// // File generated by rootcint at Tue Apr 15 09:38:30 2014 // Do NOT change. Changes will be lost next time file is generated // #include "RConfig.h" //rootcint 4834 #if !defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) //Break the privacy of classes -- Disabled for the moment #define private public #define protected public #endif // Since CINT ignores the std namespace, we need to do so in this file. namespace std {} using namespace std; #include "corrDict.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TBuffer.h" #include "TMemberInspector.h" #include "TError.h" #ifndef G__ROOT #define G__ROOT #endif #include "RtypesImp.h" #include "TIsAProxy.h" // START OF SHADOWS namespace ROOT { namespace Shadow { #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS)) typedef ::MyCorrelator MyCorrelator; #else class MyCorrelator { public: //friend XX; ::TFile* fHeadFile; // ::TFile* fEventFile; // ::TFile* fTurfRateFile; // ::TFile* fSumTurfRateFile; // ::TFile* fSurfHkFile; // ::TFile* fAvgSurfHkFile; // ::TFile* fAcqdFile; // ::TFile* fGpsFile; // ::TTree* fHeadTree; // ::TChain* fEventTree; // ::TTree* tgroundPulser; // ::TTree* fPrettyHkTree; // ::TTree* fTurfRateTree; // ::TTree* fSurfHkTree; // ::TTree* fSumTurfRateTree; // ::TTree* fAvgSurfHkTree; // ::TChain* fAcqTree; // ::TTree* fAdu5aPatTree; // G__int64 fEventEntry; // G__int64 fPrettyHkEntry; // G__int64 fTurfRateEntry; // G__int64 fSurfHkEntry; // G__int64 fSurfIDEntry; // G__int64 fSumTurfRateEntry; // G__int64 fAvgSurfHkEntry; // G__int64 fAdu5aPatEntry; // ::TTreeIndex* fHeadIndex; // int fUseCalibratedEventFile; ///< Flag to determine whether or not to use TTrees of lovely CalibratedAnitaEvent objects int fUseEventFile; // unsigned int fCurrentRun; // char fCurrentBaseDir[180]; // ::RawAnitaHeader* fHeadPtr; // ::PrettyAnitaHk* fHkPtr; // ::AnitaEventCalibrator* myCally; // ::AnitaGeomTool* fUPGeomTool; // ::FFTtools* fFFTTools; // ::Antarctica* fAntarctica; // ::RawAnitaEvent* fRawEventPtr; // ::UsefulAnitaEvent* fUsefulEventPtr; // ::CalibratedAnitaEvent* fCalEventPtr; ///< Pointer to the raw event. ::UsefulAdu5Pat* fUsefulAdu5Ptr; // ::TurfRate* fTurfPtr; // ::SurfHk* fSurfPtr; // ::SummedTurfRate* fSumTurfPtr; // ::AveragedSurfHk* fAvgSurfPtr; // ::AcqdStart* fAcqPtr; // ::Adu5Pat* fAdu5APatPtr; // ::WaveCalType::EWaveCalType fCalType; ///< The waveform calibration type. }; #endif } // of namespace Shadow } // of namespace ROOT // END OF SHADOWS namespace ROOT { void MyCorrelator_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp, char *R__parent); static void MyCorrelator_Dictionary(); static void *new_MyCorrelator(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_MyCorrelator(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_MyCorrelator(void *p); static void deleteArray_MyCorrelator(void *p); static void destruct_MyCorrelator(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::MyCorrelator*) { // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof R__ASSERT(sizeof(::MyCorrelator) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::MyCorrelator)); ::MyCorrelator *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::MyCorrelator),0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("MyCorrelator", "MyCorrelator.h", 91, typeid(::MyCorrelator), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), (void*)&MyCorrelator_ShowMembers, &MyCorrelator_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4, sizeof(::MyCorrelator) ); instance.SetNew(&new_MyCorrelator); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_MyCorrelator); instance.SetDelete(&delete_MyCorrelator); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_MyCorrelator); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_MyCorrelator); return &instance; } TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::MyCorrelator*) { return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::MyCorrelator*)0); } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::MyCorrelator*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void MyCorrelator_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::MyCorrelator*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT //______________________________________________________________________________ namespace ROOT { void MyCorrelator_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp, char *R__parent) { // Inspect the data members of an object of class MyCorrelator. typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::MyCorrelator ShadowClass; ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj; if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember. TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::MyCorrelator*)0x0)->GetClass(); Int_t R__ncp = strlen(R__parent); if (R__ncp || R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { } R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fHeadFile", &sobj->fHeadFile); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fEventFile", &sobj->fEventFile); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fTurfRateFile", &sobj->fTurfRateFile); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fSumTurfRateFile", &sobj->fSumTurfRateFile); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fSurfHkFile", &sobj->fSurfHkFile); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fAvgSurfHkFile", &sobj->fAvgSurfHkFile); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fAcqdFile", &sobj->fAcqdFile); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fGpsFile", &sobj->fGpsFile); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fHeadTree", &sobj->fHeadTree); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fEventTree", &sobj->fEventTree); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*tgroundPulser", &sobj->tgroundPulser); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fPrettyHkTree", &sobj->fPrettyHkTree); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fTurfRateTree", &sobj->fTurfRateTree); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fSurfHkTree", &sobj->fSurfHkTree); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fSumTurfRateTree", &sobj->fSumTurfRateTree); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fAvgSurfHkTree", &sobj->fAvgSurfHkTree); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fAcqTree", &sobj->fAcqTree); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fAdu5aPatTree", &sobj->fAdu5aPatTree); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "fEventEntry", &sobj->fEventEntry); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "fPrettyHkEntry", &sobj->fPrettyHkEntry); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "fTurfRateEntry", &sobj->fTurfRateEntry); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "fSurfHkEntry", &sobj->fSurfHkEntry); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "fSurfIDEntry", &sobj->fSurfIDEntry); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "fSumTurfRateEntry", &sobj->fSumTurfRateEntry); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "fAvgSurfHkEntry", &sobj->fAvgSurfHkEntry); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "fAdu5aPatEntry", &sobj->fAdu5aPatEntry); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fHeadIndex", &sobj->fHeadIndex); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "fUseCalibratedEventFile", &sobj->fUseCalibratedEventFile); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "fUseEventFile", &sobj->fUseEventFile); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "fCurrentRun", &sobj->fCurrentRun); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "fCurrentBaseDir[180]", sobj->fCurrentBaseDir); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fHeadPtr", &sobj->fHeadPtr); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fHkPtr", &sobj->fHkPtr); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*myCally", &sobj->myCally); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fUPGeomTool", &sobj->fUPGeomTool); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fFFTTools", &sobj->fFFTTools); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fAntarctica", &sobj->fAntarctica); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fRawEventPtr", &sobj->fRawEventPtr); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fUsefulEventPtr", &sobj->fUsefulEventPtr); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fCalEventPtr", &sobj->fCalEventPtr); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fUsefulAdu5Ptr", &sobj->fUsefulAdu5Ptr); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fTurfPtr", &sobj->fTurfPtr); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fSurfPtr", &sobj->fSurfPtr); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fSumTurfPtr", &sobj->fSumTurfPtr); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fAvgSurfPtr", &sobj->fAvgSurfPtr); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fAcqPtr", &sobj->fAcqPtr); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "*fAdu5APatPtr", &sobj->fAdu5APatPtr); R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__parent, "fCalType", &sobj->fCalType); } } namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_MyCorrelator(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::MyCorrelator : new ::MyCorrelator; } static void *newArray_MyCorrelator(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::MyCorrelator[nElements] : new ::MyCorrelator[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_MyCorrelator(void *p) { delete ((::MyCorrelator*)p); } static void deleteArray_MyCorrelator(void *p) { delete [] ((::MyCorrelator*)p); } static void destruct_MyCorrelator(void *p) { typedef ::MyCorrelator current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::MyCorrelator /******************************************************** * corrDict.C * CAUTION: DON'T CHANGE THIS FILE. THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED * FROM HEADER FILES LISTED IN G__setup_cpp_environmentXXX(). * CHANGE THOSE HEADER FILES AND REGENERATE THIS FILE. ********************************************************/ #ifdef G__MEMTEST #undef malloc #undef free #endif #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ > 1) #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing" #endif extern "C" void G__cpp_reset_tagtablecorrDict(); extern "C" void G__set_cpp_environmentcorrDict() { G__add_compiledheader("TObject.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMemberInspector.h"); G__add_compiledheader("MyCorrelator.h"); G__cpp_reset_tagtablecorrDict(); } #include extern "C" int G__cpp_dllrevcorrDict() { return(30051515); } /********************************************************* * Member function Interface Method *********************************************************/ /* MyCorrelator */ static int G__corrDict_534_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { MyCorrelator* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); switch (libp->paran) { case 3: //m: 3 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new MyCorrelator( (char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (WaveCalType::WaveCalType_t) G__int(libp->para[2])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) MyCorrelator( (char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (WaveCalType::WaveCalType_t) G__int(libp->para[2])); } break; case 2: //m: 2 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new MyCorrelator((char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) MyCorrelator((char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1])); } break; } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; result7->type = 'u'; result7->tagnum = G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_MyCorrelator); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { MyCorrelator* p = NULL; char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new MyCorrelator[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) MyCorrelator[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new MyCorrelator; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) MyCorrelator; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; result7->type = 'u'; result7->tagnum = G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_MyCorrelator); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->RootStyle()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getCurrentRun()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getCurrentEvent()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->closeCurrentRun(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->startEachEvent((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->initialize(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->initializeAntarctica(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->initializeBaseList(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->setupCosSinTanArray(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->readInFirstLastEventsOfEachRun(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getPositionsOfEachAntenna(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getGraphsThisEvent((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[3])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->Resizeplots((TGraph*) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->processEventsFromAList((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]), (int) G__int(libp->para[3])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->loopOverEvents((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]), (int) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[4]), (int) G__int(libp->para[5])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->readBaselineFFTs(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBaselineperPhi((double*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (int*) G__int(libp->para[2])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getMaximum((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[2]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getRMS((TGraph*) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getPeakAntenna((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getPeak2Peak((TGraph*) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getSNR((TGraph*) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getRMSOfRange((TGraph*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[2]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getPeakHilbert((TGraph*) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->simpleNotchFilter((TGraph*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[2]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->complicatedNotchFilter((TGraph*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[2]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[4]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getCoherentPolarization((TGraph*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TGraph*) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isPayloadBlast((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isChannelSaturated((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isVarnerEvent((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isVarnerEvent2((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isSyncSlip((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isShortTrace((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isNadirRFCMOn((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isMainRFCMOn((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isBigEnoughPeakToPeak((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isDCOffsetLarge((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_40(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isTaylor((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isTaylorReflection((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_42(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isTaylor((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_43(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isTaylor((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isMcMBoreholeByTime((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isMcMSeaveyByTime((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isMcMBoreholeOrSeaveyFromList((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isCalPulser((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->LatLonAlt2xyz((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[2]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[3]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[4]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[5])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->xyz2LatLonAlt(*(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[0]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2]), (double) G__double(libp->para[3]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[4]), (double) G__double(libp->para[5])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getMcMDistance((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->findDistanceBetweenTwoThings((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[2]), (double) G__double(libp->para[3]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[4]), (double) G__double(libp->para[5]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getTDxyz(*(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[0]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getWillyxyz(*(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[0]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getRelXYFromLatLong((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[3])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_55(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getClosestNAntennas((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (int*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (int) G__int(libp->para[3])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getTriggeredPhi((RawAnitaHeader*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int*) G__int(libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_57(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getTriggeredL2Phi((RawAnitaHeader*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int*) G__int(libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_58(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getTriggeredAnt((int*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int*) G__int(libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_59(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getTriggeredAntpm1PhiSector((int*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int*) G__int(libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_60(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getTriggeredAntOf3PhiSectors((int*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int*) G__int(libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_61(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->allowedPhisPairOfAntennas( *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[0]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[3]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[4]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[5]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[6]), (int) G__int(libp->para[7]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_62(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isPhiMaskingOn((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int*) G__int(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_63(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getPhiMaskedAnts((int*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int*) G__int(libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_64(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getPhiMaskedAntspm1((int*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int*) G__int(libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_65(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getBestPhiSector((double) G__double(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_66(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getHWTriggerAngle((int) G__int(libp->para[0]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isPeakPhiTriggeredOrMasked((RawAnitaHeader*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isPeakPhiMasked((RawAnitaHeader*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_69(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->isPeakTriggeredpm1((RawAnitaHeader*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_70(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getHeadingOfEvent((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_71(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->adaptiveFilterCoherent( (TGraph*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[2]), (int) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (int) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[6])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_72(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->adaptiveFilter( (int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[4]), (double) G__double(libp->para[5]) , *(float*) G__Floatref(&libp->para[6]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[7]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[8]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[9]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[10]), (int) G__int(libp->para[11]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[12])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_73(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->adaptiveFilterPartialPayload( (int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[4]), (double) G__double(libp->para[5]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[6]), (int) G__int(libp->para[7]) , (int*) G__int(libp->para[8]), *(float*) G__Floatref(&libp->para[9]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[10]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[11]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[12]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[13]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[14]), (int) G__int(libp->para[15]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[16])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_74(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->GetFFTandBaseline( (int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int*) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[6]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[7]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[8]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[9]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[10])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_75(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->applyAdaptiveFilter((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (int) G__int(libp->para[5])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_76(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->applyAdaptiveFilter_singleAnt( (double) G__double(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]), (int) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[6])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_77(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->applySatelliteFilter((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[3])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_78(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getDeltaTExpected((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[2]), (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[3]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_79(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getGroupDelay((Double_t) G__double(libp->para[0]), (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_80(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { struct G__aRyp1 { double a[1][NUM_BINS_ROUGH_PHI]; }* G__Ap1 = (struct G__aRyp1*) G__int(libp->para[1]); ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->doCorrelationMap((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), G__Ap1->a , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]), (int) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[4])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_81(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->pointThisEvent( (int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (TNtuple*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (TNtuple*) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (TNtuple*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (TNtuple*) G__int(libp->para[5]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[6]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[7]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[8]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[9]) , *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[10]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[11]) , *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[12]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[13]) , *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[14]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[15]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[16]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_82(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->traceBackTo0Altitude((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[2]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[3]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[4]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_83(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->traceBackToContinent((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[2]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[3]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[4]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[5]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_84(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->checkIfNearAnyBase( (int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[2]), (double) G__double(libp->para[3]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[4]), (double) G__double(libp->para[5]) , *(string*) libp->para[6].ref)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_85(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->checkIfNearSpecificBase( (int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[2]), (double) G__double(libp->para[3]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[4]), (double) G__double(libp->para[5]) , *((string*) G__int(libp->para[6])), (int) G__int(libp->para[7]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_86(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->drawEventOnContinent((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[2])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_87(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { struct G__aRyp0 { double a[1][NUM_BINS_ROUGH_PHI]; }* G__Ap0 = (struct G__aRyp0*) G__int(libp->para[0]); ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->drawCorrelationMap(G__Ap0->a, (int) G__int(libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_88(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->makeCoherentlySummedWaveform( (int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[2]), (int) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[4]), (int) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[6]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_89(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->makeCoherentlySummedDeconvolvedWaveform( (int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[2]), (int) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[4]), (int) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[6]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_90(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { struct G__aRyp0 { double a[1][NUM_BINS_ROUGH_PHI]; }* G__Ap0 = (struct G__aRyp0*) G__int(libp->para[0]); ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->findPeakOfMap(G__Ap0->a, *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[3])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_91(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { struct G__aRyp0 { double a[1][NUM_BINS_FINE_PHI]; }* G__Ap0 = (struct G__aRyp0*) G__int(libp->para[0]); ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->drawRefinedMap(G__Ap0->a, (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[2]), (int) G__int(libp->para[3])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_92(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { struct G__aRyp1 { double a[1][NUM_BINS_FINE_PHI]; }* G__Ap1 = (struct G__aRyp1*) G__int(libp->para[1]); ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->doRefinedMap( (int) G__int(libp->para[0]), G__Ap1->a , (double) G__double(libp->para[2]), (double) G__double(libp->para[3]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[4]), (int) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[6])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_93(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { struct G__aRyp0 { double a[1][NUM_BINS_FINE_PHI]; }* G__Ap0 = (struct G__aRyp0*) G__int(libp->para[0]); ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->findPeakOfRefinedMap(G__Ap0->a, *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]) , *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[2]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[3])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_94(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { struct G__aRyp0 { double a[1][NUM_BINS_FINE_PHI]; }* G__Ap0 = (struct G__aRyp0*) G__int(libp->para[0]); ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->doInterpolationPeakFinding( G__Ap0->a, *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[3]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[4]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[5]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[6]), (double) G__double(libp->para[7]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[8])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_95(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { struct G__aRyp0 { double a[1][NUM_BINS_ROUGH_PHI]; }* G__Ap0 = (struct G__aRyp0*) G__int(libp->para[0]); G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getSNROfMap(G__Ap0->a)); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_96(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { struct G__aRyp0 { double a[1][NUM_BINS_ROUGH_PHI]; }* G__Ap0 = (struct G__aRyp0*) G__int(libp->para[0]); ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->findPeakOfMapBin(G__Ap0->a, *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]) , *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[2]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[3])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_97(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { struct G__aRyp0 { double a[1][NUM_BINS_ROUGH_PHI]; }* G__Ap0 = (struct G__aRyp0*) G__int(libp->para[0]); ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->findSecondaryPeakOfMap(G__Ap0->a, *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[3])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_98(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { struct G__aRyp0 { double a[1][NUM_BINS_ROUGH_PHI]; }* G__Ap0 = (struct G__aRyp0*) G__int(libp->para[0]); ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->findTertiaryPeakOfMap(G__Ap0->a, *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[3])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_99(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->backProjectEvent((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (double) G__double(libp->para[2]), (double) G__double(libp->para[3]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[4]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[5])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_100(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->deconvolveWaveform((TGraph*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_101(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->deconvolveWaveformUsingStephens((TGraph*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_102(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->deconvolveWaveformUsingRyans((TGraph*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]))); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_103(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getCRPolContent(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_104(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->calcANITAIIUsingStephens(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_105(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->calcSystemImpulseResponse(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_106(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->firstLastEachRun(*(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[0]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[1]) , *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[2])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_107(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->taylorPhiMaskandTriggerBits( (int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[6]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[7]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[8])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_108(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->taylorEfficiency((int) G__int(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_109(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->trackTaylor((int) G__int(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_110(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->trackTaylorForEventInsertion((int) G__int(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_111(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->createBaseline((int) G__int(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_112(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->calcGPSFlags(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_113(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->calcVarnerFlags(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_114(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->loopOverStartingEvents(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_115(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->Buildvectors(*(vector*) libp->para[0].ref, *(vector*) libp->para[1].ref , *(vector*) libp->para[2].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_116(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->FFToverbase( *(vector*) libp->para[0].ref, *(vector*) libp->para[1].ref , *((vector*) G__int(libp->para[2])), *(vector*) libp->para[3].ref , *(vector*) libp->para[4].ref, *(vector*) libp->para[5].ref , *(vector*) libp->para[6].ref, *(vector*) libp->para[7].ref , *(vector*) libp->para[8].ref, *(vector*) libp->para[9].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_117(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->FFTspectrum( (int) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[1]) , *(vector*) libp->para[2].ref, *(vector*) libp->para[3].ref , (int) G__int(libp->para[4]), (int) G__int(libp->para[5]) , *(vector*) libp->para[6].ref, *(vector*) libp->para[7].ref , *(vector*) libp->para[8].ref, *(vector*) libp->para[9].ref , *(vector*) libp->para[10].ref, *(vector*) libp->para[11].ref); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_118(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->Autopair((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[1]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[2])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_119(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->Waveforms((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[1]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[2])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_120(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->BrianadaptiveFilter( (int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[4]), (double) G__double(libp->para[5]) , *(float*) G__Floatref(&libp->para[6]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[7])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_121(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->SummationofWaveforms((int) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1]) , *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[2]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (double*) G__int(libp->para[4])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_122(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->DrawMap_Brian((double*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (double*) G__int(libp->para[1]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]), (int) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[4]), (int*) G__int(libp->para[5])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_123(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->BrianPointEvent( (int) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[1]) , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]), (TNtuple*) G__int(libp->para[3]) , (TNtuple*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (TNtuple*) G__int(libp->para[5]) , (TNtuple*) G__int(libp->para[6]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[7]) , *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[8]), (int) G__int(libp->para[9]) , *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[10]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[11]) , *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[12]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[13]) , *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[14]), *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[15]) , *(int*) G__Intref(&libp->para[16]), *(double*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[17])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_124(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->loadEventTree()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_125(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getEventEntry()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_126(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getHeaderEntry()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_127(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->loadTurfTree(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_128(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getTurfEntry()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_129(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->loadSurfTree(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_130(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->loadAcqdTree(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_131(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getSurfEntry()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_132(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getSurfIDEntry()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_133(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->loadAvgSurfTree(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_134(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getAvgSurfEntry()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_135(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->loadSumTurfTree(); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_136(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->getSumTurfEntry()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_137(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset())->loadGpsTrees()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__corrDict_534_0_138(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letint(result7, 85, (long) MyCorrelator::Instance()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic copy constructor static int G__corrDict_534_0_139(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { MyCorrelator* p; void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]); p = new MyCorrelator(*(MyCorrelator*) tmp); result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; result7->type = 'u'; result7->tagnum = G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_MyCorrelator); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef MyCorrelator G__TMyCorrelator; static int G__corrDict_534_0_140(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete[] (MyCorrelator*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((MyCorrelator*) (soff+(sizeof(MyCorrelator)*i)))->~G__TMyCorrelator(); } G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } else { if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) { delete (MyCorrelator*) soff; } else { G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID); ((MyCorrelator*) (soff))->~G__TMyCorrelator(); G__setgvp((long)gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic assignment operator static int G__corrDict_534_0_141(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { MyCorrelator* dest = (MyCorrelator*) G__getstructoffset(); *dest = *(MyCorrelator*) libp->para[0].ref; const MyCorrelator& obj = *dest; result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* Setting up global function */ /********************************************************* * Member function Stub *********************************************************/ /* MyCorrelator */ /********************************************************* * Global function Stub *********************************************************/ /********************************************************* * Get size of pointer to member function *********************************************************/ class G__Sizep2memfunccorrDict { public: G__Sizep2memfunccorrDict(): p(&G__Sizep2memfunccorrDict::sizep2memfunc) {} size_t sizep2memfunc() { return(sizeof(p)); } private: size_t (G__Sizep2memfunccorrDict::*p)(); }; size_t G__get_sizep2memfunccorrDict() { G__Sizep2memfunccorrDict a; G__setsizep2memfunc((int)a.sizep2memfunc()); return((size_t)a.sizep2memfunc()); } /********************************************************* * virtual base class offset calculation interface *********************************************************/ /* Setting up class inheritance */ /********************************************************* * Inheritance information setup/ *********************************************************/ extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_inheritancecorrDict() { /* Setting up class inheritance */ } /********************************************************* * typedef information setup/ *********************************************************/ extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_typetablecorrDict() { /* Setting up typedef entry */ G__search_typename2("Int_t",105,-1,0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,"Signed integer 4 bytes (int)",0); G__search_typename2("UInt_t",104,-1,0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,"Unsigned integer 4 bytes (unsigned int)",0); G__search_typename2("Double_t",100,-1,0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,"Double 8 bytes",0); G__search_typename2("iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TVectorT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TVectorT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTBase",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTBase",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTRow_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTColumn_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTDiag_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTFlat_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSub_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSparseRow_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSparseDiag_const",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTRow",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTColumn",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTDiag",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTFlat",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSub",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSparseRow",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TMatrixTSparseDiag",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TElementActionT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TElementActionTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("TElementPosActionT",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TElementPosActionTlEfloatgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("vector",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEComplexcOallocatorlEComplexgRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEComplexcOallocatorlEComplexgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEComplexcOallocatorlEComplexgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEComplexcOallocatorlEComplexgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEComplexcOallocatorlEComplexgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("vector >",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRsPgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRsPgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("vector >>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("vector",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("vector >",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRsPgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRsPgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("vector >>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("vector >",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRsPgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRsPgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("vector >>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("vector",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("vector >",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRsPgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRsPgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("vector >>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("vector >",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRsPgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRsPgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("vector >>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); } /********************************************************* * Data Member information setup/ *********************************************************/ /* Setting up class,struct,union tag member variable */ /* MyCorrelator */ static void G__setup_memvarMyCorrelator(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_MyCorrelator)); { MyCorrelator *p; p=(MyCorrelator*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fHeadFile)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TFile),-1,-1,1,"fHeadFile=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fEventFile)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TFile),-1,-1,1,"fEventFile=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fTurfRateFile)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TFile),-1,-1,1,"fTurfRateFile=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fSumTurfRateFile)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TFile),-1,-1,1,"fSumTurfRateFile=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fSurfHkFile)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TFile),-1,-1,1,"fSurfHkFile=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fAvgSurfHkFile)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TFile),-1,-1,1,"fAvgSurfHkFile=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fAcqdFile)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TFile),-1,-1,1,"fAcqdFile=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fGpsFile)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TFile),-1,-1,1,"fGpsFile=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fHeadTree)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TTree),-1,-1,1,"fHeadTree=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fEventTree)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TChain),-1,-1,1,"fEventTree=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->tgroundPulser)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TTree),-1,-1,1,"tgroundPulser=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fPrettyHkTree)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TTree),-1,-1,1,"fPrettyHkTree=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fTurfRateTree)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TTree),-1,-1,1,"fTurfRateTree=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fSurfHkTree)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TTree),-1,-1,1,"fSurfHkTree=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fSumTurfRateTree)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TTree),-1,-1,1,"fSumTurfRateTree=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fAvgSurfHkTree)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TTree),-1,-1,1,"fAvgSurfHkTree=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fAcqTree)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TChain),-1,-1,1,"fAcqTree=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fAdu5aPatTree)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TTree),-1,-1,1,"fAdu5aPatTree=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fEventEntry)-(long)(p)),110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,1,"fEventEntry=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fPrettyHkEntry)-(long)(p)),110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,1,"fPrettyHkEntry=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fTurfRateEntry)-(long)(p)),110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,1,"fTurfRateEntry=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fSurfHkEntry)-(long)(p)),110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,1,"fSurfHkEntry=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fSurfIDEntry)-(long)(p)),110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,1,"fSurfIDEntry=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fSumTurfRateEntry)-(long)(p)),110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,1,"fSumTurfRateEntry=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fAvgSurfHkEntry)-(long)(p)),110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,1,"fAvgSurfHkEntry=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fAdu5aPatEntry)-(long)(p)),110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,1,"fAdu5aPatEntry=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fHeadIndex)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TTreeIndex),-1,-1,1,"fHeadIndex=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fUseCalibratedEventFile)-(long)(p)),105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,1,"fUseCalibratedEventFile=",0,"/< Flag to determine whether or not to use TTrees of lovely CalibratedAnitaEvent objects"); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fUseEventFile)-(long)(p)),105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,1,"fUseEventFile=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fCurrentRun)-(long)(p)),104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UInt_t"),-1,1,"fCurrentRun=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fCurrentBaseDir)-(long)(p)),99,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Char_t"),-1,1,"fCurrentBaseDir[180]=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_MyCorrelator),-1,-2,2,"fgInstance=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_RawAnitaHeader),-1,-1,4,"fHeadPtr=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_PrettyAnitaHk),-1,-1,4,"fHkPtr=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_AnitaEventCalibrator),-1,-1,4,"myCally=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_AnitaGeomTool),-1,-1,4,"fUPGeomTool=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_FFTtools),-1,-1,4,"fFFTTools=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_Antarctica),-1,-1,4,"fAntarctica=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_RawAnitaEvent),-1,-1,4,"fRawEventPtr=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_UsefulAnitaEvent),-1,-1,4,"fUsefulEventPtr=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_CalibratedAnitaEvent),-1,-1,4,"fCalEventPtr=",0,"/< Pointer to the raw event."); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_UsefulAdu5Pat),-1,-1,4,"fUsefulAdu5Ptr=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TurfRate),-1,-1,4,"fTurfPtr=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_SurfHk),-1,-1,4,"fSurfPtr=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_SummedTurfRate),-1,-1,4,"fSumTurfPtr=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_AveragedSurfHk),-1,-1,4,"fAvgSurfPtr=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_AcqdStart),-1,-1,4,"fAcqPtr=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_Adu5Pat),-1,-1,4,"fAdu5APatPtr=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_WaveCalTypecLcLEWaveCalType),G__defined_typename("WaveCalType_t"),-1,4,"fCalType=",0,"/< The waveform calibration type."); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_memvarcorrDict() { } /*********************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ***********************************************************/ /********************************************************* * Member function information setup for each class *********************************************************/ static void G__setup_memfuncMyCorrelator(void) { /* MyCorrelator */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_MyCorrelator)); G__memfunc_setup("MyCorrelator",1251,G__corrDict_534_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_MyCorrelator), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 0 - baseDir i - - 0 - run " "u 'WaveCalType::EWaveCalType' 'WaveCalType::WaveCalType_t' 0 'WaveCalType::kVoltageTime' calType", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("MyCorrelator",1251,G__corrDict_534_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_MyCorrelator), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("RootStyle",949,G__corrDict_534_0_3, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TStyle), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getCurrentRun",1368,G__corrDict_534_0_4, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getCurrentEvent",1573,G__corrDict_534_0_5, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("closeCurrentRun",1582,G__corrDict_534_0_6, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("startEachEvent",1441,G__corrDict_534_0_7, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - myEventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("initialize",1074,G__corrDict_534_0_8, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("initializeAntarctica",2092,G__corrDict_534_0_9, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("initializeBaseList",1865,G__corrDict_534_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("setupCosSinTanArray",1954,G__corrDict_534_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("readInFirstLastEventsOfEachRun",3007,G__corrDict_534_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getPositionsOfEachAntenna",2547,G__corrDict_534_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getGraphsThisEvent",1855,G__corrDict_534_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - windowWaveformFlag d - - 1 - snrPeak " "d - - 1 - maxSignalPeak i - - 1 - peakAnt", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Resizeplots",1188,G__corrDict_534_0_15, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TGraph), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TGraph' - 0 - grWave", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("processEventsFromAList",2277,G__corrDict_534_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - drawMaps i - - 0 - rfOnlyFlag " "i - - 0 - whichMcMFlag i - - 0 - whichPolarization", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("loopOverEvents",1483,G__corrDict_534_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventCtrStart i - - 0 - eventCtrEnd " "i - - 0 - drawMaps i - - 0 - taylorFlag " "i - - 0 - thermalFlag i - - 0 - whichPolarization", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("readBaselineFFTs",1554,G__corrDict_534_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetBaselineperPhi",1707,G__corrDict_534_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "D - - 0 - baseline i - - 0 - nantennasToUse " "I - - 0 - whichAntennasToUse", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getMaximum",1054,G__corrDict_534_0_20, 100, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - n D - - 0 - array " "i - - 1 - index", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getRMS",562,G__corrDict_534_0_21, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TGraph' - 0 - gr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getPeakAntenna",1414,G__corrDict_534_0_22, 105, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - myEventNumber i - - 0 - nantennas", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getPeak2Peak",1140,G__corrDict_534_0_23, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TGraph' - 0 - gr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getSNR",563,G__corrDict_534_0_24, 100, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TGraph' - 0 - gr d - - 1 - rmsNoise", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getRMSOfRange",1236,G__corrDict_534_0_25, 100, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TGraph' - 0 - gr d - - 0 - xLow " "d - - 0 - xHigh", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getPeakHilbert",1419,G__corrDict_534_0_26, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TGraph' - 0 - gr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("simpleNotchFilter",1772,G__corrDict_534_0_27, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TGraph), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TGraph' - 0 - grWave d - 'Double_t' 0 - minFreq " "d - 'Double_t' 0 - maxFreq", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("complicatedNotchFilter",2279,G__corrDict_534_0_28, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TGraph), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TGraph' - 0 - grWave d - 'Double_t' 0 - minFreq " "d - 'Double_t' 0 - maxFreq D - - 0 - baseX " "D - - 0 - baseY", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getCoherentPolarization",2420,G__corrDict_534_0_29, 100, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TGraph' - 0 - grV U 'TGraph' - 0 - grH " "d - - 1 - polarizationFraction", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isPayloadBlast",1436,G__corrDict_534_0_30, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - myEventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isChannelSaturated",1858,G__corrDict_534_0_31, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - myEventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isVarnerEvent",1356,G__corrDict_534_0_32, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - myEventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isVarnerEvent2",1406,G__corrDict_534_0_33, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - myEventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isSyncSlip",1041,G__corrDict_534_0_34, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - myEventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isShortTrace",1243,G__corrDict_534_0_35, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isNadirRFCMOn",1199,G__corrDict_534_0_36, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isMainRFCMOn",1094,G__corrDict_534_0_37, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isBigEnoughPeakToPeak",2073,G__corrDict_534_0_38, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isDCOffsetLarge",1461,G__corrDict_534_0_39, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isTaylor",855,G__corrDict_534_0_40, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isTaylorReflection",1890,G__corrDict_534_0_41, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isTaylor",855,G__corrDict_534_0_42, 105, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber d - - 1 - distance", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isTaylor",855,G__corrDict_534_0_43, 105, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber d - - 1 - distance " "d - - 1 - deltaT", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isMcMBoreholeByTime",1875,G__corrDict_534_0_44, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isMcMSeaveyByTime",1680,G__corrDict_534_0_45, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isMcMBoreholeOrSeaveyFromList",2919,G__corrDict_534_0_46, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isCalPulser",1127,G__corrDict_534_0_47, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("LatLonAlt2xyz",1288,G__corrDict_534_0_48, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - lat d - - 0 - lon " "d - - 0 - alt d - - 1 - x " "d - - 1 - y d - - 1 - z", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("xyz2LatLonAlt",1288,G__corrDict_534_0_49, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 1 - lat d - - 1 - lon " "d - - 1 - alt d - - 0 - x " "d - - 0 - y d - - 0 - z", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getMcMDistance",1384,G__corrDict_534_0_50, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("findDistanceBetweenTwoThings",2877,G__corrDict_534_0_51, 100, -1, -1, 0, 6, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - lat1 d - - 0 - lon1 " "d - - 0 - alt1 d - - 0 - lat2 " "d - - 0 - lon2 d - - 0 - alt2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getTDxyz",835,G__corrDict_534_0_52, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 1 - x d - - 1 - y " "d - - 1 - z", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getWillyxyz",1212,G__corrDict_534_0_53, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 1 - x d - - 1 - y " "d - - 1 - z", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getRelXYFromLatLong",1881,G__corrDict_534_0_54, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - latitude d - - 0 - longitude " "d - - 1 - x d - - 1 - y", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getClosestNAntennas",1955,G__corrDict_534_0_55, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - nantennasToUse d - - 0 - peakPhi " "I - - 0 - whichAntennasToUse i - - 0 - nadirFlag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getTriggeredPhi",1534,G__corrDict_534_0_56, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "U 'RawAnitaHeader' - 0 - hdPtr I - - 0 - triggeredPhi", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getTriggeredL2Phi",1660,G__corrDict_534_0_57, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "U 'RawAnitaHeader' - 0 - hdPtr I - - 0 - triggeredPhi", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getTriggeredAnt",1536,G__corrDict_534_0_58, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "I - - 0 - triggeredPhi I - - 0 - triggeredAnt", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getTriggeredAntpm1PhiSector",2719,G__corrDict_534_0_59, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "I - - 0 - triggeredPhi I - - 0 - triggeredAnt", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getTriggeredAntOf3PhiSectors",2796,G__corrDict_534_0_60, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "I - - 0 - triggeredPhi I - - 0 - triggeredAnt", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("allowedPhisPairOfAntennas",2549,G__corrDict_534_0_61, 105, -1, -1, 0, 8, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 1 - lowerAngle d - - 1 - higherAngle " "d - - 1 - centerTheta1 d - - 1 - centerTheta2 " "d - - 1 - centerPhi1 d - - 1 - centerPhi2 " "i - - 0 - ant1 i - - 0 - ant2", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isPhiMaskingOn",1412,G__corrDict_534_0_62, 105, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber I - - 0 - phiMaskedArray", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getPhiMaskedAnts",1612,G__corrDict_534_0_63, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "I - - 0 - phiMaskArray I - - 0 - phiMaskedAnts", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getPhiMaskedAntspm1",1882,G__corrDict_534_0_64, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "I - - 0 - phiMaskArray I - - 0 - phiMaskedAnts", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getBestPhiSector",1631,G__corrDict_534_0_65, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - phiWaveRadians", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getHWTriggerAngle",1690,G__corrDict_534_0_66, 102, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isPeakPhiTriggeredOrMasked",2609,G__corrDict_534_0_67, 105, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "U 'RawAnitaHeader' - 0 - hdPtr d - - 0 - peakPhiInterp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isPeakPhiMasked",1491,G__corrDict_534_0_68, 105, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "U 'RawAnitaHeader' - 0 - hdPtr d - - 0 - peakPhiInterp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("isPeakTriggeredpm1",1800,G__corrDict_534_0_69, 105, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "U 'RawAnitaHeader' - 0 - hdPtr d - - 0 - peakPhiInterp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getHeadingOfEvent",1703,G__corrDict_534_0_70, 100, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber d - - 0 - peakPhiMapDegrees", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("adaptiveFilterCoherent",2284,G__corrDict_534_0_71, 121, -1, -1, 0, 7, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TGraph' - 0 - grCoherent i - - 0 - pol " "d - - 0 - dBCut i - - 0 - nfreq " "D - - 0 - frequencies i - - 0 - drawFlag " "d - - 0 - bandWidth", ", float &mean);", (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("adaptiveFilter",1460,G__corrDict_534_0_72, 121, -1, -1, 0, 13, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - pol d - - 0 - dBCut " "i - - 0 - nfreq D - - 0 - frequencies " "i - - 0 - drawFlag d - - 0 - bandWidth " "f - - 1 - mean_freq D - - 0 - freqArray " "D - - 0 - FFTarray D - - 0 - baseX " "D - - 0 - baseY i - - 0 - baseN " "i - - 0 - myEventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("adaptiveFilterPartialPayload",2891,G__corrDict_534_0_73, 121, -1, -1, 0, 17, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - pol d - - 0 - dBCut " "i - - 0 - nfreq D - - 0 - frequencies " "i - - 0 - drawFlag d - - 0 - bandWidth " "d - - 0 - peakPhi i - - 0 - nAntennasToUse " "I - - 0 - whichAntennasToUse f - - 1 - mean_freq " "D - - 0 - freqArray D - - 0 - FFTarray " "D - - 0 - baseX D - - 0 - baseY " "i - - 0 - baseN i - - 0 - myEventNumber " "i - - 0 - nadirFlag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("GetFFTandBaseline",1622,G__corrDict_534_0_74, 121, -1, -1, 0, 11, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - nantennasToUse I - - 0 - whichAntennasToUse " "i - - 0 - pol D - - 0 - frequencyArray " "D - - 0 - magFFT D - - 0 - bX " "D - - 0 - bY D - - 0 - baseX " "D - - 0 - baseY i - - 1 - baseN " "i - - 0 - baselineswitch", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("applyAdaptiveFilter",1978,G__corrDict_534_0_75, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - centerFrequency d - - 0 - bandWidth " "i - - 0 - polFlag D - - 0 - baseX " "D - - 0 - baseY i - - 0 - baseN", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("applyAdaptiveFilter_singleAnt",3006,G__corrDict_534_0_76, 121, -1, -1, 0, 7, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - centerFrequency d - - 0 - bandWidth " "i - - 0 - polFlag i - - 0 - ant " "D - - 0 - baseX D - - 0 - baseY " "i - - 0 - baseN", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("applySatelliteFilter",2099,G__corrDict_534_0_77, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - centerFrequency d - - 0 - bandWidth " "D - - 0 - baseX D - - 0 - baseY", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getDeltaTExpected",1712,G__corrDict_534_0_78, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - ant1 i - 'Int_t' 0 - ant2 " "d - 'Double_t' 0 - phiWave d - 'Double_t' 0 - thetaWave", "in degrees", (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getGroupDelay",1340,G__corrDict_534_0_79, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 0 - phiToAntBoresight d - 'Double_t' 0 - thetaWave", "in radians", (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("doCorrelationMap",1651,G__corrDict_534_0_80, 121, -1, -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - myEventNumber D - - 2 - mapCorVal " "i - - 0 - onlyTriggered i - - 0 - nadirFlag " "i - - 0 - whichPolarization", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("pointThisEvent",1476,G__corrDict_534_0_81, 105, -1, -1, 0, 17, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber i - - 0 - drawMaps " "U 'TNtuple' - 0 - ndata U 'TNtuple' - 0 - ndata2 " "U 'TNtuple' - 0 - ndata3 U 'TNtuple' - 0 - ndata4 " "d - - 1 - peakThetaFinal d - - 1 - peakPhiFinal " "i - - 0 - whichPolarization i - - 1 - xCorPassFlag " "i - - 1 - ratioOfPeaksPassFlag i - - 1 - elevationAnglePassFlag " "i - - 1 - peakCrossCorrFlag i - - 1 - polFractionFlag " "i - - 1 - peakHilbertFlag i - - 1 - triggerflag " "d - - 1 - finaltheta", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("traceBackTo0Altitude",1967,G__corrDict_534_0_82, 105, -1, -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber d - - 0 - thetaWave " "d - - 0 - phiWave d - - 1 - sourceLon " "d - - 1 - sourceLat", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("traceBackToContinent",2037,G__corrDict_534_0_83, 105, -1, -1, 0, 6, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber d - - 0 - thetaWave " "d - - 0 - phiWave d - - 1 - sourceLon " "d - - 1 - sourceLat d - - 1 - sourceAlt", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("checkIfNearAnyBase",1750,G__corrDict_534_0_84, 105, -1, -1, 0, 7, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber d - - 0 - peakThetaFinal " "d - - 0 - peakPhiFinal d - - 0 - sourceLon " "d - - 0 - sourceLat d - - 0 - sourceAlt " "u 'string' - 1 - baseName", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("checkIfNearSpecificBase",2260,G__corrDict_534_0_85, 105, -1, -1, 0, 8, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber d - - 0 - peakThetaFinal " "d - - 0 - peakPhiFinal d - - 0 - sourceLon " "d - - 0 - sourceLat d - - 0 - sourceAlt " "u 'string' - 0 - baseName i - - 0 - baseIndex", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("drawEventOnContinent",2079,G__corrDict_534_0_86, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber d - - 0 - sourceLon " "d - - 0 - sourceLat", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("drawCorrelationMap",1870,G__corrDict_534_0_87, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "D - - 2 - mapCorVal i - - 0 - myEventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("makeCoherentlySummedWaveform",2925,G__corrDict_534_0_88, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TGraph), -1, 0, 7, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - myEventNumber d - - 0 - peakTheta " "d - - 0 - peakPhi i - - 0 - nadirFlag " "i - - 0 - polFlag i - - 0 - nantennas " "i - - 0 - drawFlag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("makeCoherentlySummedDeconvolvedWaveform",4070,G__corrDict_534_0_89, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TGraph), -1, 0, 7, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - myEventNumber d - - 0 - peakTheta " "d - - 0 - peakPhi i - - 0 - nadirFlag " "i - - 0 - polFlag i - - 0 - nantennas " "i - - 0 - drawFlag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("findPeakOfMap",1269,G__corrDict_534_0_90, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "D - - 2 - mapCorVal d - - 1 - peakVal " "d - - 1 - peakTheta d - - 1 - peakPhi", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("drawRefinedMap",1417,G__corrDict_534_0_91, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "D - - 2 - mapCorValRefined d - - 0 - peakTheta " "d - - 0 - peakPhi i - - 0 - myEventNumber", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("doRefinedMap",1198,G__corrDict_534_0_92, 121, -1, -1, 0, 7, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - myEventNumber D - - 2 - mapCorValRefined " "d - - 0 - peakTheta d - - 0 - peakPhi " "i - - 0 - onlyTriggered i - - 0 - nadirFlag " "i - - 0 - whichPolarization", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("findPeakOfRefinedMap",1970,G__corrDict_534_0_93, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "D - - 2 - mapCorVal d - - 1 - peakVal " "i - - 1 - peakThetaBin i - - 1 - peakPhiBin", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("doInterpolationPeakFinding",2683,G__corrDict_534_0_94, 121, -1, -1, 0, 9, 1, 1, 0, "D - - 2 - mapCorVal d - - 1 - peakVal " "d - - 1 - peakTheta d - - 1 - peakPhi " "d - - 1 - FWHMTheta d - - 1 - FWHMPhi " "d - - 0 - peakThetaRough d - - 0 - peakPhiRough " "i - - 0 - drawFlag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getSNROfMap",1030,G__corrDict_534_0_95, 100, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "D - - 2 - mapCorVal", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("findPeakOfMapBin",1550,G__corrDict_534_0_96, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "D - - 2 - mapCorVal d - - 1 - peakVal " "i - - 1 - peakThetaBin i - - 1 - peakPhiBin", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("findSecondaryPeakOfMap",2205,G__corrDict_534_0_97, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "D - - 2 - mapCorVal d - - 1 - secondaryPeakVal " "d - - 1 - secondaryPeakTheta d - - 1 - secondaryPeakPhi", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("findTertiaryPeakOfMap",2121,G__corrDict_534_0_98, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, "D - - 2 - mapCorVal d - - 1 - tertiaryPeakVal " "d - - 1 - tertiaryPeakTheta d - - 1 - tertiaryPeakPhi", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("backProjectEvent",1642,G__corrDict_534_0_99, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber d - - 0 - sourceLon " "d - - 0 - sourceLat d - - 0 - sourceHeight " "d - - 1 - thetaWaveProj d - - 1 - phiWaveProj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("deconvolveWaveform",1916,G__corrDict_534_0_100, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TGraph), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TGraph' - 0 - grCoherent i - - 0 - polFlag " "i - - 0 - drawFlag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("deconvolveWaveformUsingStephens",3276,G__corrDict_534_0_101, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TGraph), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TGraph' - 0 - grCoherent i - - 0 - polFlag " "i - - 0 - drawFlag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("deconvolveWaveformUsingRyans",2959,G__corrDict_534_0_102, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_TGraph), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TGraph' - 0 - grCoherent i - - 0 - polFlag " "i - - 0 - drawFlag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getCRPolContent",1499,G__corrDict_534_0_103, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("calcANITAIIUsingStephens",2274,G__corrDict_534_0_104, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("calcSystemImpulseResponse",2630,G__corrDict_534_0_105, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("firstLastEachRun",1634,G__corrDict_534_0_106, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 1 - firstEvent i - - 1 - lastEvent " "i - - 1 - numberOfEvents", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("taylorPhiMaskandTriggerBits",2785,G__corrDict_534_0_107, 121, -1, -1, 0, 9, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - numEvents D - - 0 - isbesttrigpm1_denom " "D - - 0 - isbesttrig_denom D - - 0 - isbesttrigpm1orphimask_denom " "D - - 0 - isbesttrigorphimask_denom D - - 0 - isbesttrigpm1_num " "D - - 0 - isbesttrig_num D - - 0 - isbesttrigpm1orphimask_num " "D - - 0 - isbesttrigorphimask_num", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("taylorEfficiency",1680,G__corrDict_534_0_108, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - numEvents", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("trackTaylor",1168,G__corrDict_534_0_109, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - numEvents", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("trackTaylorForEventInsertion",2932,G__corrDict_534_0_110, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - numEvents", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("createBaseline",1431,G__corrDict_534_0_111, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - numEvents", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("calcGPSFlags",1130,G__corrDict_534_0_112, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("calcVarnerFlags",1518,G__corrDict_534_0_113, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("loopOverStartingEvents",2327,G__corrDict_534_0_114, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Buildvectors",1270,G__corrDict_534_0_115, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - eventNumber_vector u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - thistimestep " "u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - thistimestepns", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("FFToverbase",1079,G__corrDict_534_0_116, 121, -1, -1, 0, 10, 1, 1, 0, "u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - logfreq u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - spectrum " "u 'vector >' 'vector' 0 - eventNumber_vector u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - thistimestep " "u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - thistimestepns u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - time_full " "u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - time_spectrum u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - eventNumber_tracker " "u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - freq_real u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - freq_im", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("FFTspectrum",1107,G__corrDict_534_0_117, 121, -1, -1, 0, 12, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - loopnumber i - - 1 - endloop " "u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - logfreq u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - spectrum " "i - - 0 - firstEvent i - - 0 - lastEvent " "u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - thistimestep u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - thistimestepns " "u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - time_full u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - time_spectrum " "u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - freq_real u 'vector >' 'vector' 1 - freq_im", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Autopair",837,G__corrDict_534_0_118, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventwanted i - - 1 - changerun " "i - - 0 - drawplots", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Waveforms",954,G__corrDict_534_0_119, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventwanted i - - 1 - changerun " "i - - 0 - drawplots", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("BrianadaptiveFilter",1952,G__corrDict_534_0_120, 121, -1, -1, 0, 8, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - pol d - - 0 - dBCut " "i - - 0 - nfreq D - - 0 - frequencies " "i - - 0 - drawFlag d - - 0 - bandWidth " "f - - 1 - mean_freq D - - 0 - freqArray", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("SummationofWaveforms",2124,G__corrDict_534_0_121, 121, -1, -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber i - - 0 - whichPolarization " "i - - 1 - changerun D - - 0 - freqArray_sum " "D - - 0 - FFTarray_sum", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("DrawMap_Brian",1271,G__corrDict_534_0_122, 121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 1, 1, 0, "D - - 0 - baseX D - - 0 - baseY " "i - - 0 - baseN i - - 0 - myEventNumber " "i - - 0 - nantennasToUse I - - 0 - whichAntennasToUse", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("BrianPointEvent",1528,G__corrDict_534_0_123, 121, -1, -1, 0, 18, 1, 1, 0, "i - - 0 - eventNumber i - - 1 - changerun " "i - - 0 - drawMaps U 'TNtuple' - 0 - ndata " "U 'TNtuple' - 0 - ndata2 U 'TNtuple' - 0 - ndata3 " "U 'TNtuple' - 0 - ndata4 d - - 1 - peakThetaFinal " "d - - 1 - peakPhiFinal i - - 0 - whichPolarization " "i - - 1 - xCorPassFlag i - - 1 - ratioOfPeaksPassFlag " "i - - 1 - elevationAnglePassFlag i - - 1 - peakCrossCorrFlag " "i - - 1 - polFractionFlag i - - 1 - peakHilbertFlag " "i - - 1 - triggerFlag d - - 1 - finaltheta", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("loadEventTree",1330,G__corrDict_534_0_124, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getEventEntry",1364,G__corrDict_534_0_125, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getHeaderEntry",1435,G__corrDict_534_0_126, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("loadTurfTree",1233,G__corrDict_534_0_127, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getTurfEntry",1267,G__corrDict_534_0_128, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("loadSurfTree",1232,G__corrDict_534_0_129, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("loadAcqdTree",1193,G__corrDict_534_0_130, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getSurfEntry",1266,G__corrDict_534_0_131, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getSurfIDEntry",1407,G__corrDict_534_0_132, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("loadAvgSurfTree",1518,G__corrDict_534_0_133, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getAvgSurfEntry",1552,G__corrDict_534_0_134, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("loadSumTurfTree",1542,G__corrDict_534_0_135, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("getSumTurfEntry",1576,G__corrDict_534_0_136, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("loadGpsTrees",1229,G__corrDict_534_0_137, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("Instance",821,G__corrDict_534_0_138, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_MyCorrelator), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) (MyCorrelator* (*)())(&MyCorrelator::Instance), 0); // automatic copy constructor G__memfunc_setup("MyCorrelator", 1251, G__corrDict_534_0_139, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_MyCorrelator), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'MyCorrelator' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~MyCorrelator", 1377, G__corrDict_534_0_140, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic assignment operator G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__corrDict_534_0_141, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_MyCorrelator), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'MyCorrelator' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } /********************************************************* * Member function information setup *********************************************************/ extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_memfunccorrDict() { } /********************************************************* * Global variable information setup for each class *********************************************************/ static void G__cpp_setup_global0() { /* Setting up global variables */ G__resetplocal(); } static void G__cpp_setup_global1() { } static void G__cpp_setup_global2() { } static void G__cpp_setup_global3() { } static void G__cpp_setup_global4() { } static void G__cpp_setup_global5() { } static void G__cpp_setup_global6() { G__resetglobalenv(); } extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_globalcorrDict() { G__cpp_setup_global0(); G__cpp_setup_global1(); G__cpp_setup_global2(); G__cpp_setup_global3(); G__cpp_setup_global4(); G__cpp_setup_global5(); G__cpp_setup_global6(); } /********************************************************* * Global function information setup for each class *********************************************************/ static void G__cpp_setup_func0() { G__lastifuncposition(); } static void G__cpp_setup_func1() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func2() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func3() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func4() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func5() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func6() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func7() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func8() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func9() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func10() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func11() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func12() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func13() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func14() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func15() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func16() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func17() { G__resetifuncposition(); } extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_funccorrDict() { G__cpp_setup_func0(); G__cpp_setup_func1(); G__cpp_setup_func2(); G__cpp_setup_func3(); G__cpp_setup_func4(); G__cpp_setup_func5(); G__cpp_setup_func6(); G__cpp_setup_func7(); G__cpp_setup_func8(); G__cpp_setup_func9(); G__cpp_setup_func10(); G__cpp_setup_func11(); G__cpp_setup_func12(); G__cpp_setup_func13(); G__cpp_setup_func14(); G__cpp_setup_func15(); G__cpp_setup_func16(); G__cpp_setup_func17(); } /********************************************************* * Class,struct,union,enum tag information setup *********************************************************/ /* Setup class/struct taginfo */ G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_string = { "string" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR = { "iterator" , 115 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TTree = { "TTree" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TFile = { "TFile" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TChain = { "TChain" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TStyle = { "TStyle" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR = { "TVectorT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR = { "TVectorT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TGraph = { "TGraph" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_WaveCalType = { "WaveCalType" , 110 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_WaveCalTypecLcLEWaveCalType = { "WaveCalType::EWaveCalType" , 101 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTBase" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR = { "TMatrixTBase" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TElementActionTlEfloatgR = { "TElementActionT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TElementPosActionTlEfloatgR = { "TElementPosActionT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixT" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTRow_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTRow" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTDiag_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTColumn_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTFlat_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTSub_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTSparseRow_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTSparseDiag_const" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTColumn" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTDiag" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTFlat" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTSub" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTSparseRow" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR = { "TMatrixTSparseDiag" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_UsefulAnitaEvent = { "UsefulAnitaEvent" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_AnitaGeomTool = { "AnitaGeomTool" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_vectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgR = { "vector >" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_AnitaEventCalibrator = { "AnitaEventCalibrator" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_vectorlEComplexcOallocatorlEComplexgRsPgR = { "vector >" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEComplexcOallocatorlEComplexgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_RawAnitaHeader = { "RawAnitaHeader" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRsPgRsPgR = { "vector >,allocator > > >" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator >,allocator > > >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_vectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgR = { "vector >" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRsPgRsPgR = { "vector >,allocator > > >" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator >,allocator > > >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_Antarctica = { "Antarctica" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRsPgRsPgR = { "vector >,allocator > > >" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator >,allocator > > >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_vectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgR = { "vector >" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRsPgRsPgR = { "vector >,allocator > > >" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator >,allocator > > >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRsPgRsPgR = { "vector >,allocator > > >" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator >,allocator > > >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_FFTtools = { "FFTtools" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_PrettyAnitaHk = { "PrettyAnitaHk" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_RawAnitaEvent = { "RawAnitaEvent" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_UsefulAdu5Pat = { "UsefulAdu5Pat" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TurfRate = { "TurfRate" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_SummedTurfRate = { "SummedTurfRate" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_AveragedSurfHk = { "AveragedSurfHk" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_SurfHk = { "SurfHk" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TTreeIndex = { "TTreeIndex" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_AcqdStart = { "AcqdStart" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_Adu5Pat = { "Adu5Pat" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_CalibratedAnitaEvent = { "CalibratedAnitaEvent" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_TNtuple = { "TNtuple" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__corrDictLN_MyCorrelator = { "MyCorrelator" , 99 , -1 }; /* Reset class/struct taginfo */ extern "C" void G__cpp_reset_tagtablecorrDict() { G__corrDictLN_string.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TTree.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TFile.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TChain.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TStyle.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TGraph.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_WaveCalType.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_WaveCalTypecLcLEWaveCalType.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TElementActionTlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TElementPosActionTlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_UsefulAnitaEvent.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_AnitaGeomTool.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_vectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_AnitaEventCalibrator.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_vectorlEComplexcOallocatorlEComplexgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEComplexcOallocatorlEComplexgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_RawAnitaHeader.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRsPgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_vectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRsPgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_Antarctica.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRsPgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_vectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRsPgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRsPgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_FFTtools.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_PrettyAnitaHk.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_RawAnitaEvent.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_UsefulAdu5Pat.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TurfRate.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_SummedTurfRate.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_AveragedSurfHk.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_SurfHk.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TTreeIndex.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_AcqdStart.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_Adu5Pat.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_CalibratedAnitaEvent.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_TNtuple.tagnum = -1 ; G__corrDictLN_MyCorrelator.tagnum = -1 ; } extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_tagtablecorrDict() { /* Setting up class,struct,union tag entry */ G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_string); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TTree); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TFile); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TChain); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TStyle); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TVectorTlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TVectorTlEdoublegR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TGraph); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_WaveCalType); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_WaveCalTypecLcLEWaveCalType); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTBaselEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTBaselEdoublegR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TElementActionTlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TElementPosActionTlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTRow_constlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTRowlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTDiag_constlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTColumn_constlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTFlat_constlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSub_constlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseRow_constlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseDiag_constlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTColumnlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTDiaglEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTFlatlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSublEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseRowlEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TMatrixTSparseDiaglEfloatgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_UsefulAnitaEvent); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_AnitaGeomTool); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_AnitaEventCalibrator); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEComplexcOallocatorlEComplexgRsPgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEComplexcOallocatorlEComplexgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_RawAnitaHeader); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRsPgRsPgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEdoublecOallocatorlEdoublegRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRsPgRsPgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_Antarctica); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRsPgRsPgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEfloatcOallocatorlEfloatgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRsPgRsPgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEVectorcOallocatorlEVectorgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_vectorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRsPgRsPgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRcOallocatorlEvectorlEshortcOallocatorlEshortgRsPgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_FFTtools); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_PrettyAnitaHk); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_RawAnitaEvent); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_UsefulAdu5Pat); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TurfRate); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_SummedTurfRate); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_AveragedSurfHk); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_SurfHk); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TTreeIndex); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_AcqdStart); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_Adu5Pat); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_CalibratedAnitaEvent); G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__corrDictLN_TNtuple); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__corrDictLN_MyCorrelator),sizeof(MyCorrelator),-1,296192,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarMyCorrelator,G__setup_memfuncMyCorrelator); } extern "C" void G__cpp_setupcorrDict(void) { G__check_setup_version(30051515,"G__cpp_setupcorrDict()"); G__set_cpp_environmentcorrDict(); G__cpp_setup_tagtablecorrDict(); G__cpp_setup_inheritancecorrDict(); G__cpp_setup_typetablecorrDict(); G__cpp_setup_memvarcorrDict(); G__cpp_setup_memfunccorrDict(); G__cpp_setup_globalcorrDict(); G__cpp_setup_funccorrDict(); if(0==G__getsizep2memfunc()) G__get_sizep2memfunccorrDict(); return; } class G__cpp_setup_initcorrDict { public: G__cpp_setup_initcorrDict() { G__add_setup_func("corrDict",(G__incsetup)(&G__cpp_setupcorrDict)); G__call_setup_funcs(); } ~G__cpp_setup_initcorrDict() { G__remove_setup_func("corrDict"); } }; G__cpp_setup_initcorrDict G__cpp_setup_initializercorrDict;