#define PIPLUS 0 #define PIMINUS 1 #define HADRONS 2 #define QUARKS 6 #include #include //#include "FourVector.hh" #ifndef __CINT__ #error You must be trying to compile :(.... #include "TROOT.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TObject.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TChain.h" #include "TMatrixF.h" #include #include "binning.h" #include "fiducial_check.h" #endif //__CINT__ char * hadsText[HADRONS]={"#pi^{+}","#pi^{-}"}; char * quarksText[QUARKS]={"d","u","s","#bar{d}","#bar{u}","#bar{s}"}; Float_t recalculate_z(Int_t , Float_t, Float_t ); Int_t yield_x_z(char * , char * , Int_t richUnfold=1, Int_t data=1, Int_t zfixedBins=0, Int_t zBins=6, Float_t w2Min=10, Float_t mxMin=0.0, Float_t ptMax=30.0, Int_t fiducialCut=2, Int_t xfixedBins=1, Int_t xBins=7); Int_t yield_x_z(char * InFileRoot, char * Outfile, Int_t richUnfold, Int_t data, Int_t zfixedBins, Int_t zBins, Float_t w2Min, Float_t mxMin, Float_t ptMax, Int_t fiducialCut, Int_t xfixedBins, Int_t xBins) { Float_t q2,x,w2, ethx, ethy, pt; Float_t pdf[6],qp[3]; Float_t thx, thy; Float_t z,mx, xf; Long64_t events,tracks; Int_t tr_event,tr_run, qflav, itype; Int_t ev_event,ev_run; string fileName; ostringstream outs; cout << "==>>> w2min: " << w2Min << " mxmin:" ; cout << mxMin << " ptmax:" << ptMax << endl; //This is the code in chain mode == multiple root trees... //Can read one root file or many very nice ... TChain * T = new TChain("trackTree"); TChain * E = new TChain("eventTree"); string pattern; outs << InFileRoot << "*.root" << ends; pattern=outs.str(); outs.seekp(0); cout << pattern << endl; E->Add(pattern.c_str()); T->Add(pattern.c_str()); T->SetBranchAddress("ievent", &tr_event); T->SetBranchAddress("irun", &tr_run); T->SetBranchAddress("iType", &itype); T->SetBranchAddress("z", &z); T->SetBranchAddress("M_X",&mx); T->SetBranchAddress("pT",&pt); T->SetBranchAddress("xf",&xf); Float_t pweight[3]; Int_t csb; if (data) { T->SetBranchAddress("pMatrixWeight",pweight); E->SetBranchAddress("CSB",&csb); } E->SetBranchAddress("ievent",&ev_event); E->SetBranchAddress("irun",&ev_run); E->SetBranchAddress("qflav",&qflav); E->SetBranchAddress("Q2",&q2); E->SetBranchAddress("W2",&w2); E->SetBranchAddress("x",&x); E->SetBranchAddress("qp",qp); if ( !data ) { Float_t eventWeight; E->SetBranchAddress("weight",&eventWeight); } Float_t * eventFidData; Float_t * trackFidData; switch ( fiducialCut ) { case 1: { eventFidData=new Float_t [2]; E->SetBranchAddress("thx",&eventFidData[0]); E->SetBranchAddress("thy",&eventFidData[1]); trackFidData=new Float_t [2]; T->SetBranchAddress("thx",&trackFidData[0]); T->SetBranchAddress("thy",&trackFidData[1]); break;} case 2:{ eventFidData=new Float_t [7]; E->SetBranchAddress("calX",&eventFidData[0]); E->SetBranchAddress("calY",&eventFidData[1]); E->SetBranchAddress("frontClampX",&eventFidData[2]); E->SetBranchAddress("frontClampY",&eventFidData[3]); E->SetBranchAddress("rearClampX",&eventFidData[4]); E->SetBranchAddress("rearClampY",&eventFidData[5]); E->SetBranchAddress("rearClampYother",&eventFidData[6]); trackFidData= new Float_t [7]; T->SetBranchAddress("calX",&trackFidData[0]); T->SetBranchAddress("calY",&trackFidData[1]); T->SetBranchAddress("frontClampX",&trackFidData[2]); T->SetBranchAddress("frontClampY",&trackFidData[3]); T->SetBranchAddress("rearClampX",&trackFidData[4]); T->SetBranchAddress("rearClampY",&trackFidData[5]); T->SetBranchAddress("rearClampYother",&trackFidData[6]); break;} default:{ eventFidData = new Float_t; trackFidData = new Float_t; break;} } #ifdef __CINT__ // gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$HOME/cvsworking/rdepm/sripts"); gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ../scripts/fiducial_check.C"); #endif // ofstream fout(Outfile, ios::trunc); TFile * outFile=new TFile(Outfile,"RECREATE"); outFile->SetCompressionLevel(9); TTree * yieldData = new TTree("yieldData","Pion yield from target"); Float_t xpproot,q2pproot,zpproot,npproot,dnpproot,pdfpproot[6]; yieldData->Branch("xpp",&xpproot,"xpp/F"); yieldData->Branch("q2pp",&q2pproot,"q2pp/F"); yieldData->Branch("zpp",&zpproot,"zpp/F"); yieldData->Branch("npp",&npproot,"npp/F"); yieldData->Branch("dnpp",&dnpproot,"dnpp/F"); yieldData->Branch("pdfpp",pdfpproot,"pdfpp[6]/F"); Float_t xpmroot,q2pmroot,zpmroot,npmroot,dnpmroot,pdfpmroot[6]; yieldData->Branch("xpm",&xpmroot,"xpm/F"); yieldData->Branch("q2pm",&q2pmroot,"q2pm/F"); yieldData->Branch("zpm",&zpmroot,"zpm/F"); yieldData->Branch("npm",&npmroot,"npm/F"); yieldData->Branch("dnpm",&dnpmroot,"dnpm/F"); yieldData->Branch("pdfpm",pdfpmroot,"pdfpm[6]/F"); Int_t xbin, zbin; yieldData->Branch("xbin",&xbin,"xbin/I"); yieldData->Branch("zbin",&zbin,"zbin/I"); Float_t * xBinEdges =new Float_t [xBins+1]; Float_t * zBinEdges = new Float_t [zBins+1]; #ifdef __CINT__ gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ../scripts/binning.C"); #endif // __CINT__ binning(xBins, xfixedBins, zBins, zfixedBins, xBinEdges, zBinEdges); //All the arrays to hold our data TMatrixF * xAvg = new TMatrixF(HADRONS,xBins*zBins); TMatrixF * q2Avg = new TMatrixF(HADRONS,xBins*zBins); TMatrixF * zAvg = new TMatrixF(HADRONS,xBins*zBins); TMatrixF * semiInclusiveYield= new TMatrixF(HADRONS,xBins*zBins); TMatrixF * semiInclusiveYield2= new TMatrixF(HADRONS,xBins*zBins); TMatrixF * semiInclusiveYieldError= new TMatrixF(HADRONS,xBins*zBins); // FourVector * xAvg= new FourVector(HADRONS,xBins,zBins); // FourVector * q2Avg= new FourVector(HADRONS,xBins,zBins); // FourVector * zAvg= new FourVector(HADRONS,xBins,zBins); // FourVector * semiInclusiveYield= new FourVector(HADRONS,xBins,zBins); // FourVector * semiInclusiveYield2= new FourVector(HADRONS,xBins,zBins); // FourVector * semiInclusiveYieldError= new FourVector(HADRONS,xBins,zBins); //Build an index with run and event so we //can navigate from track to event tree... E->BuildIndex("irun","ievent"); tracks=T->GetEntries(); cout << "total tracks=" << tracks << endl; //Loop over all the tracks.... // for (Int_t i=0; i < tracks; i++) for (Int_t i=0; i < 1000; i++) { T->GetEntry(i); if (///////////////////////////// // These need to be added to the smearing matrix as well still //pt < ptMax && ////////////////////////////// mx > mxMin && z >= zBinEdges[0] && z <= zBinEdges[zBins] && xf > 0.1 && fiducial_check( trackFidData, fiducialCut ) ) { //Get the event corresponding to this track //cout << "Fetching event " << tr_event << endl; E->GetEntryWithIndex(tr_run,tr_event); if ( w2 > w2Min && x >= xBinEdges[0] && x <= xBinEdges[xBins] && q2 > 1.0 && fiducial_check(eventFidData, fiducialCut) ) { for(Int_t ix=0; ix < xBins; ix++) { if ( x >= xBinEdges[ix] && x <= xBinEdges[ix+1] ) { // Here we need to recalculate the z // value if this is a kaon or proton // if this is rich unfolding if ( richUnfold ) z=recalculate_z(itype,z,qp[0]); for(Int_t iz=0; iz < zBins; iz++) { if ( z >= zBinEdges[iz] && z <= zBinEdges[iz+1] ) { //////////////////////////////////// // DATA path /////////////////////////////////// //count everybody if unfolding if ( data ) { if ( richUnfold ) { if ( 5 >= itype && itype >= 3) { semiInclusiveYield(PIPLUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=csb*pweight[abs(itype)-3]; semiInclusiveYield2(PIPLUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=pow( pweight[abs(itype)-3], 2 ); xAvg(PIPLUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=x*pweight[abs(itype)-3]; zAvg(PIPLUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=z*pweight[abs(itype)-3]; q2Avg(PIPLUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=q2*pweight[abs(itype)-3]; // semiInclusiveYield->AddToValue( PIPLUS, ix, iz, // csb*pweight[fabs(itype)-3]); // semiInclusiveYield2->AddToValue( PIPLUS, ix, iz, // pow( pweight[fabs(itype)-3], 2 ) ); // xAvg->AddToValue( PIPLUS, ix, iz, x*pweight[fabs(itype)-3] ); // zAvg->AddToValue( PIPLUS, ix, iz, z*pweight[fabs(itype)-3] ); // q2Avg->AddToValue( PIPLUS, ix, iz, q2*pweight[fabs(itype)-3] ); } else if( -3 >= itype && itype >= -5) { semiInclusiveYield(PIMINUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=csb*pweight[abs(itype)-3]; semiInclusiveYield2(PIMINUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=pow( pweight[abs(itype)-3], 2 ); xAvg(PIMINUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=x*pweight[abs(itype)-3]; zAvg(PIMINUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=z*pweight[abs(itype)-3]; q2Avg(PIMINUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=q2*pweight[abs(itype)-3]; // semiInclusiveYield->AddToValue( PIMINUS, ix, iz, // csb*pweight[fabs(itype)-3]); // semiInclusiveYield2->AddToValue( PIMINUS, ix, iz, // pow( pweight[fabs(itype)-3], 2 ) ); // xAvg->AddToValue( PIMINUS, ix, iz, x*pweight[fabs(itype)-3] ); // zAvg->AddToValue( PIMINUS, ix, iz, z*pweight[fabs(itype)-3] ); // q2Avg->AddToValue( PIMINUS, ix, iz, q2*pweight[fabs(itype)-3] ); } } else //Only count pions and no weight { switch (itype) { case 3: semiInclusiveYield(PIPLUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=csb; semiInclusiveYield2(PIPLUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=1; xAvg(PIPLUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=x; zAvg(PIPLUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=z; q2Avg(PIPLUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=q2; // semiInclusiveYield->AddToValue( PIPLUS, ix, iz, csb); // semiInclusiveYield2->AddToValue( PIPLUS, ix, iz, 1); // xAvg->AddToValue( PIPLUS, ix, iz, x ); // zAvg->AddToValue( PIPLUS, ix, iz, z ); // q2Avg->AddToValue( PIPLUS, ix, iz, q2 ); break; case -3: semiInclusiveYield(PIMINUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=csb; semiInclusiveYield2(PIMINUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=1; xAvg(PIMINUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=x; zAvg(PIMINUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=z; q2Avg(PIMINUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=q2; // semiInclusiveYield->AddToValue( PIMINUS, ix, iz, csb); // semiInclusiveYield2->AddToValue( PIMINUS, ix, iz, 1); // xAvg->AddToValue( PIMINUS, ix, iz, x ); // zAvg->AddToValue( PIMINUS, ix, iz, z ); // q2Avg->AddToValue( PIMINUS, ix, iz, q2 ); break; default: break; } } } //////////////////////////////////// // MC path /////////////////////////////////// else { switch (itype) { case 3: semiInclusiveYield(PIPLUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=eventWeight; semiInclusiveYield2(PIPLUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=pow( eventWeight, 2 ); xAvg(PIPLUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=x*eventWeight; zAvg(PIPLUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=z*eventWeight; q2Avg(PIPLUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=q2*eventWeight; // semiInclusiveYield->AddToValue( PIPLUS, ix, iz, // eventWeight); // semiInclusiveYield2->AddToValue( PIPLUS, ix, iz, // pow( eventWeight, 2 ) ); // xAvg->AddToValue( PIPLUS, ix, iz, x*eventWeight ); // zAvg->AddToValue( PIPLUS, ix, iz, z*eventWeight ); // q2Avg->AddToValue( PIPLUS, ix, iz, q2*eventWeight ); break; case -3: semiInclusiveYield(PIMINUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=eventWeight; semiInclusiveYield2(PIMINUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=pow( eventWeight, 2 ); xAvg(PIMINUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=x*eventWeight; zAvg(PIMINUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=z*eventWeight; q2Avg(PIMINUS, ix*zBins+iz)+=q2*eventWeight; // semiInclusiveYield->AddToValue( PIMINUS, ix, iz, // eventWeight); // semiInclusiveYield2->AddToValue( PIMINUS, ix, iz, // pow( eventWeight, 2 ) ); // xAvg->AddToValue( PIMINUS, ix, iz, x*eventWeight ); // zAvg->AddToValue( PIMINUS, ix, iz, z*eventWeight ); // q2Avg->AddToValue( PIMINUS, ix, iz, q2*eventWeight ); break; default: break; } } break; } // zbin test } // loop over zbins break; } //xbin test } //loop over xbins }//inclusive cuts }//semi-inclusive cuts }//track loop //Calculate averages for(Int_t ix=0; ix < xBins; ix++) { for(Int_t iz=0; iz < zBins; iz++) { for (Int_t k=0; k < HADRONS; k++) { if( semiInclusiveYield(k,ix*zBins+iz) ) { xAvg(k, ix*zBins+iz)=xAvg(k, ix*zBins+iz)/semiInclusiveYield(k,ix*zBins+iz); zAvg(k, ix*zBins+iz)=zAvg(k, ix*zBins+iz)/semiInclusiveYield(k,ix*zBins+iz); q2Avg(k, ix*zBins+iz)=q2Avg(k, ix*zBins+iz)/semiInclusiveYield(k,ix*zBins+iz); } else { xAvg(k, ix*zBins+iz)=( xBinEdges[ix+1] - xBinEdges[ix] ) / 2 + xBinEdges[ix]; zAvg(k, ix*zBins+iz)=( zBinEdges[iz+1] - zBinEdges[iz] ) / 2 + zBinEdges[iz]; q2Avg(k, ix*zBins+iz)=0; } semiInclusiveYieldError(k,ix*zBins+iz)=sqrt( semiInclusiveYield2(k,ix*zBins+iz) ); if ( k == PIPLUS ) { xpproot=xAvg(k, ix*zBins+iz); q2pproot=q2Avg(k, ix*zBins+iz); zpproot=zAvg(k, ix*zBins+iz); npproot=semiInclusiveYield(k, ix*zBins+iz); dnpproot=semiInclusiveYieldError(k, ix*zBins+iz); } else { xpmroot=xAvg(k, ix*zBins+iz); q2pmroot=q2Avg(k, ix*zBins+iz); zpmroot=zAvg(k, ix*zBins+iz); npmroot=semiInclusiveYield(k, ix*zBins+iz); dnpmroot=semiInclusiveYieldError(k, ix*zBins+iz); } // if( semiInclusiveYield(k,ix,iz) ) // { // xAvg->SetValue(k,ix,iz,xAvg(k,ix,iz)/semiInclusiveYield(k,ix,iz)); // zAvg->SetValue(k,ix,iz,zAvg(k,ix,iz)/semiInclusiveYield(k,ix,iz)); // q2Avg->SetValue(k,ix,iz,q2Avg(k,ix,iz)/semiInclusiveYield(k,ix,iz)); // } // else // { // xAvg->SetValue(k,ix,iz, ( xBinEdges[ix+1] - xBinEdges[ix] ) / 2 + xBinEdges[ix]); // zAvg->SetValue(k,iz,iz, ( zBinEdges[iz+1] - zBinEdges[iz] ) / 2 + zBinEdges[iz]); // q2Avg->SetValue(k,ix,iz,0); // } // semiInclusiveYieldError->SetValue(k,ix,iz, sqrt( semiInclusiveYield2(k,ix,iz) ) ); // if ( k == PIPLUS ) // { // xpproot=xAvg(k, ix, iz); // q2pproot=q2Avg(k, ix, iz); // zpproot=zAvg(k, ix, iz); // npproot=semiInclusiveYield(k, ix, iz); // dnpproot=semiInclusiveYieldError(k, ix, iz); // } // else // { // xpmroot=xAvg(k, ix, iz); // q2pmroot=q2Avg(k, ix, iz); // zpmroot=zAvg(k, ix, iz); // npmroot=semiInclusiveYield->GetValue(k,ix,iz); // dnpmroot=semiInclusiveYieldError(k, ix, iz); // } //Write to the file... cout << xAvg(k, ix*zBins+iz) << " " << zAvg(k, ix*zBins+iz) << " " << q2Avg(k, ix*zBins+iz) << " "; cout << semiInclusiveYield(k,ix*zBins+iz) << " "; cout << semiInclusiveYieldError(k, ix*zBins+iz) << " "; } // hadron Loop //Fill up the data xbin=ix; zbin=iz; yieldData->Fill(); }// z loop }// x loop cout << endl; delete [] xBinEdges; delete [] zBinEdges; delete semiInclusiveYield; delete semiInclusiveYield2; delete semiInclusiveYieldError; delete xAvg; delete zAvg; delete q2Avg; outFile->Write(); outFile->Close(); cout << "The End" << endl; return 0; } Float_t recalculate_z(Int_t type, Float_t z_orig, Float_t nu) { Float_t z_new; Float_t dM; Float_t M[3] = { 0.13957018, //pion 0.49367000, //kaon 0.93827200 }; //proton dM=pow(M[abs(type)-3],2)-pow(M[0],2); z_new=sqrt(pow(z_orig,2) + dM / pow(nu,2) ); return z_new; }