#include "TCanvas.h" #include "ROOT/RCsvDS.hxx" #include "TFile.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TApplication.h" int df014_CSVDataSource() { // Let's first create a RDF that will read from the CSV file. // The types of the columns will be automatically inferred. //auto fileNameUrl = "http://root.cern.ch/files/tutorials/df014_CsvDataSource_MuRun2010B.csv"; auto fileName = "df014_CsvDataSource_MuRun2010B_cpp.csv"; //if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fileName)) // TFile::Cp(fileNameUrl, fileName); auto df = ROOT::RDF::FromCSV(fileName); // Now we will apply a first filter based on two columns of the CSV, // and we will define a new column that will contain the invariant mass. // Note how the new invariant mass column is defined from several other // columns that already existed in the CSV file. auto filteredEvents = df.Filter("Q1 * Q2 == -1") .Define("m", "sqrt(pow(E1 + E2, 2) - (pow(px1 + px2, 2) + pow(py1 + py2, 2) + pow(pz1 + pz2, 2)))"); // Next we create a histogram to hold the invariant mass values and we draw it. auto invMass = filteredEvents.Histo1D({ "invMass", "CMS Opendata: #mu#mu mass;#mu#mu mass [GeV];Events", 512, 2, 110 }, "m"); auto c = new TCanvas(); c->SetLogx(); c->SetLogy(); invMass->DrawClone(); // We will now produce a plot also for the J/Psi particle. We will plot // on the same canvas the full spectrum and the zoom in on the J/psi particle. // First we will create the full spectrum histogram from the invariant mass // column, using a different histogram model than before. auto fullSpectrum = filteredEvents.Histo1D({ "Spectrum", "Subset of CMS Run 2010B;#mu#mu mass [GeV];Events", 1024, 2, 110 }, "m"); // Next we will create the histogram for the J/psi particle, applying first // the corresponding cut. double jpsiLow = 2.95; double jpsiHigh = 3.25; auto jpsiCut = [jpsiLow, jpsiHigh](double m) { return m < jpsiHigh && m > jpsiLow; }; auto jpsi = filteredEvents.Filter(jpsiCut, { "m" }) .Histo1D({ "jpsi", "Subset of CMS Run 2010B: J/#psi window;#mu#mu mass [GeV];Events", 128, jpsiLow, jpsiHigh }, "m"); // Finally we draw the two histograms side by side. auto dualCanvas = new TCanvas("DualCanvas", "DualCanvas", 800, 512); dualCanvas->Divide(2, 1); auto leftPad = dualCanvas->cd(1); leftPad->SetLogx(); leftPad->SetLogy(); fullSpectrum->DrawClone("Hist"); dualCanvas->cd(2); jpsi->DrawClone("HistP"); return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { TApplication app("Root Application", &argc, argv); df014_CSVDataSource(); app.Run(); return 0; }