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); qec[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { qec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { qec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else { qec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } qec[i]->SetParameter(4,60.6018); qec[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); qec[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { qec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { qec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else { qec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } qec[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); } Int_t nop=200; Double_t xpt, ypt, del = 0.9975/nop; auto av1 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av1->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av1->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + fpf[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av2 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av2->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av2->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + qbs[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av3 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av3->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av3->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + qbc[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av4 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av4->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av4->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + qes[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av5 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av5->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av5->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + qec[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); fpa[i]->SetParameter(1,1.0); fpa[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); fpa[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); fpa[i]->SetParameter(4,27.4151); fpa[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); fpa[i]->SetParameter(6,2.792847351); fpa[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.962,0.010)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); dbs[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); dbs[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { dbs[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { dbs[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008)); } else { dbs[i]->SetParameter(3,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008))/2.0); } dbs[i]->SetParameter(4,27.4151); dbs[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); dbs[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { dbs[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { dbs[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008)); } else { dbs[i]->SetParameter(7,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008))/2.0); } dbs[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000023)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); abc[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); abc[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { abc[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { abc[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008)); } else { abc[i]->SetParameter(3,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008))/2.0); } abc[i]->SetParameter(4,27.4151); abc[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); abc[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { abc[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { abc[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008)); } else { abc[i]->SetParameter(7,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008))/2.0); } abc[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000023)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); aes[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); aes[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { aes[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { aes[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else { aes[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } aes[i]->SetParameter(4,27.4151); aes[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); aes[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { aes[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { aes[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else { aes[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } aes[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); aec[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); aec[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { aec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { aec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else { aec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } aec[i]->SetParameter(4,27.4151); aec[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); aec[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { aec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { aec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else { aec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } aec[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); } auto av6 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av6->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av6->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + fpa[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av7 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av7->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av7->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + dbs[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av8 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av8->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av8->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + abc[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av9 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av9->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av9->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + aes[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av10 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av10->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av10->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + aec[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); fpb[i]->SetParameter(1,1.0); fpb[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); fpb[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); fpb[i]->SetParameter(4,9.7675); fpb[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); fpb[i]->SetParameter(6,2.792847351); fpb[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.945,0.010)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); bbs[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); bbs[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { bbs[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { bbs[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008)); } else { bbs[i]->SetParameter(3,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008))/2.0); } bbs[i]->SetParameter(4,9.7675); bbs[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); bbs[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { bbs[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { bbs[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008)); } else { bbs[i]->SetParameter(7,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008))/2.0); } bbs[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000023)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); bbc[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); bbc[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { bbc[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { bbc[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008)); } else { bbc[i]->SetParameter(3,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008))/2.0); } bbc[i]->SetParameter(4,9.7675); bbc[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); bbc[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { bbc[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { bbc[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008)); } else { bbc[i]->SetParameter(7,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008))/2.0); } bbc[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000023)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); bes[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); bes[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { bes[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { bes[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else { bes[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } bes[i]->SetParameter(4,9.7675); bes[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); bes[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { bes[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { bes[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else { bes[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } bes[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); bec[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); bec[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { bec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { bec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else { bec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } bec[i]->SetParameter(4,9.7675); bec[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); bec[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { bec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { bec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else { bec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } bec[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); } auto av11 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av11->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av11->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + fpb[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av12 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av12->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av12->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + bbs[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av13 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av13->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av13->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + bbc[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av14 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av14->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av14->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + bes[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av15 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av15->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av15->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + bec[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); fpc[i]->SetParameter(1,1.0); fpc[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); fpc[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); fpc[i]->SetParameter(4,9.4540); fpc[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); fpc[i]->SetParameter(6,2.792847351); fpc[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.937,0.010)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); cbs[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); cbs[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { cbs[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { cbs[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008)); } else { cbs[i]->SetParameter(3,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008))/2.0); } cbs[i]->SetParameter(4,9.4540); cbs[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); cbs[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { cbs[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { cbs[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008)); } else { cbs[i]->SetParameter(7,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008))/2.0); } cbs[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000023)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); cbc[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); cbc[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { cbc[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { cbc[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008)); } else { cbc[i]->SetParameter(3,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008))/2.0); } cbc[i]->SetParameter(4,9.4540); cbc[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); cbc[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { cbc[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { cbc[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008)); } else { cbc[i]->SetParameter(7,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008))/2.0); } cbc[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000023)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); ces[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); ces[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { ces[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { ces[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else { ces[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } ces[i]->SetParameter(4,9.4540); ces[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); ces[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { ces[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { ces[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else { ces[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } ces[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); cec[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); cec[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { cec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { cec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else { cec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } cec[i]->SetParameter(4,9.4540); cec[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); cec[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { cec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { cec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else { cec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } cec[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); } auto av16 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av16->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av16->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + fpc[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av17 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av17->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av17->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + cbs[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av18 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av18->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av18->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + cbc[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av19 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av19->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av19->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + ces[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av20 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av20->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av20->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + cec[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); fpe[i]->SetParameter(1,1.0); fpe[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); fpe[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); fpe[i]->SetParameter(4,73.0368); fpe[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); fpe[i]->SetParameter(6,2.792847351); fpe[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.971,0.010)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); ebs[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); ebs[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { ebs[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { ebs[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008)); } else { ebs[i]->SetParameter(3,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008))/2.0); } ebs[i]->SetParameter(4,73.0368); ebs[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); ebs[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { ebs[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { ebs[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008)); } else { ebs[i]->SetParameter(7,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008))/2.0); } ebs[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000023)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); ebc[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); ebc[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { ebc[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { ebc[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008)); } else { ebc[i]->SetParameter(3,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008))/2.0); } ebc[i]->SetParameter(4,73.0368); ebc[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); ebc[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { ebc[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { ebc[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008)); } else { ebc[i]->SetParameter(7,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008))/2.0); } ebc[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000023)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); ees[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); ees[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { ees[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { ees[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else { ees[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } ees[i]->SetParameter(4,73.0368); ees[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); ees[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { ees[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { ees[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else { ees[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } ees[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); eec[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); eec[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { eec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { eec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else { eec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } eec[i]->SetParameter(4,73.0368); eec[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); eec[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { eec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { eec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else { eec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } eec[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); } auto av21 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av21->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av21->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + fpe[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av22 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av22->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av22->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + ebs[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av23 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av23->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av23->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + ebc[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av24 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av24->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av24->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + ees[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av25 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av25->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av25->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + eec[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); fpg[i]->SetParameter(1,1.0); fpg[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); fpg[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); fpg[i]->SetParameter(4,60.2787); fpg[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); fpg[i]->SetParameter(6,2.792847351); fpg[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.990,0.010)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); gbs[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); gbs[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { gbs[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { gbs[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008)); } else { gbs[i]->SetParameter(3,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008))/2.0); } gbs[i]->SetParameter(4,60.2787); gbs[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); gbs[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { gbs[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { gbs[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008)); } else { gbs[i]->SetParameter(7,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008))/2.0); } gbs[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000023)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); gbc[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); gbc[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { gbc[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { gbc[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008)); } else { gbc[i]->SetParameter(3,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0017,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0033,0.0008))/2.0); } gbc[i]->SetParameter(4,60.2787); gbc[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); gbc[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { gbc[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { gbc[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008)); } else { gbc[i]->SetParameter(7,(gRandom->Gaus(0.0041,0.0008)+gRandom->Gaus(0.0058,0.0008))/2.0); } gbc[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000023)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); ges[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); ges[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { ges[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { ges[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else { ges[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } ges[i]->SetParameter(4,60.2787); ges[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); ges[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { ges[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { ges[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else { ges[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } ges[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); } for (Int_t i=0; iSetParameter(0,1.0); gec[i]->SetParameter(1,2.0/3.0); gec[i]->SetParameter(2,1.0/137.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { gec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { gec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } else { gec[i]->SetParameter(3,gRandom->Gaus(0.336,0.010)); } gec[i]->SetParameter(4,60.2787); gec[i]->SetParameter(5,TMath::Pi()); gec[i]->SetParameter(6,-1.0/3.0); if (rdm < 0.25) { gec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else if (rdm > 0.75) { gec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } else { gec[i]->SetParameter(7,gRandom->Gaus(0.340,0.010)); } gec[i]->SetParameter(8,gRandom->Gaus(0.938272081,0.000000006)); } auto av26 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av26->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av26->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + fpg[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av27 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av27->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av27->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + gbs[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av28 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av28->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av28->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + gbc[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av29 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av29->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av29->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + ges[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } auto av30 = new TGraph(nop); for (Int_t j=0; j < nop; j++) { xpt = del*j + 0.0025*del; av30->SetPoint(j, xpt, 0.0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(j, xpt, ypt); av30->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + gec[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); } } av1->SetMarkerStyle(7); av1->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); av1->SetMarkerSize(1); av2->SetMarkerStyle(7); av2->SetMarkerColor(kRed); av2->SetMarkerSize(1); av3->SetMarkerStyle(7); av3->SetMarkerColor(kGreen); av3->SetMarkerSize(1); av4->SetMarkerStyle(7); av4->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); av4->SetMarkerSize(1); av5->SetMarkerStyle(7); av5->SetMarkerColor(kCyan); av5->SetMarkerSize(1); av6->SetMarkerStyle(7); av6->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); av6->SetMarkerSize(1); av7->SetMarkerStyle(7); av7->SetMarkerColor(kRed); av7->SetMarkerSize(1); av8->SetMarkerStyle(7); av8->SetMarkerColor(kGreen); av8->SetMarkerSize(1); av9->SetMarkerStyle(7); av9->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); av9->SetMarkerSize(1); av10->SetMarkerStyle(7); av10->SetMarkerColor(kCyan); av10->SetMarkerSize(1); av11->SetMarkerStyle(7); av11->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); av11->SetMarkerSize(1); av12->SetMarkerStyle(7); av12->SetMarkerColor(kRed); av12->SetMarkerSize(1); av13->SetMarkerStyle(7); av13->SetMarkerColor(kGreen); av13->SetMarkerSize(1); av14->SetMarkerStyle(7); av14->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); av14->SetMarkerSize(1); av15->SetMarkerStyle(7); av15->SetMarkerColor(kCyan); av15->SetMarkerSize(1); av16->SetMarkerStyle(7); av16->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); av16->SetMarkerSize(1); av17->SetMarkerStyle(7); av17->SetMarkerColor(kRed); av17->SetMarkerSize(1); av18->SetMarkerStyle(7); av18->SetMarkerColor(kGreen); av18->SetMarkerSize(1); av19->SetMarkerStyle(7); av19->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); av19->SetMarkerSize(1); av20->SetMarkerStyle(7); av20->SetMarkerColor(kCyan); av20->SetMarkerSize(1); av21->SetMarkerStyle(7); av21->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); av21->SetMarkerSize(1); av22->SetMarkerStyle(7); av22->SetMarkerColor(kRed); av22->SetMarkerSize(1); av23->SetMarkerStyle(7); av23->SetMarkerColor(kGreen); av23->SetMarkerSize(1); av24->SetMarkerStyle(7); av24->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); av24->SetMarkerSize(1); av25->SetMarkerStyle(7); av25->SetMarkerColor(kCyan); av25->SetMarkerSize(1); av26->SetMarkerStyle(7); av26->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); av26->SetMarkerSize(1); av27->SetMarkerStyle(7); av27->SetMarkerColor(kRed); av27->SetMarkerSize(1); av28->SetMarkerStyle(7); av28->SetMarkerColor(kGreen); av28->SetMarkerSize(1); av29->SetMarkerStyle(7); av29->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); av29->SetMarkerSize(1); av30->SetMarkerStyle(7); av30->SetMarkerColor(kCyan); av30->SetMarkerSize(1); int j = 0; double eps = 0.000001; double ept = 0.009; TGraph *av000 = new TGraph(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av000->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av000->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + fpf[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av000->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av000->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + fpa[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av000->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av000->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + fpb[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av000->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av000->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + fpc[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } TGraph *av0001 = new TGraph(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.498762) < ept ) { av0001->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av0001->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + fpe[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.498762) < ept ) { av0001->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av0001->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + fpg[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.498762) < ept ) { av0001->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av0001->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + gbs[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.498762) < ept ) { av0001->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av0001->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + gec[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } TGraph *av001 = new TGraph(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av001->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av001->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + qbs[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av001->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av001->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + dbs[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av001->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av001->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + bbs[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av001->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av001->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + cbs[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } TGraph *av002 = new TGraph(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av002->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av002->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + qbc[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av002->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av002->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + abc[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av002->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av002->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + bbc[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av002->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av002->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + cbc[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } TGraph *av003 = new TGraph(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av003->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av003->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + qes[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av003->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av003->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + aes[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av003->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av003->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + bes[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av003->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av003->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + ces[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } TGraph *av004 = new TGraph(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av004->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av004->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + qec[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av004->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av004->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + aec[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av004->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av004->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + bec[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } for (Int_t i=0; iGetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); if ( abs(xpt - 0.399012) < eps) { av004->GetPoint(i, xpt, ypt); av004->SetPoint(j, xpt, ypt + cec[i]->Eval(xpt)/(Double_t)nof); j++; } } //=== drawing the canvas ===// gPad->SetLogy(1); av000->SetMarkerStyle(22); av000->SetMarkerColor(1); //black av000->SetMarkerSize(1); av0001->SetMarkerStyle(22); av0001->SetMarkerColor(1); //black av0001->SetMarkerSize(1); av001->SetMarkerStyle(22); av001->SetMarkerColor(3); //green av001->SetMarkerSize(1); av002->SetMarkerStyle(22); av002->SetMarkerColor(2); //red av002->SetMarkerSize(1); av003->SetMarkerStyle(22); av003->SetMarkerColor(25); //brown av003->SetMarkerSize(1); av004->SetMarkerStyle(22); av004->SetMarkerColor(38); //blue-violet av004->SetMarkerSize(1); //===Unified multigraph===// TMultiGraph *mgp = new TMultiGraph(); mgp->SetMinimum(1.e-5); mgp->SetMaximum(1.e0); mgp->Add(av000,"P"); mgp->Add(av0001,"P"); mgp->Add(av001,"P"); //mgp->Add(av002,"P"); //mgp->Add(av003,"P"); //mgp->Add(av004,"P"); mgp->Draw("a"); avf->SetMaximum(1.e0); can->Modified(); can->Update(); }