Processing StandardHypoTestInvDemo_Hypatia.C+("Hypatia_Expo_0.0_4700_6200_new.root","w","ModelConfig","bkgOnlyModel","combData",0,3,true,20,0,500,100,false,0)... RooFit v3.60 -- Developed by Wouter Verkerke and David Kirkby Copyright (C) 2000-2013 NIKHEF, University of California & Stanford University All rights reserved, please read before load after load 0x44bb4b0 Hypatia_Expo_0.0_4700_6200_new.root Running HypoTestInverter on the workspace w RooWorkspace(w) w contents variables --------- (Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr,R,R_1405,R_1520,R_1600,a1_Run1,a1_Run2,a2_Run1,a2_Run2,eff_ratio1,eff_ratio2,eff_ratio_1405_1,eff_ratio_1405_2,eff_ratio_1520_1,eff_ratio_1520_2,eff_ratio_1600_1,eff_ratio_1600_2,geff_ratio1,geff_ratio2,geff_ratio_1405_1,geff_ratio_1405_2,geff_ratio_1520_1,geff_ratio_1520_2,geff_ratio_1600_1,geff_ratio_1600_2,gnXib1,gnXib2,gshift_Xib,lambda_Run1,lambda_Run2,mcnbkg_run1,mcnbkg_run2,mcnsig_run1,mcnsig_run2,mean_Run1,mean_Run2,miscLstMean_Run1,miscLstMean_Run2,miscLstSigma_Run1,miscLstSigma_Run2,nBkg_Run1,nBkg_Run2,nJpsiKs_Run1,nJpsiKs_Run2,nLb_Run1,nLb_Run2,nMiscLst_Run1,nMiscLst_Run2,nXib1,nXib2,nXib_JpsiLambda_Run1,nXib_JpsiLambda_Run2,sample,shift_Xib,sigma_Run1,sigma_Run2,slope_Run1,slope_Run2,tau_run1,tau_run2) p.d.f.s ------- RooExponential::Bkg_Run1[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr c=Bkg_Run1_2 ] = 3.04943e-08 RooExponential::Bkg_Run2[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr c=Bkg_Run2_2 ] = 5.89312e-09 RooKeysPdf::JPSIKS_RUN1[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr ] = 4.01343e-07 RooKeysPdf::JPSIKS_RUN2[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr ] = 4.37433e-07 RooKeysPdf::LST1405_Run1[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr ] = 1.83271e-05 RooKeysPdf::LST1405_Run2[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr ] = 1.60007e-05 RooKeysPdf::LST1520_Run1[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr ] = 4.74613e-05 RooKeysPdf::LST1520_Run2[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr ] = 3.78539e-05 RooKeysPdf::LST1600_Run1[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr ] = 0.000180846 RooKeysPdf::LST1600_Run2[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr ] = 0.000176661 RooHypatia2::Lb_Run1[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr l=lambda_Run1 zeta=0 fb=0 sigma=sigma_Run1 mu=mean_Run1 a=a1_Run1 n=2 a2=a2_Run1 n2=2 ] = 1.85411e-06 RooHypatia2::Lb_Run2[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr l=lambda_Run2 zeta=0 fb=0 sigma=sigma_Run2 mu=mean_Run2 a=a1_Run2 n=2 a2=a2_Run2 n2=2 ] = 1.6994e-06 RooKeysPdf::SIG_Run1[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr ] = 9.37869e-22 RooKeysPdf::SIG_Run2[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr ] = 2.37959e-09 RooKeysPdf::XIB_RUN1[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr ] = 0 RooKeysPdf::XIB_RUN2[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr ] = 4.91021e-07 RooHypatia2::Xib_Run1[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr l=lambda_Run1 zeta=0 fb=0 sigma=sigma_Run1 mu=XibMean_Run1 a=a1_Run1 n=2 a2=a2_Run1 n2=2 ] = 1.30623e-06 RooHypatia2::Xib_Run2[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr l=lambda_Run2 zeta=0 fb=0 sigma=sigma_Run2 mu=XibMean_Run2 a=a1_Run2 n=2 a2=a2_Run2 n2=2 ] = 1.19651e-06 RooGaussian::eff_ratio_1405_constraint1[ x=geff_ratio_1405_1 mean=eff_ratio_1405_1 sigma=0.00792 ] = 0.999353 RooGaussian::eff_ratio_1405_constraint2[ x=geff_ratio_1405_2 mean=eff_ratio_1405_2 sigma=0.008167 ] = 0.999405 RooGaussian::eff_ratio_1520_constraint1[ x=geff_ratio_1520_1 mean=eff_ratio_1520_1 sigma=0.006827 ] = 0.956716 RooGaussian::eff_ratio_1520_constraint2[ x=geff_ratio_1520_2 mean=eff_ratio_1520_2 sigma=0.008602 ] = 0.943113 RooGaussian::eff_ratio_1600_constraint1[ x=geff_ratio_1600_1 mean=eff_ratio_1600_1 sigma=0.005912 ] = 0.974423 RooGaussian::eff_ratio_1600_constraint2[ x=geff_ratio_1600_2 mean=eff_ratio_1600_2 sigma=0.006325 ] = 0.975478 RooGaussian::eff_ratio_constraint1[ x=geff_ratio1 mean=eff_ratio1 sigma=0.026501 ] = 1 RooGaussian::eff_ratio_constraint2[ x=geff_ratio2 mean=eff_ratio2 sigma=0.012564 ] = 1 RooGaussian::lstLump_Run1[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr mean=miscLstMean_Run1 sigma=miscLstSigma_Run1 ] = 1.21904e-06 RooGaussian::lstLump_Run2[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr mean=miscLstMean_Run2 sigma=miscLstSigma_Run2 ] = 4.3633e-06 RooAddPdf::mcFit_Run1[ mcnsig_run1 * Lb_Run1 + mcnbkg_run1 * mcbkg_run1 ] = 0.000586192 RooAddPdf::mcFit_Run2[ mcnsig_run2 * Lb_Run2 + mcnbkg_run2 * mcbkg_run2 ] = 4.25026e-05 RooExponential::mcbkg_run1[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr c=tau_run1 ] = 0.99953 RooExponential::mcbkg_run2[ x=Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr c=tau_run2 ] = 0.99998 RooAddPdf::model1[ nSigma1 * SIG_Run1 + nLb_Run1 * Lb_Run1 + nXib1 * XIB_RUN1 + n1405_Run1 * LST1405_Run1 + n1520_Run1 * LST1520_Run1 + n1600_Run1 * LST1600_Run1 + nMiscLst_Run1 * lstLump_Run1 + nBkg_Run1 * Bkg_Run1 + nXib_JpsiLambda_Run1 * Xib_Run1 + nJpsiKs_Run1 * JPSIKS_RUN1 ] = 1.78382e-05 RooAddPdf::model2[ nSigma2 * SIG_Run2 + nLb_Run2 * Lb_Run2 + nXib2 * XIB_RUN2 + n1405_Run2 * LST1405_Run2 + n1520_Run2 * LST1520_Run2 + n1600_Run2 * LST1600_Run2 + nMiscLst_Run2 * lstLump_Run2 + nBkg_Run2 * Bkg_Run2 + nXib_JpsiLambda_Run2 * Xib_Run2 + nJpsiKs_Run2 * JPSIKS_RUN2 ] = 1.84532e-05 RooProdPdf::model_const1[ model1 * eff_ratio_constraint1 * nXib_constraint1 * eff_ratio_1405_constraint1 * eff_ratio_1520_constraint1 * eff_ratio_1600_constraint1 * shift_Xib_constraint ] = 1.40033e-05 RooProdPdf::model_const2[ model2 * eff_ratio_constraint2 * nXib_constraint2 * eff_ratio_1405_constraint2 * eff_ratio_1520_constraint2 * eff_ratio_1600_constraint2 * shift_Xib_constraint ] = 1.57139e-05 RooGaussian::nXib_constraint1[ x=gnXib1 mean=nXib1 sigma=4.76446 ] = 0.84262 RooGaussian::nXib_constraint2[ x=gnXib2 mean=nXib2 sigma=11.3026 ] = 0.92617 RooGaussian::shift_Xib_constraint[ x=gshift_Xib mean=shift_Xib sigma=0.4 ] = 0.999996 RooSimultaneous::simPdf[ indexCat=sample run1=model_const1 run2=model_const2 ] = 1.23917e-05 functions -------- RooFormulaVar::Bkg_Run1_2[ actualVars=(slope_Run1) formula="-1*pow(10,slope_Run1)" ] = -0.0036805 RooFormulaVar::Bkg_Run2_2[ actualVars=(slope_Run2) formula="-1*pow(10,slope_Run2)" ] = -0.00403009 RooFormulaVar::XibMean_Run1[ actualVars=(mean_Run1,shift_Xib) formula="mean_Run1+shift_Xib" ] = 5792.1 RooFormulaVar::XibMean_Run2[ actualVars=(mean_Run2,shift_Xib) formula="mean_Run2+shift_Xib" ] = 5792.32 RooFormulaVar::n1405_Run1[ actualVars=(R_1405,nLb_Run1,eff_ratio_1405_1) formula="R_1405*nLb_Run1*eff_ratio_1405_1" ] = 52.0504 RooFormulaVar::n1405_Run2[ actualVars=(R_1405,nLb_Run2,eff_ratio_1405_2) formula="R_1405*nLb_Run2*eff_ratio_1405_2" ] = 209.013 RooFormulaVar::n1520_Run1[ actualVars=(R_1520,nLb_Run1,eff_ratio_1520_1) formula="R_1520*nLb_Run1*eff_ratio_1520_1" ] = 523.383 RooFormulaVar::n1520_Run2[ actualVars=(R_1520,nLb_Run2,eff_ratio_1520_2) formula="R_1520*nLb_Run2*eff_ratio_1520_2" ] = 2136.58 RooFormulaVar::n1600_Run1[ actualVars=(R_1600,nLb_Run1,eff_ratio_1600_1) formula="R_1600*nLb_Run1*eff_ratio_1600_1" ] = 474.64 RooFormulaVar::n1600_Run2[ actualVars=(R_1600,nLb_Run2,eff_ratio_1600_2) formula="R_1600*nLb_Run2*eff_ratio_1600_2" ] = 1933.78 RooFormulaVar::nSigma1[ actualVars=(R,nLb_Run1,eff_ratio1) formula="pow(10,-5)*R*nLb_Run1/(eff_ratio1*1.058)" ] = 1.78861e-07 RooFormulaVar::nSigma2[ actualVars=(R,nLb_Run2,eff_ratio2) formula="pow(10,-5)*R*nLb_Run2/(eff_ratio2*1.058)" ] = 7.31593e-07 datasets -------- RooDataSet::ds_sim_wt1(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) RooDataSet::ds_sim_wt2(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) RooDataHist::ds1(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) RooDataHist::ds2(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) RooDataHist::combData(sample,Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) parameter snapshots ------------------- ModelConfig__snapshot = (R=5.15589e-06 +/- 91.9114) bkgOnlyModel__snapshot = (R=0 +/- 91.9114) named sets ---------- ModelConfig_GlobalObservables:(geff_ratio1,geff_ratio2,gnXib1,gnXib2,geff_ratio_1405_1,geff_ratio_1405_2,geff_ratio_1520_1,geff_ratio_1520_2,geff_ratio_1600_1,geff_ratio_1600_2,gshift_Xib) ModelConfig_NuisParams:(nLb_Run1,mean_Run1,sigma_Run1,nBkg_Run1,nMiscLst_Run1,miscLstMean_Run1,miscLstSigma_Run1,eff_ratio1,nXib1,eff_ratio_1405_1,eff_ratio_1520_1,eff_ratio_1600_1,nLb_Run2,mean_Run2,sigma_Run2,nBkg_Run2,nMiscLst_Run2,miscLstMean_Run2,miscLstSigma_Run2,eff_ratio2,nXib2,eff_ratio_1405_2,eff_ratio_1520_2,eff_ratio_1600_2,R_1405,R_1520,R_1600,nXib_JpsiLambda_Run1,nXib_JpsiLambda_Run2,shift_Xib,slope_Run1,slope_Run2) ModelConfig_Observables:(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr,sample) ModelConfig_POI:(R) ModelConfig__snapshot:(R) bkgOnlyModel__snapshot:(R) globObs:(geff_ratio1,geff_ratio2,gnXib1,gnXib2,geff_ratio_1405_1,geff_ratio_1405_2,geff_ratio_1520_1,geff_ratio_1520_2,geff_ratio_1600_1,geff_ratio_1600_2,gshift_Xib) nuisParams:(nLb_Run1,mean_Run1,sigma_Run1,nBkg_Run1,nMiscLst_Run1,miscLstMean_Run1,miscLstSigma_Run1,eff_ratio1,nXib1,eff_ratio_1405_1,eff_ratio_1520_1,eff_ratio_1600_1,nLb_Run2,mean_Run2,sigma_Run2,nBkg_Run2,nMiscLst_Run2,miscLstMean_Run2,miscLstSigma_Run2,eff_ratio2,nXib2,eff_ratio_1405_2,eff_ratio_1520_2,eff_ratio_1600_2,R_1405,R_1520,R_1600,nXib_JpsiLambda_Run1,nXib_JpsiLambda_Run2,shift_Xib,slope_Run1,slope_Run2) obs:(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr,sample) poi:(R) generic objects --------------- RooStats::ModelConfig::ModelConfig RooStats::ModelConfig::bkgOnlyModel Using data set combData Info in : Model ModelConfig has no snapshot - make one using model poi [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot StandardHypoTestInvDemo_Hypatia : POI initial value: R = 5.15589e-06 Info in : Using Minuit as minimizer for computing the test statistic Info in : Doing a first fit to the observed data [#1] INFO:Minization -- p.d.f. provides expected number of events, including extended term in likelihood. [#1] INFO:Minization -- createNLL picked up cached consraints from workspace with 11 entries [#1] INFO:Minization -- Including the following contraint terms in minimization: (eff_ratio_constraint1,nXib_constraint1,eff_ratio_1405_constraint1,eff_ratio_1520_constraint1,eff_ratio_1600_constraint1,shift_Xib_constraint,eff_ratio_constraint2,nXib_constraint2,eff_ratio_1405_constraint2,eff_ratio_1520_constraint2,eff_ratio_1600_constraint2) RooAbsTestStatistic::initSimMode: creating slave calculator #0 for state run1 (375 dataset entries) [#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init(Lb_Run1_Int[Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) [#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init(Xib_Run1_Int[Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) RooAbsTestStatistic::initSimMode: creating slave calculator #1 for state run2 (375 dataset entries) [#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init(Lb_Run2_Int[Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) [#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init(Xib_Run2_Int[Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) [#1] INFO:Fitting -- RooAbsTestStatistic::initSimMode: created 2 slave calculators. [#1] INFO:Fitting -- RooAddition::defaultErrorLevel(nll_simPdf_combData_with_constr) Summation contains a RooNLLVar, using its error level [#1] INFO:Minization -- RooMinimizer::optimizeConst: activating const optimization [#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init(Lb_Run1_Int[Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) [#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init(Xib_Run1_Int[Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) [#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init(Lb_Run1_Int[Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) [#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init(Xib_Run1_Int[Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) [#1] INFO:Minization -- The following expressions have been identified as constant and will be precalculated and cached: (SIG_Run1,XIB_RUN1,LST1405_Run1,LST1520_Run1,LST1600_Run1,JPSIKS_RUN1) [#1] INFO:Minization -- The following expressions will be evaluated in cache-and-track mode: (Lb_Run1,lstLump_Run1,Bkg_Run1,Xib_Run1) [#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init(Lb_Run2_Int[Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) [#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init(Xib_Run2_Int[Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) [#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init(Lb_Run2_Int[Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) [#1] INFO:NumericIntegration -- RooRealIntegral::init(Xib_Run2_Int[Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr]) using numeric integrator RooIntegrator1D to calculate Int(Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr) [#1] INFO:Minization -- The following expressions have been identified as constant and will be precalculated and cached: (SIG_Run2,XIB_RUN2,LST1405_Run2,LST1520_Run2,LST1600_Run2,JPSIKS_RUN2) [#1] INFO:Minization -- The following expressions will be evaluated in cache-and-track mode: (Lb_Run2,lstLump_Run2,Bkg_Run2,Xib_Run2) ********** ** 1 **SET PRINT 0 ********** ********** ** 2 **SET NOGRAD ********** PARAMETER DEFINITIONS: NO. NAME VALUE STEP SIZE LIMITS 1 R 5.15589e-06 9.19114e+01 0.00000e+00 1.00000e+03 MINUIT WARNING IN PARAMETR ============== VARIABLE1 IS AT ITS LOWER ALLOWED LIMIT. MINUIT WARNING IN PARAMETR ============== VARIABLE1 BROUGHT BACK INSIDE LIMITS. 2 R_1405 2.28194e-02 1.31865e-01 0.00000e+00 1.00000e+00 MINUIT WARNING IN PARAMETR ============== VARIABLE2 BROUGHT BACK INSIDE LIMITS. 3 R_1520 2.74864e-01 2.47880e-01 0.00000e+00 1.00000e+00 4 R_1600 2.91089e-01 1.37096e-01 0.00000e+00 1.00000e+00 5 eff_ratio1 1.13016e+00 2.65004e-02 0.00000e+00 5.00000e+00 6 eff_ratio2 1.02992e+00 1.25640e-02 0.00000e+00 5.00000e+00 7 eff_ratio_1405_1 5.49901e-01 8.02457e-03 0.00000e+00 5.00000e+00 8 eff_ratio_1405_2 5.92399e-01 8.37962e-03 0.00000e+00 5.00000e+00 9 eff_ratio_1520_1 4.59057e-01 7.03855e-03 0.00000e+00 5.00000e+00 10 eff_ratio_1520_2 5.02745e-01 9.31418e-03 0.00000e+00 5.00000e+00 11 eff_ratio_1600_1 3.93100e-01 5.90521e-03 0.00000e+00 5.00000e+00 12 eff_ratio_1600_2 4.29662e-01 6.36865e-03 0.00000e+00 5.00000e+00 13 mean_Run1 5.61960e+03 1.22106e-01 5.61900e+03 5.62100e+03 14 mean_Run2 5.61982e+03 6.30187e-02 5.61900e+03 5.62100e+03 15 miscLstMean_Run1 5.01997e+03 4.63053e+00 4.99000e+03 5.04000e+03 16 miscLstMean_Run2 5.01529e+03 3.65135e+00 4.99000e+03 5.04000e+03 17 miscLstSigma_Run1 6.09295e+01 4.34325e+00 3.00000e+01 9.00000e+01 18 miscLstSigma_Run2 6.30568e+01 3.66307e+00 3.00000e+01 9.00000e+01 19 nBkg_Run1 7.64128e+02 5.18644e+01 1.00000e+00 6.74500e+03 20 nBkg_Run2 2.59170e+03 1.04778e+02 1.00000e+00 2.51460e+04 21 nLb_Run1 4.14797e+03 6.33995e+01 1.00000e+03 8.00000e+03 22 nLb_Run2 1.54616e+04 1.24225e+02 1.00000e+03 2.40000e+04 23 nMiscLst_Run1 7.51140e+02 6.39651e+01 1.00000e+00 4.00000e+03 24 nMiscLst_Run2 2.72334e+03 2.09534e+02 1.00000e+00 9.00000e+03 25 nXib1 2.22128e+01 4.58707e+00 0.00000e+00 2.00000e+02 26 nXib2 7.83663e+01 1.08532e+01 0.00000e+00 4.00000e+02 27 nXib_JpsiLambda_Run1 6.74680e+00 2.96404e+00 0.00000e+00 5.00000e+01 28 nXib_JpsiLambda_Run2 1.43588e+01 4.57961e+00 0.00000e+00 1.00000e+02 29 shift_Xib 1.72501e+02 3.89079e-01 1.71000e+02 1.74000e+02 30 sigma_Run1 1.53864e+01 2.26732e-01 1.20000e+01 1.80000e+01 31 sigma_Run2 1.39167e+01 1.05901e-01 1.10000e+01 1.70000e+01 32 slope_Run1 -2.43409e+00 2.75175e-02 -5.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 33 slope_Run2 -2.39469e+00 1.63092e-02 -5.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 ********** ** 3 **SET ERR 0.5 ********** ********** ** 4 **SET PRINT 0 ********** ********** ** 5 **SET STR 0 ********** ********** ** 6 **MIGRAD 1.65e+04 1 ********** MINUIT WARNING IN MIGrad ============== VARIABLE1 IS AT ITS LOWER ALLOWED LIMIT. [#1] INFO:Minization -- RooNLLVar::evaluatePartition(run1) first = 0 last = 375 Likelihood offset now set to -11510.3 [#1] INFO:Minization -- RooNLLVar::evaluatePartition(run2) first = 0 last = 375 Likelihood offset now set to -76886.7 MIGRAD MINIMIZATION HAS CONVERGED. FCN=-24.0094 FROM MIGRAD STATUS=CONVERGED 197 CALLS 198 TOTAL EDM=2.68813e-06 STRATEGY= 0 NO ERROR MATRIX EXT PARAMETER CURRENT GUESS STEP FIRST NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE 1 R 1.66533e-13 9.19114e+01 -1.95310e-03** at limit ** 2 R_1405 2.28233e-02 1.31865e-01 2.60025e-05 4.83440e-03 3 R_1520 2.74866e-01 2.47880e-01 4.39380e-06 2.62726e-02 4 R_1600 2.91090e-01 1.37096e-01 8.79243e-07 2.54184e-02 5 eff_ratio1 1.13016e+00 2.65004e-02 6.23723e-07 -6.46635e-06 6 eff_ratio2 1.02992e+00 1.25640e-02 1.62573e-07 1.64217e-05 7 eff_ratio_1405_1 5.49901e-01 8.02457e-03 9.34319e-08 1.93550e-04 8 eff_ratio_1405_2 5.92400e-01 8.37962e-03 3.15312e-07 7.41573e-03 9 eff_ratio_1520_1 4.59057e-01 7.03855e-03 1.99714e-07 1.07343e-02 10 eff_ratio_1520_2 5.02745e-01 9.31418e-03 2.42847e-07 5.45611e-02 11 eff_ratio_1600_1 3.93100e-01 5.90521e-03 3.50139e-08 8.47956e-03 12 eff_ratio_1600_2 4.29662e-01 6.36865e-03 7.85684e-08 4.73004e-02 13 mean_Run1 5.61960e+03 1.22106e-01 4.38267e-05 -1.63829e-05 14 mean_Run2 5.61982e+03 6.30187e-02 2.82244e-06 -5.13312e-05 15 miscLstMean_Run1 5.01997e+03 4.63053e+00 -2.51562e-05 4.39733e-04 16 miscLstMean_Run2 5.01529e+03 3.65135e+00 8.64452e-07 1.71149e-03 17 miscLstSigma_Run1 6.09281e+01 4.34325e+00 -4.76025e-05 8.61159e-04 18 miscLstSigma_Run2 6.30564e+01 3.66307e+00 -1.35558e-05 2.18699e-03 19 nBkg_Run1 7.64129e+02 5.18644e+01 6.05326e-07 2.82308e-03 20 nBkg_Run2 2.59170e+03 1.04778e+02 2.53481e-07 1.77988e-02 21 nLb_Run1 4.14797e+03 6.33995e+01 -3.22479e-07 6.36008e-03 22 nLb_Run2 1.54616e+04 1.24225e+02 -1.11638e-07 2.72428e-02 23 nMiscLst_Run1 7.51136e+02 6.39651e+01 -2.18330e-06 1.24973e-02 24 nMiscLst_Run2 2.72334e+03 2.09534e+02 -7.91121e-07 1.93453e-02 25 nXib1 2.22151e+01 4.58707e+00 3.67232e-05 2.59879e-04 26 nXib2 7.83690e+01 1.08532e+01 1.70973e-05 6.70109e-04 27 nXib_JpsiLambda_Run1 6.74604e+00 2.96404e+00 -4.44101e-05 2.45183e-05 28 nXib_JpsiLambda_Run2 1.43583e+01 4.57961e+00 -1.63462e-05 4.04727e-05 29 shift_Xib 1.72501e+02 3.89079e-01 -3.17658e-06 6.06411e-06 30 sigma_Run1 1.53864e+01 2.26732e-01 -9.59744e-06 4.14969e-04 31 sigma_Run2 1.39167e+01 1.05901e-01 -2.15115e-06 6.30332e-04 32 slope_Run1 -2.43409e+00 2.75175e-02 -4.23064e-07 -1.20052e-02 33 slope_Run2 -2.39469e+00 1.63092e-02 -1.94482e-07 -3.62742e-02 ERR DEF= 0.5 [#1] INFO:Minization -- RooMinimizer::optimizeConst: deactivating const optimization StandardHypoTestInvDemo_Hypatia - Best Fit value : R = 1.66533e-13 +/- 91.9114 Time for fitting : Real time 0:00:01, CP time 1.150 [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot StandardHypoTestInvo: snapshot of S+B Model ModelConfig is set to the best fit value Info in : Data set is weighted, nentries = 750 and sum of weights = 31891.0 but toy generation is unbinned - it would be faster to set mGenerateBinned to true [#1] INFO:InputArguments -- HypoTestInverter ---- Input models: using as S+B (null) model : ModelConfig using as B (alternate) model : bkgOnlyModel Doing a fixed scan in interval : 0 , 500 [#1] INFO:Eval -- HypoTestInverter::GetInterval - run a fixed scan [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooWorkspace::saveSnaphot(w) replacing previous snapshot with name ModelConfig__snapshot [#0] PROGRESS:Eval -- Running for R = 0 === Using the following for ModelConfig === Observables: RooArgSet:: = (Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr,sample) Parameters of Interest: RooArgSet:: = (R) Nuisance Parameters: RooArgSet:: = (nLb_Run1,mean_Run1,sigma_Run1,nBkg_Run1,nMiscLst_Run1,miscLstMean_Run1,miscLstSigma_Run1,eff_ratio1,nXib1,eff_ratio_1405_1,eff_ratio_1520_1,eff_ratio_1600_1,nLb_Run2,mean_Run2,sigma_Run2,nBkg_Run2,nMiscLst_Run2,miscLstMean_Run2,miscLstSigma_Run2,eff_ratio2,nXib2,eff_ratio_1405_2,eff_ratio_1520_2,eff_ratio_1600_2,R_1405,R_1520,R_1600,nXib_JpsiLambda_Run1,nXib_JpsiLambda_Run2,shift_Xib,slope_Run1,slope_Run2) Global Observables: RooArgSet:: = (geff_ratio1,geff_ratio2,gnXib1,gnXib2,geff_ratio_1405_1,geff_ratio_1405_2,geff_ratio_1520_1,geff_ratio_1520_2,geff_ratio_1600_1,geff_ratio_1600_2,gshift_Xib) PDF: RooSimultaneous::simPdf[ indexCat=sample run1=model_const1 run2=model_const2 ] = 1.23931e-05 Snapshot: 1) 0x79903a0 RooRealVar:: R = 0 +/- 91.9114 L(0 - 1000) "R" === Using the following for bkgOnlyModel === Observables: RooArgSet:: = (Lb_DTF_M_JpsiLConstr,sample) Parameters of Interest: RooArgSet:: = (R) Nuisance Parameters: RooArgSet:: = (nLb_Run1,mean_Run1,sigma_Run1,nBkg_Run1,nMiscLst_Run1,miscLstMean_Run1,miscLstSigma_Run1,eff_ratio1,nXib1,eff_ratio_1405_1,eff_ratio_1520_1,eff_ratio_1600_1,nLb_Run2,mean_Run2,sigma_Run2,nBkg_Run2,nMiscLst_Run2,miscLstMean_Run2,miscLstSigma_Run2,eff_ratio2,nXib2,eff_ratio_1405_2,eff_ratio_1520_2,eff_ratio_1600_2,R_1405,R_1520,R_1600,nXib_JpsiLambda_Run1,nXib_JpsiLambda_Run2,shift_Xib,slope_Run1,slope_Run2) Global Observables: RooArgSet:: = (geff_ratio1,geff_ratio2,gnXib1,gnXib2,geff_ratio_1405_1,geff_ratio_1405_2,geff_ratio_1520_1,geff_ratio_1520_2,geff_ratio_1600_1,geff_ratio_1600_2,gshift_Xib) PDF: RooSimultaneous::simPdf[ indexCat=sample run1=model_const1 run2=model_const2 ] = 1.23931e-05 Snapshot: 1) 0x79903a0 RooRealVar:: R = 0 +/- 91.9114 L(0 - 1000) "R" [#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- Test Statistic on data: 0 [#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Null. [#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Null. [#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- RooStudyManager::runProof() opening PROOF session +++ Starting PROOF-Lite with 8 workers +++ Opening connections to workers: 1 out of 8 (12 %) Opening connections to workers: 2 out of 8 (25 %) Opening connections to workers: 3 out of 8 (37 %) Opening connections to workers: 4 out of 8 (50 %) Opening connections to workers: 5 out of 8 (62 %) Opening connections to workers: 6 out of 8 (75 %) Opening connections to workers: 7 out of 8 (87 %) Opening connections to workers: OK (8 workers) Setting up worker servers: 1 out of 8 (12 %) Setting up worker servers: 2 out of 8 (25 %) Setting up worker servers: 3 out of 8 (37 %) Setting up worker servers: 4 out of 8 (50 %) Setting up worker servers: 5 out of 8 (62 %) Setting up worker servers: 6 out of 8 (75 %) Setting up worker servers: 7 out of 8 (87 %) Setting up worker servers: OK (8 workers) PROOF set to parallel mode (8 workers) [#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- RooStudyManager::runProof() sending work package to PROOF servers [#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- RooStudyManager::runProof() starting PROOF processing of 8 experiments Info in : starting query: 1 Info in : nwrks: 8 0.4: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 0.3: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 0.1: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 0.2: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.1) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.1) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.2) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.2) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.4) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.4) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.3) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.3) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") 0.6: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 0.5: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 0.0: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.6) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.6) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.5) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.5) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.0) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.0) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") 0.7: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.7) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.7) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") Lite-0: all output objects have been merged [#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- RooStudyManager::runProof() aggregating results data [#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- RooStudyManager::runProof() cleaning up input list [#0] ERROR:Generation -- ToyMCStudy::merge No detailed output present. [#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Profiling conditional MLEs for Alt. [#1] INFO:InputArguments -- Using a ToyMCSampler. Now configuring for Alt. [#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- RooStudyManager::runProof() opening PROOF session +++ Starting PROOF-Lite with 8 workers +++ Opening connections to workers: 1 out of 8 (12 %) Opening connections to workers: 2 out of 8 (25 %) Opening connections to workers: 3 out of 8 (37 %) Opening connections to workers: 4 out of 8 (50 %) Opening connections to workers: 5 out of 8 (62 %) Opening connections to workers: 6 out of 8 (75 %) Opening connections to workers: 7 out of 8 (87 %) Opening connections to workers: OK (8 workers) Setting up worker servers: 1 out of 8 (12 %) Setting up worker servers: 2 out of 8 (25 %) Setting up worker servers: 3 out of 8 (37 %) Setting up worker servers: 4 out of 8 (50 %) Setting up worker servers: 5 out of 8 (62 %) Setting up worker servers: 6 out of 8 (75 %) Setting up worker servers: 7 out of 8 (87 %) Setting up worker servers: OK (8 workers) PROOF set to parallel mode (8 workers) [#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- RooStudyManager::runProof() sending work package to PROOF servers [#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- RooStudyManager::runProof() starting PROOF processing of 8 experiments Info in : starting query: 1 Info in : nwrks: 8 0.0: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 0.5: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 0.2: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 0.3: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 0.4: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 0.7: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 0.1: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 0.6: caught exception triggered by signal '1' -1 Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.7) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.7) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.0) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.0) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.3) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.3) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.2) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.2) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.4) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.4) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.5) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.5) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.1) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.1) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") Info in : +++ Message from master at : marking (0.6) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Message from master at : marking (0.6) as bad +++ Reason: undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...) +++ Most likely your code crashed +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing +++ +++ root [] TProof::Mgr("")->GetSessionLogs()->Display("*") Lite-0: all output objects have been merged [#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- RooStudyManager::runProof() aggregating results data [#0] PROGRESS:Generation -- RooStudyManager::runProof() cleaning up input list [#0] ERROR:Generation -- ToyMCStudy::merge No detailed output present. [#0] PROGRESS:Eval -- P values for R = 0 CLs = nan +/- 0 CLb = nan +/- 0 CLsplusb = nan +/- 0 *** Break *** segmentation violation =========================================================== There was a crash. This is the entire stack trace of all threads: =========================================================== #0 0x00000032c88ac5de in waitpid () from /lib64/ #1 0x00000032c883e619 in do_system () from /lib64/ #2 0x00007f290216c568 in TUnixSystem::StackTrace() () from /cvmfs/ #3 0x00007f290216ea6c in TUnixSystem::DispatchSignals(ESignals) () from /cvmfs/ #4 #5 0x00007f28f42d8bec in RooStats::HypoTestInverter::Eval(RooStats::HypoTestCalculatorGeneric&, bool, double) const () from /cvmfs/ #6 0x00007f28f42d973c in RooStats::HypoTestInverter::RunOnePoint(double, bool, double) const () from /cvmfs/ #7 0x00007f28f42da412 in RooStats::HypoTestInverter::RunFixedScan(int, double, double, bool) const () from /cvmfs/ #8 0x00007f28f42dce7e in RooStats::HypoTestInverter::GetInterval() const () from /cvmfs/ #9 0x00007f28f6452ac5 in RooStats::HypoTestInvTool::RunInverter(RooWorkspace*, char const*, char const*, char const*, int, int, bool, int, double, double, int, bool, char const*) () from /data1/avenkate/JpsiLambda_RESTART/scripts/Frequentist_testing/ #10 0x00007f28f645608a in StandardHypoTestInvDemo_Hypatia(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*, int, int, bool, int, double, double, int, bool, char const*) () from /data1/avenkate/JpsiLambda_RESTART/scripts/Frequentist_testing/ #11 0x00007f2901abc0e5 in ?? () #12 0x0000000000000003 in ?? () #13 0x0000000000000001 in ?? () #14 0x00007fff00000014 in ?? () #15 0x0000000000000064 in ?? () #16 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () =========================================================== The lines below might hint at the cause of the crash. You may get help by asking at the ROOT forum Only if you are really convinced it is a bug in ROOT then please submit a report at Please post the ENTIRE stack trace from above as an attachment in addition to anything else that might help us fixing this issue. =========================================================== #5 0x00007f28f42d8bec in RooStats::HypoTestInverter::Eval(RooStats::HypoTestCalculatorGeneric&, bool, double) const () from /cvmfs/ #6 0x00007f28f42d973c in RooStats::HypoTestInverter::RunOnePoint(double, bool, double) const () from /cvmfs/ #7 0x00007f28f42da412 in RooStats::HypoTestInverter::RunFixedScan(int, double, double, bool) const () from /cvmfs/ #8 0x00007f28f42dce7e in RooStats::HypoTestInverter::GetInterval() const () from /cvmfs/ #9 0x00007f28f6452ac5 in RooStats::HypoTestInvTool::RunInverter(RooWorkspace*, char const*, char const*, char const*, int, int, bool, int, double, double, int, bool, char const*) () from /data1/avenkate/JpsiLambda_RESTART/scripts/Frequentist_testing/ #10 0x00007f28f645608a in StandardHypoTestInvDemo_Hypatia(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*, int, int, bool, int, double, double, int, bool, char const*) () from /data1/avenkate/JpsiLambda_RESTART/scripts/Frequentist_testing/ #11 0x00007f2901abc0e5 in ?? () #12 0x0000000000000003 in ?? () #13 0x0000000000000001 in ?? () #14 0x00007fff00000014 in ?? () #15 0x0000000000000064 in ?? () #16 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () =========================================================== ROOT_prompt_1:1:1: error: expected expression \.q ^