#include #include #include #include #include #include "GROOTHeaders.h" #include "GSetLeafAddress.h" #include "GDateTimeHandler.h" #include "GControlFileHandler.h" #include "GRunDTHandler.h" #include "GMuADataReader.h" #include "GMuABranch.h" using namespace std; ofstream log; ofstream errlog; int main(int argc,char *argv[]){ char controlfile[200]; cout<<"hello"<SetCompressionLevel(1); errlog<<"start run no is "<Get(treename); tree = new TTree(treename,station); GMuABranch cMB(tree); for(runno=startrunno;runno<=stoprunno;runno++){ GMuADataReader cMADR(stnno,runno, sCFH.ninputdir, sCFH.inputdirlist, sCFH.cyear); while(cMADR.IsInputOK()){ cMADR.GetAllParameters(sMADR); cDTH.SetDateAndTime(sMADR.dr_eh.EDate, sMADR.dr_eh.ETime1); currentdayno=cDTH.GetCurrentDayNo(); // raw file overlaps at begiging and end of day, thus we taken start run - 1 to stop run +1 // and all the events that do not belong to current day are rejected, it also includes junk data if( currentdayno!= day) { errlog<<"Run No\t"<