/* Eccentricity vs Impact Parameter b for n = 2 for both Shadowing = 0 and Shadowing = 1 */ void S() { TFile* fa = new TFile("2_S0.root", "READ"); TProfile* A = (TProfile*) fa->Get("hprof1"); // for n = 2 for Shadowing = 0 TFile* fb = new TFile("2_S1.root", "READ"); TProfile* B = (TProfile*) fb->Get("hprof2"); // for n = 2 for Shadowing = 1 TFile* fc = new TFile("3_S0.root", "READ"); TProfile* C = (TProfile*) fc->Get("hprof3"); // for n = 3 for Shadowing = 0 TFile* fd = new TFile("3_S1.root", "READ"); TProfile* D = (TProfile*) fd->Get("hprof4"); // for n = 3 for Shadowing = 1 TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(); c1->cd(); TProfile *hprof5 = new TProfile("hprof5", "Eccentricity vs b for n = 2 for Shadowing = 0 and 1", 40, 0, 20); hprof5->SetStats(0); hprof5->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Impact Parameter b (in fm)"); hprof5->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Eccentricity"); hprof5->Add(A,B); A->SetMarkerColor(kGreen); B->SetMarkerColor(kRed); hprof5->Draw(); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas(); c2->cd(); C->SetMarkerStyle(kBlue); D->SetMarkerStyle(kYellow); TProfile *hprof6 = new TProfile("hprof6", "Eccentricity vs b for n = 3 for Shadowing = 0 and 1", 40, 0, 20); hprof6->SetStats(0); hprof6->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Impact Parameter b (in fm)"); hprof6->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Eccentricity"); hprof6->Add(C,D); A->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); B->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); hprof6->Draw(); c1->BuildLegend(); c2->BuildLegend(); /* TFile* f2 = new TFile("n2s01.root", "CREATE"); hprof5->Write(); TFile* f3 = new TFile("n3s01.root", "CREATE"); hprof6->Write();*/ }