using nlohmann::json; // HistFactory toy script to perform 1D and 2D fits with/witout BB //................ // Activate most recent ROOT release 6.28/06 on lxplus : // source /cvmfs/ LCG_104a x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt // Activate fixed ROOT version 6.29/01 with nightlies on lxplus : // source /cvmfs/ //................ // Arguments of the main function 'toyModel_1D_and_2D_wBB' : // 1) bool makeToyHistos ==> set 'true' to make initial template histograms of data, signal and background // 2) bool makeReNormHistos ==> set 'true' to renormalise fitting templates to yield obtained without activating Beeston Barlow // 3) bool BB ==> set 'true' to activate Beeston Barlow treatment of template statistical uncertainties // 4) int DIM ==> set 2 or 1 for 1D or 2D template fit //................ // Run toymodel in four steps with ROOT 6.28/06: // (1) make initial fitting templates: // root 'toyModel_1D_and_2D_wBB.C(true,false,false,2)' // (2) run template fit without BB to get yields to re-normalise templates // root 'toyModel_1D_and_2D_wBB.C(false,false,false,2)' // (3) make re-normalised templates // root 'toyModel_1D_and_2D_wBB.C(false,true,false,2)' // (4) run template fit WITH BB to get final result // root 'toyModel_1D_and_2D_wBB.C(false,false,true,2)' //................ // Run toymodel in four steps with ROOT 6.29/01 with nightlies: // (1) make initial fitting templates: // root --web=off 'toyModel_1D_and_2D_wBB.C(true,false,false,2)' // (2) run template fit without BB to get yields to re-normalise templates // root --web=off 'toyModel_1D_and_2D_wBB.C(false,false,false,2)' // (3) make re-normalised templates // root --web=off 'toyModel_1D_and_2D_wBB.C(false,true,false,2)' // (4) run template fit WITH BB to get final result // root --web=off 'toyModel_1D_and_2D_wBB.C(false,false,true,2)' //============================================================================ // Create 1D histogram templates //============================================================================ void createToyHistos_1D(){ cout << "\n>>>>>> Create histogram templates..\n" << endl; gRandom->SetSeed(1356); // Save histograms in this root file TFile* histoFile = TFile::Open("histoFile.root", "RECREATE"); // Set number of events in signal and background (N_Sig = N_BG = N_DATA/2) int N_evt = 10000; // Set min/max range of observable x double x_min = 3000; double x_max = 6000; // Number of bins int N_bins = 15; // Functions used to fill histograms TF1* func1 = new TF1("func1","1 + 0.01 * x",x_min, x_max); // background TF1* func2 = new TF1("func2","0.2 * exp(-( (x-4000.)*(x-4000.)/(2.0*200.*200.) ) )", x_min, x_max); // signal // Histograms TH1D* histoBG = new TH1D("histoBG","background histo", N_bins, x_min, x_max); TH1D* histoSig = new TH1D("histoSig","signal histo", N_bins, x_min, x_max); TH1D* histoData = new TH1D("histoData","data histo", N_bins, x_min, x_max); // define observable x double x_bg; // background double x_sig; // signal // Fill background and signal histograms for( int i = 0; i < N_evt ; ++i){ x_bg = func1->GetRandom(); x_sig = func2->GetRandom(); histoBG->Fill(x_bg); histoSig->Fill(x_sig); } // Fill data histogram for( int i = 0; i < N_evt ; ++i){ x_bg = func1->GetRandom(); histoData->Fill( x_bg ); x_sig = func2->GetRandom(); histoData->Fill( x_sig ); } cout << "Initial histogram yields : " << endl; cout << "N_Data = " << histoData->Integral() << endl; cout << "N_Sig = " << histoSig->Integral() << endl; cout << "N_BG = " << histoBG->Integral() << "\n" << endl; histoFile->Write(); histoFile->Close(); } //============================================================================ // Create 2D histogram templates //============================================================================ void createToyHistos_2D(){ cout << "\n>>>>>> Create histogram templates..\n" << endl; gRandom->SetSeed(1356); // save templates in this root file TFile* histoFile = TFile::Open("histoFile.root", "RECREATE"); // Set number of events in signal and background (N_Sig = N_BG = N_DATA/2) int N_evt = 10000; // Set min/max range of observable x double xy_min = 3000; double xy_max = 6000; // Number of bins int N_bins = 15; // Functions used to fill histograms TF2* func1 = new TF2("func1","1 + 0.01 * x * 0.01 * y*y",xy_min, xy_max, xy_min, xy_max); // background TF2* func2 = new TF2("func2","0.2 * exp(-( (x-4000.)*(x-4000.)/(2.0*200.*200.) + (y-5000.)*(y-5000.)/(2.0*300*300)) )", 3000, 6000, 3000, 6000); // signal // Histograms TH2D* histoBG = new TH2D("histoBG","background histo", N_bins, xy_min, xy_max, N_bins, xy_min, xy_max); TH2D* histoSig = new TH2D("histoSig","signal histo", N_bins, xy_min, xy_max, N_bins, xy_min, xy_max); TH2D* histoData = new TH2D("histoData","data histo", N_bins, xy_min, xy_max, N_bins, xy_min, xy_max); // define observables x and y double x_bg, y_bg; double x_sig, y_sig; // Fill background and signal histograms for( int i = 0; i < N_evt; ++i){ func1->GetRandom2(x_bg,y_bg); func2->GetRandom2(x_sig,y_sig); histoBG->Fill(x_bg,y_bg); histoSig->Fill(x_sig,y_sig); } // define observables x and y for data double xd_bg, yd_bg; double xd_sig, yd_sig; // Fill data histogram for( int i = 0; i < N_evt; ++i){ func1->GetRandom2(xd_bg, yd_bg); histoData->Fill( xd_bg, yd_bg ); func2->GetRandom2(xd_sig, yd_sig); histoData->Fill( xd_sig, yd_sig ); } cout << "Initial histogram yields : " << endl; cout << "N_Data = " << histoData->Integral() << endl; cout << "N_Sig = " << histoSig->Integral() << endl; cout << "N_BG = " << histoBG->Integral() << "\n" << endl; histoFile->Write(); histoFile->Close(); } //============================================================================ // Create re-normalised templates //============================================================================ void createReNormHistos(const std::string histoFileName){ cout << "\n>>>>>> Re-normalise histogram templates..\n" << endl; std::ifstream ifs("output_noBB.json"); json jf = json::parse(ifs); Double_t scale_sig = jf["histoSig"]; Double_t scale_BG = jf["histoBG"]; TFile* histoFile = TFile::Open(histoFileName.c_str(), "READ"); TH1D* histoSig = (TH1D*)histoFile->Get("histoSig")->Clone(); TH1D* histoBG = (TH1D*)histoFile->Get("histoBG")->Clone(); TFile* histoFile_reNorm = TFile::Open("histoFile_reNorm.root", "RECREATE"); histoSig->Sumw2(); histoSig->Scale(scale_sig/histoSig->Integral()); histoBG->Sumw2(); histoBG->Scale(scale_BG/histoBG->Integral()); cout << "Renormalised histogram yields : " << endl; cout << "N_Sig = " << histoSig->Integral() << endl; cout << "N_BG = " << histoBG->Integral() << "\n" << endl; histoSig->SetDirectory(histoFile_reNorm ); histoBG->SetDirectory(histoFile_reNorm ); histoFile_reNorm->Write(); histoFile_reNorm->Close(); } //============================================================================ // Load templates //============================================================================ std::vector getHistos(const std::string histoFileName, bool BB){ cout << "\n>>>>>> Loading histograms from file..\n" << endl; TFile* histoFile = TFile::Open(histoFileName.c_str(), "READ"); std::vector histos; TH1D* histoSig = (TH1D*)histoFile->Get("histoSig")->Clone(); histos.push_back( histoSig ); TH1D* histoBG = (TH1D*)histoFile->Get("histoBG")->Clone(); cout << histoBG->GetName() << endl; histos.push_back( histoBG ); return histos; } //============================================================================ // Perform toymodel fit //============================================================================ void toyModel_1D_and_2D_wBB(bool makeToyHistos = false, bool makeReNormHistos = false, bool BB = false, int DIM = 2){ cout << "\n>>>>>> HistFactory toy fit in " << DIM << "D..\n" << endl; TString fitType; if(BB){ fitType = "yesBB"; std::cout << "Beeston-Barlow is activated " << std::endl; } if(!BB){ fitType = "noBB"; std::cout << "Beeston-Barlow is NOT activated" << std::endl; } // -------------------------------------- // Make histograms // -------------------------------------- // make initial templates if( makeToyHistos && DIM == 2){ TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(); createToyHistos_2D(); return; } if( makeToyHistos && DIM == 1){ TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(); createToyHistos_1D(); return; } // -------------------------------------- // Load histograms // -------------------------------------- // file with initial templates std::string histoFileName = "histoFile.root"; // make re-normalised templates based on fit result witout BB if( makeReNormHistos ){ TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(); createReNormHistos(histoFileName); return; } // use re-normlised templates if(BB) histoFileName = "histoFile_reNorm.root"; // load templates std::vector templateHistos = getHistos(histoFileName, BB); // -------------------------------------- // Setup measurement & channel // -------------------------------------- // Intital yileds double N_sig_init = 10000.0; double N_bg_init = 10000.0; //bool constraining = true; bool constraining = false; //--- Constraining background to signal double frac_bg_vs_sig = 0.0; double lim_bg_vs_sig_min = 0.0; double lim_bg_vs_sig_max = 0.0; // -- Define the measurement std::cout << "==> Defining the measurement" << std::endl; RooStats::HistFactory::Measurement B2D0MuNuMeas("B2D0MuNu", "B2D0MuNu fit"); B2D0MuNuMeas.SetExportOnly(true); // Tells histfactory to not run the fit B2D0MuNuMeas.SetPOI("num_histoSig"); // set to Bogus parma. of interest B2D0MuNuMeas.SetLumi(1.0); B2D0MuNuMeas.SetLumiRelErr(0.1); // -- Define the channel (in our case, there is only one) RooStats::HistFactory::Channel B2D0MuNu("BMCorr"); B2D0MuNu.SetStatErrorConfig(1e-5,"Poisson"); //Configure the use of bin-by-bin statistical uncertainties B2D0MuNu.SetData( "histoData", "histoFile.root" ); // -- Add the samples to the channel (= the individual templates) for( TH1D* histo : templateHistos ){ RooStats::HistFactory::Sample sample(histo->GetName(),histo->GetName(),histoFileName); if(BB) sample.ActivateStatError(); sample.SetNormalizeByTheory(false); sample.AddNormFactor( "norm_"+(std::string)histo->GetName(), 1/histo->Integral(), 1/histo->Integral(), 1/histo->Integral() ); // fix normalisation sample.AddNormFactor( "num_"+(std::string)histo->GetName(), histo->Integral(), 1.0, histo->Integral()*2 ); // free yield // add histograms to channel B2D0MuNu.AddSample( sample ); } // add channel to measurements B2D0MuNuMeas.AddChannel( B2D0MuNu ); B2D0MuNuMeas.CollectHistograms(); // -------------------------------------- // Setting up workspace // -------------------------------------- std::cout << " " << std::endl; std::cout << "\n==> Setting up workspace" << "\n" << std::endl; // -- Define workspace RooWorkspace* workSpace; // --------- Define MakeModelAndMeasurementFast workSpace = RooStats::HistFactory::MakeModelAndMeasurementFast(B2D0MuNuMeas, {.binnedFitOptimization=false}); // Get model manually RooStats::ModelConfig* modelConf = (RooStats::ModelConfig*)workSpace->obj("ModelConfig"); RooSimultaneous* model = (RooSimultaneous*)modelConf->GetPdf(); ((RooRealVar*)(modelConf->GetNuisanceParameters()->find("Lumi")))->setConstant(true); //fix the Lumi to not have it also fitted ((RooRealVar*)(modelConf->GetNuisanceParameters()->find("norm_histoSig")))->setConstant(true); //fix norm ((RooRealVar*)(modelConf->GetNuisanceParameters()->find("norm_histoBG")))->setConstant(true); //fix norm RooArgSet* obs = (RooArgSet*)modelConf->GetObservables(); RooCategory *idx = (RooCategory*)obs->find("channelCat"); RooAbsData* data = (RooAbsData*)workSpace->data("obsData"); RooRealVar* obs_x = (RooRealVar*)obs->find("obs_x_BMCorr"); RooRealVar* obs_y = (RooRealVar*)obs->find("obs_y_BMCorr"); // make BB work with newer ROOT versions ('HistFactorySimultaneous' removed - instead use directly 'RooSimultaneous') RooSimultaneous* totalPdf = new RooSimultaneous( *model ); // make nll model to data RooAbsReal* nll = totalPdf->createNLL( *data , RooFit::Offset(kTRUE) ); // BB in likelihood RooStats::HistFactory::RooBarlowBeestonLL* bbnll = new RooStats::HistFactory::RooBarlowBeestonLL("bbnll", "bbnll", *nll); bbnll->setPdf( totalPdf ); bbnll->setDataset( data ); bbnll->initializeBarlowCache(); // -------------------------------------- // Perform fit // -------------------------------------- // --------- Minimization code RooMinimizer* minuitHF = new RooMinimizer( *bbnll ) ; // nll minuitHF->setErrorLevel(0.5); minuitHF->optimizeConst(1); minuitHF->migrad() ; // Minimization minuitHF->hesse() ; // Hessian error analysis RooFitResult *fitResult = minuitHF->save("Result","Result"); fitResult->Print("v"); // -------------------------------------- // Extract fit result // -------------------------------------- // Signal fit result RooRealVar* fitResult_sig = (RooRealVar*)fitResult->floatParsFinal().find("num_histoSig"); Double_t N_sig_fit = fitResult_sig->getVal(); Double_t err_N_sig_fit = fitResult_sig->getError(); // BG fit result RooRealVar* fitResult_bg = (RooRealVar*)fitResult->floatParsFinal().find("num_histoBG"); Double_t N_BG_fit = fitResult_bg->getVal(); Double_t err_yield_bg = fitResult_bg->getError(); std::cout << " " << std::endl; std::cout << "Fit result (BB= : " << BB << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << " " << std::endl; std::cout << "N_sig_fit = " << N_sig_fit << " +- " << err_N_sig_fit << std::endl; std::cout << "N_BG_fit = " << N_BG_fit << " +- " << err_yield_bg << std::endl; std::cout << " " << std::endl; // -------------------------------------- // Saving yields to json file // -------------------------------------- const double nSig = N_sig_fit; const double nBG = N_BG_fit; std::ofstream output_file("output_" + fitType + ".json"); json outJson; outJson["histoSig"] = nSig; outJson["histoBG"] = nBG; output_file << outJson; output_file.close(); // -------------------------------------- // Plotting fit result // -------------------------------------- std::cout << " " << std::endl; std::cout << "==> Start plotting.. " << std::endl; std::cout << " " << std::endl; double min = 3000; double max = 6000; std::vector varNames; if (DIM == 1) varNames.push_back("obs_x_BMCorr"); if (DIM == 2) { varNames.push_back("obs_x_BMCorr"); varNames.push_back("obs_y_BMCorr"); } RooPlot* frame; RooPlot* frame_tot; RooPlot* pull; TLegend* legend; RooPlot *ffr; for (int i = 0; i < DIM; i++){ if (varNames[i]=="obs_x_BMCorr") frame = obs_x->frame(); if (varNames[i]=="obs_y_BMCorr") frame = obs_y->frame(); data->plotOn(frame, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::Poisson), RooFit::MarkerSize(0.4), RooFit::DrawOption("ZP"), RooFit::Name("pdf_Data")); model->plotOn(frame, RooFit::ProjWData(*idx, *data), RooFit::Name("pdf_model"), RooFit::Components("*histoSig*,*histoBG*"), RooFit::DrawOption("L"), RooFit::LineColor(kGreen)); model->plotOn(frame, RooFit::ProjWData(*idx, *data), RooFit::Name("pdf_sig"), RooFit::Components("*histoSig*"), RooFit::DrawOption("L"), RooFit::LineColor(kBlue)); model->plotOn(frame, RooFit::ProjWData(*idx, *data), RooFit::Name("pdf_bg"), RooFit::Components("*histoBG*"), RooFit::DrawOption("L"), RooFit::LineColor(kRed)); frame->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0, 5.5e3); frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" "); frame->SetTitle(" "); if (varNames[i]=="obs_x_BMCorr") legend = new TLegend(0.70, 0.4, 0.90, 0.96); if (varNames[i]=="obs_y_BMCorr") legend = new TLegend(0.15, 0.4, 0.35, 0.96); legend->SetBorderSize(0); legend->SetFillColorAlpha(kWhite, 0.0); legend->AddEntry(frame->findObject("pdf_Data"), "Data", "lep"); legend->AddEntry(frame->findObject("pdf_model"), "Fit", "l"); legend->AddEntry(frame->findObject("pdf_sig"), "Signal", "l"); legend->AddEntry(frame->findObject("pdf_bg"), "Background", "l"); legend->Draw(); // - - - - - - combined plot if (varNames[i]=="obs_x_BMCorr") frame_tot = obs_x->frame(); if (varNames[i]=="obs_y_BMCorr") frame_tot = obs_y->frame(); data->plotOn(frame_tot, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::Poisson), RooFit::MarkerSize(0.4), RooFit::DrawOption("ZP"), RooFit::Name("pdf_Data")); model->plotOn(frame_tot, RooFit::ProjWData(*idx, *data), RooFit::Name("total"), RooFit::Components("*histoSig*,*histoBG*"), RooFit::DrawOption("L"), RooFit::LineColor(kGreen)); // - - - - - - pull plot if (varNames[i]=="obs_x_BMCorr") pull = obs_x->frame(); if (varNames[i]=="obs_y_BMCorr") pull = obs_y->frame(); RooHist* h1 = frame_tot->pullHist(); pull->addPlotable(h1,"E1"); pull->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.13); pull->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.13); pull->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(5); pull->SetTitle(" "); pull->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" "); pull->SetMaximum(4.5); pull->SetMinimum(-4.5); TLine l_up(min, 2., max, 2.); TLine l_m(min, 0., max, 0.); TLine l_down(min, -2., max, -2.); l_up.SetLineColor(kRed); l_down.SetLineColor(kRed); l_m.SetLineStyle(3); // - - - - - - plot fit and pull plots together TCanvas c("Fit_and_pull", "Fit and pull", 900, 600); c.Divide(1,2);; gPad->SetPad(0.0, 0.20, 1.0, 1.0); gPad->SetRightMargin(0.025); gPad->SetTopMargin(0.02); frame->Draw(); legend->Draw("same");; gPad->SetPad(0.0, 0.00, 1.0, 0.25); if (varNames[i]=="obs_x_BMCorr") pull->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("obs_x_BMCorr"); if (varNames[i]=="obs_y_BMCorr") pull->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("obs_y_BMCorr"); pull->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.9); pull->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.17); gPad->SetRightMargin(0.025); gPad->SetBottomMargin(0.40); pull->Draw("e1"); l_up.Draw("same"); l_down.Draw("same"); l_m.Draw("same"); c.Update(); TString fitName = "Fit_"; if (varNames[i]=="obs_x_BMCorr") fitName += "mcorr"; if (varNames[i]=="obs_y_BMCorr") fitName += "mpipi"; fitName += ".pdf"; c.SaveAs( fitName ); } }