//SetANGLE "cThetaMax<110" for 90degree Clover //SetANGLE mystring for 135degree Clover //CHOOSE 1keV binning for consistency TH1F *CreateHisto(int n, double xl, double xr){ TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800,400); c1->cd(); gStyle->SetPalette(1); gStyle->SetOptStat("inM"); TH1F *hist = new TH1F("hist", "h;Channel;Counts", n, xl, xr); // you need to draw the histogram only 1 time in the analysis fstream file; file.open("./Co60.txt", ios::in); //file.open("/home/ic00025/Desktop/Co60.txt", ios::in); double Counts; int channel=0; while(!file.eof()){ file >> Counts ; hist->Fill(channel,Counts); channel++; if(file.eof()) break; //cout << channel << " " << Counts << endl; } cout <<"Total Chanel Number: " << channel << endl; hist->GetXaxis()->SetRange(380,540); // for user to focus hist->Draw("hist"); file.close(); c1->Update(); return hist; } double Err_f(double x){ //What they call “erf(x)” in the “Table 1.1” and equations “(1.6)”, “(1.7)” and “(1.8)” is: double y= ROOT::Math::erf(x / TMath::Sqrt(2.)) ; return y; } void pm(){ cout << "Integral:" << 100<< "±" << 5<< endl; } void FitGussianFunctions(TH1F *h1, int n, double xl, double xr){ ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::SetDefaultMinimizer("Minuit2"); double extention =20. ; //For background // Gilmore book page 112, figure 5.7 double HistoBinning= (xr-xl)/n; TF1 *total = new TF1("total","gausn(0) + gausn(3) + pol2(6)", xl, xr); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //TH1F *h = (TH1F*)h1->Clone("h"); total->SetParNames("Height_1", "Mean_1", "Sigma_1", // gausn(0) "Height_2", "Mean_2", "Sigma_2", // gausn(3) "a", "b", "c"); // pol2(6) total->SetNpx(n); // e.g., (n) or (3 * n); // f->Print(); total->SetParameters(21000., 430., 10., // gausn(0) 18000., 490., 10., // gausn(3) 400., 0.4, -0.002); // pol2(6) h1->Fit(total, "LRS"); //RBE //Now, I am able to fit and draw this function since I assigned its values which were taken from the first gaussian and pol1 fits total->SetLineColor(kRed); total->Draw("same"); //https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/classTF1.html#a4f798c9626dc2d2268198ee01dc51437 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TF1 *g1 = new TF1("g1", "gausn", xl, xr); g1->SetNpx(total->GetNpx()); g1->SetParameters(total->GetParameters() + 0); // gausn(0) g1->SetLineColor(kGreen); g1->Draw("same"); TF1 *g2 = new TF1("g2", "gausn", xl, xr); g2->SetNpx(total->GetNpx()); g2->SetParameters(total->GetParameters() + 3); // gausn(3) g2->SetLineColor(kBlue); g2->Draw("same"); TF1 *bg = new TF1("bg", "pol2", xl, xr); bg->SetNpx(total->GetNpx()); bg->SetParameters(total->GetParameters() + 6); // pol2(6) bg->SetLineColor(kBlack); bg->Draw("same"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Fİnding the count double PeakCoverageFactor = 2.326 ;//in terms of sigma. Page 106, table 5.11Practical Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, or k factor on page 115, why they are different ???????? double ConfidenceLimitCorrection= Err_f(PeakCoverageFactor); // Associated degree of 2 tailed confidence printf("For probabilty interval alpha: %1.2f\n", (1.- ConfidenceLimitCorrection)/2. ); //Table 5.3 Gilmore page 129 in pdf. printf("For k_alfa factor %1.3f in statistics.\n", PeakCoverageFactor); printf("Err_f()=ConfidenceLimitCorrection= %1.4f in 2 tailed confidence limit.", ConfidenceLimitCorrection); double p0= total->GetParameter(0); //Gaus 1 double p1= total->GetParameter(1); double p2= total->GetParameter(2); double p3= total->GetParameter(3); //Gaus 2 double p4= total->GetParameter(4); double p5= total->GetParameter(5); double p6= total->GetParameter(6); //Pol2 double p7= total->GetParameter(7); double p8= total->GetParameter(8); double* g1Parameters = new double[3] ; g1Parameters[0] = p0; g1Parameters[1] = p1; g1Parameters[2] = p2; double* g2Parameters = new double[3] ; g2Parameters[0] = p3; g2Parameters[1] = p4; g2Parameters[2] = p5; double* bgParameters = new double[3] ; bgParameters[0] = p6; bgParameters[1] = p7; bgParameters[2] = p8; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TAxis *Xaxis = h1->GetXaxis(); double xVmin= p1 - (PeakCoverageFactor* p2); double xVmax= p1 + (PeakCoverageFactor* p2); double LL= Xaxis->FindBin(xVmin ); // min x value double UL= Xaxis->FindBin(xVmax); // max x value } int FindFittingValues(){ delete gROOT->FindObject("hist"); delete gROOT->FindObject("c1"); int n = 1024; // number of bins double LL = 0.; double UL = 1024.; // make sure "bin width" = 1. //////////////////////////////////////////////// TH1F *h1= CreateHisto( n, LL, UL); ////INPUT FILE for initialization ////////////// double slide=22. ; //////////////////////////////////////////////// FitGussianFunctions(h1, n, LL, UL); return 0; }