#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TSystem.h" #include "TRandom2.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TLorentzVector.h" #include "TGenPhaseSpace.h" void NGenAuAuYt(const Int_t nevents, const Double_t yup, const Double_t meff, const Double_t clustermean, const Int_t nclustermax, const Double_t decaymean, const Int_t ndecaymax, Double_t boostmax) { if (!gROOT->GetClass("TGenPhaseSpace")) gSystem->Load("libPhysics"); // ================================================================ TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(50000); // open output text file ofstream display; TString name = "ngenauauyt.txt"; display.open(name); display << name << endl; cout << "// display opened successfully" << endl; // ================================================================ TStopwatch *tstop = new TStopwatch(); tstop->Start(); // ================================================================ // write run parameters display << " nevents = " << nevents << endl; // # events in simulation display << " yup = " << yup << endl; // rapidity histogram upper bound display << " meff = " << meff << endl; // effective mass of cluster display << "clustermean = " << clustermean << endl; // mean # clusters in event (conditional Poisson dist'n, 0 < n <= nclustermax) display << "nclustermax = " << nclustermax << endl; // maximum # clusters in event display << " decaymean = " << decaymean << endl; // mean # of decays in cluster(conditional Poisson dist'n, 1 < n <= ndecaymax)) display << " ndecaymax = " << ndecaymax << endl; // maximum # of decays in cluster display << " boostmax = " << boostmax << endl; // maximum radial rapidity of cluster // ================================================================ // create a ROOT file for simulation output TFile *treeout = new TFile("ngenauauyt.root","RECREATE","ROOT file with NGenAuAuYt tree"); if ( treeout->IsOpen() ) cout << "// treeout opened successfully" << endl; treeout->cd(); const Int_t _kMaxParticles = 200*nclustermax*ndecaymax; const Int_t _kMaxClusters = 200*nclustermax; Double_t yt,phib,pt,phi,yc,px,py,pz,e2,ee,m2,pxsum,pysum,pzsum,eesum,yy,theta,eta,absEta; Int_t _eventIndex; //Int_t charge, pid; //Int_t _nParticlesRead; Int_t _nParticipants; Int_t _nClusters; Int_t _nParticles; //Int_t _nBinary; //Int_t _nPart1; //Int_t _nPart2; Int_t _Mult05Eta; Int_t _Mult10Eta; Int_t _Mult20Eta; Int_t _nDecays[_kMaxClusters]; Double_t _yc[_kMaxClusters]; Double_t _yt[_kMaxClusters]; Double_t _phib[_kMaxClusters]; //Int_t _pid[_kMaxParticles]; //Int_t _charge[_kMaxParticles]; Double_t _px[_kMaxParticles]; Double_t _py[_kMaxParticles]; Double_t _pz[_kMaxParticles]; Double_t _ee[_kMaxParticles]; Double_t _yy[_kMaxParticles]; Double_t _pt[_kMaxParticles]; Double_t _phi[_kMaxParticles]; Double_t _eta[_kMaxParticles]; //Double_t _m2[_kMaxParticles]; TTree *tree = new TTree("tree","ROOT tree with NGenAuAuYt branches"); tree->Branch("eventIndex", &_eventIndex, "_eventIndex/I"); tree->Branch("nParticipants", &_nParticipants, "_nParticipants/I"); tree->Branch("nClusters", &_nClusters, "_nClusters/I"); tree->Branch("nParticles", &_nParticles, "_nParticles/I"); //tree->Branch("nBinary", &_nBinary, "_nBinary/I"); //tree->Branch("nPart1", &_nPart1, "_nPart1/I"); //tree->Branch("nPart2", &_nPart2, "_nPart2/I"); tree->Branch("Mult05Eta", &_Mult05Eta, "_Mult05Eta/I"); tree->Branch("Mult10Eta", &_Mult10Eta, "_Mult10Eta/I"); tree->Branch("Mult20Eta", &_Mult20Eta, "_Mult20Eta/I"); tree->Branch("yc", _yc, "_yc[_nClusters]/D"); tree->Branch("yt", _yt, "_yt[_nClusters]/D"); tree->Branch("phib", _phib, "_phib[_nClusters]/D"); tree->Branch("nDecays", _nDecays, "_nDecays[_nClusters]/I"); //tree->Branch("pid", _pid, "_pid[_nParticles]/I"); //tree->Branch("charge", _charge, "_charge[_nParticles]/I"); //tree->Branch("px", _px, "_px[_nParticles]/D"); //tree->Branch("py", _py, "_py[_nParticles]/D"); tree->Branch("pz", _pz, "_pz[_nParticles]/D"); tree->Branch("ee", _ee, "_ee[_nParticles]/D"); tree->Branch("yy", _yy, "_yy[_nParticles]/D"); tree->Branch("pt", _pt, "_pt[_nParticles]/D"); tree->Branch("phi", _phi, "_phi[_nParticles]/D"); tree->Branch("eta", _eta, "_eta[_nParticles]/D"); //tree->Branch("m2", _m2, "_m2[_nParticles]/D"); tree->SetMaxTreeSize(1000000); //================================================================ const Double_t Pi = 3.14159265358979; // histograms to monitor decay dist'ns TH1D *hParticipants; TH1D *hClusters; TH1D *hDecays; TH1D *hRapidity; TH1D *hBoost; TH1D *hPhiB; Int_t nbinsy = Int_t(yup)*20; Int_t nbinsboost = Int_t(boostmax*10.); hParticipants = new TH1D("hParticipants","dNpart/dx",400,0.,400.); hClusters = new TH1D("hClusters","dNclus/dx (Poisson)",nclustermax + 1,0.,Double_t(nclustermax) + 1.); hDecays = new TH1D("hDecays","dNclus/dNdecay (Poisson)",ndecaymax + 1,0.,Double_t(ndecaymax) + 1.); // limited by TGenPhaseSpace to 18 decays hRapidity = new TH1D("hRapidity","dNclus/dy (Uniform)",nbinsy,-yup,yup); hBoost = new TH1D("hBoost","dNclus/dyt (Linear)",nbinsboost,0.,boostmax); hPhiB = new TH1D("hPhiB","dNclus/dphi (Uniform)",36,-Pi,Pi); hParticipants->SetDirectory(0); hClusters->SetDirectory(0); hDecays->SetDirectory(0); hRapidity->SetDirectory(0); hBoost->SetDirectory(0); hPhiB->SetDirectory(0); // ================================================================ // random variables for simulation TFile *f; TH1D *dNpdx; f = new TFile("dNpdx.root", "READ"); dNpdx = (TH1D*)f->Get("fdNpdx"); cout << "// got Npart density" << endl; TRandom2 *genCluster = new TRandom2(); TRandom2 *genParticles = new TRandom2(); TRandom2 *genRapidity = new TRandom2(); TRandom2 *genBoost = new TRandom2(); TRandom2 *genPhiB = new TRandom2(); TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","x",0.,boostmax); Int_t npart,ncollisions,nclusters,ntracks,ndecays; Double_t genPart; // ================================================================ // begin event loop Int_t n; for (n = 0; n < nevents; n++) { if (n < 2) display << "" << endl; if (n < 2) display << "Event " << n+1 << endl; _eventIndex = n; _nParticipants = 0; _nClusters = 0; _nParticles = 0; _Mult05Eta = 0; _Mult10Eta = 0; _Mult20Eta = 0; //======================================================== // generate ncollisions for event using Ant's AuAu Run 4 NPart histogram if (dNpdx) { genPart = dNpdx->GetRandom(); } else { genPart = gRandom->Rndm(); } npart = Int_t(genPart); _nParticipants = npart; hParticipants->Fill(Double_t(npart)); ncollisions = Int_t(genPart/2.); if (n < 2) display << "Collisions = " << ncollisions << endl; //======================================================== // begin ncollisions loop for (Int_t ncol = 0; ncol < ncollisions; ncol++) { // rv feedback: if (n < 2) display << "" << endl; if (n < 2) display << " Collision " << ncol+1 << endl; //======================================================== // generate nclusters for collision with Poisson nclustermax, clustermean nclusters = 0; while (nclusters < 1 || nclusters > nclustermax) { nclusters = genCluster->Poisson(clustermean); if (nclusters > nclustermax) display << " nclusters = " << nclusters << endl; } hClusters->Fill(Double_t(nclusters)); if (n < 2) display << " Clusters = " << nclusters << endl; //======================================================== // generate transverse rapidity for all clusters in collision; // generate radial coordinates uniformly on a disc // boost with transverse rapidity proportional to r yt = f1->GetRandom(); hBoost->Fill(yt); _yt[_nClusters] = yt; phib = genPhiB->Uniform(-Pi,Pi); hPhiB->Fill(phib); _phib[_nClusters] = phib; pt = meff*sinh(yt); px = pt*cos(phib); py = pt*sin(phib); //======================================================== // begin ncluster loop for (Int_t nc = 0; nc < nclusters; nc++) { if (n < 2) display << "" << endl; if (n < 2) display << " Cluster " << nc+1 << endl; // generate longitudinal rapidity for cluster yc = genRapidity->Uniform(-yup,yup); hRapidity->Fill(yc); _yc[_nClusters] = yc; // generate 4-vector for cluster pz = meff*sinh(yc); e2 = meff*meff + px*px + py*py + pz*pz; ee = sqrt(e2); TLorentzVector W(px,py,pz,ee); //======================================================== // generate ndecays for the cluster with Poisson decaymean, ndecaymax ndecays = 0; while (ndecays < 2 || ndecays > ndecaymax) { ndecays = genParticles->Poisson(decaymean); //if (ndecays > ndecaymax) display << "" << endl; //if (ndecays > ndecaymax) display << "event " << _eventIndex << ", ndecays = " << ndecays << endl; } if (n < 2) display << " Decays = " << ndecays << endl; hDecays->Fill(Double_t(ndecays)); _nDecays[_nClusters] = ndecays; _nClusters++; if (n < 2) display << "" << endl; if (n < 2) display << " yt = " << yt << ", phib = " << phib << ", yc = " << yc << ", meff = " << meff << endl; if (n < 2) display << " Ptot,M2 = (" << W.Px() << "," << W.Py() << "," << W.Pz() << "," << W.E() << "," << W.M2() << ")" << endl; if (n < 2) display << "" << endl; //======================================================== // assign masses to cluster decays Double_t *mass = new Double_t[ndecays]; TLorentzVector *pPi = new TLorentzVector[ndecays]; for (Int_t p = 0; p < ndecays; p++) { mass[p] = 0.140; if (n < 2) display << " mass[" << p << "] = " << mass[p] << endl; } if (n < 2) display << "" << endl; // decay cluster into ndecays TGenPhaseSpace cluster; cluster.SetDecay(W, ndecays, mass); Double_t weight = cluster.Generate(); // accounting for cluster 4-vector Ptot pxsum = 0.; pysum = 0.; pzsum = 0.; eesum = 0.; // begin ndecay loop for (Int_t p = 0; p < ndecays; p++) { pPi[p] = *cluster.GetDecay(p); px = pPi[p].Px(); py = pPi[p].Py(); pz = pPi[p].Pz(); ee = pPi[p].E(); m2 = pPi[p].M2(); if (n < 2) display << " P" << p+1 << " = (" << pPi[p].Px() << "," << pPi[p].Py() << "," << pPi[p].Pz() << "," << pPi[p].E() << "," << pPi[p].M2() << ")" << endl; // cluster accounting pxsum += px; pysum += py; pzsum += pz; eesum += ee; // variables for tree branches px = pPi[p].Px(); py = pPi[p].Py(); pz = pPi[p].Pz(); ee = pPi[p].E(); m2 = pPi[p].M2(); yy = .5*log( (ee+pz)/(ee-pz) ); pt = sqrt(px*px+py*py); phi = atan2(py,px); //if (pt>0.001) { theta = atan2(pt, pz); //}else{ // theta = atan2(0.001, pz); //} eta = -log(tan(0.5*theta)); absEta = fabs(eta); //if (absEta<6.) // { //_pid[_nParticles] = pid; //_charge[_nParticles] = charge; //_px[_nParticles] = px; //_py[_nParticles] = py; _pz[_nParticles] = pz; _ee[_nParticles] = ee; _yy[_nParticles] = yy; _pt[_nParticles] = pt; _phi[_nParticles] = phi; _eta[_nParticles] = eta; _nParticles++; //if(absEta <= 2.0 && charge!=0) if(absEta <= 2.0) { _Mult20Eta++; if(absEta <= 1.0) { _Mult10Eta++; if(absEta <= 0.5) _Mult05Eta++; } } //} //absEta<6. } if ( fabs(pxsum) < .0000000000001 ) pxsum = 0.; if ( fabs(pysum) < .0000000000001 ) pysum = 0.; if ( fabs(pzsum) < .0000000000001 ) pzsum = 0.; if ( fabs(eesum) < .0000000000001 ) eesum = 0.; // cluster accounting s/b meff if (n < 2) display << "" << endl; if (n < 2) display << " Event " << n+1 << "/" << nevents << ", Collision " << ncol+1 << "/" << ncollisions << ", Cluster " << nc+1 << "/" << nclusters << ":" << endl; if (n < 2) display << " Ptot,'M2' = (" << pxsum << "," << pysum << "," << pzsum << "," << eesum << "," << eesum*eesum - pzsum*pzsum - pysum*pysum - pxsum*pxsum << ")" << endl; delete [] pPi; delete [] mass; } // end cluster loop } // end collision loop // fill the tree tree->Fill(); //===================================================== // event counter //if (n % 10000 == 0) display << "events = " << n << endl; if (n % 1000 == 0) cout << "events = " << n << endl; if (n % 1000 == 0) tstop->Stop(); if (n % 1000 == 0) tstop->Print(); if (n % 1000 == 0) cout << "runtime = " << tstop->RealTime() << endl; if (n % 1000 == 0) cout << "CPUtime = " << tstop->CpuTime() << endl; if (n % 1000 == 0) tstop->Start(kFALSE); //========================================================== } // end event loop display << "// event loop complete" << endl; cout << "// event loop complete" << endl; //======================================================= // print tree to out file tree->Print(); // save all objects in this file #if 0 tree->Write(); tree->Delete(); treeout->Close(); #endif treeout = tree->GetCurrentFile(); treeout->Write(); delete treeout; cout << "// treeout closed" << endl; //======================================================== // cluster, decay and rapidity densities TH1D *fParticipants; TH1D *fClusters; TH1D *fDecays; TH1D *fRapidity; TH1D *fBoost; TH1D *fPhiB; TString title; Double_t sum,binsize; sum = hParticipants->Integral(); name = "fParticipants"; title = "dNpart/dx density"; fParticipants = (TH1D*)hParticipants->Clone(); fParticipants->SetName(name); fParticipants->SetTitle(title); fParticipants->Scale( 1./sum ); sum = hClusters->Integral(); name = "fClusters"; title = "dNclus/dx density"; fClusters = (TH1D*)hClusters->Clone(); fClusters->SetName(name); fClusters->SetTitle(title); fClusters->Scale( 1./sum ); sum = hDecays->Integral(); name = "fDecays"; title = "dNclus/dNdecay density"; fDecays = (TH1D*)hDecays->Clone(); fDecays->SetName(name); fDecays->SetTitle(title); fDecays->Scale( 1./sum ); sum = hRapidity->Integral(); binsize = 2.*yup/Double_t(nbinsy); name = "fRapidity"; title = "dNev/dy density"; fRapidity = (TH1D*)hRapidity->Clone(); fRapidity->SetName(name); fRapidity->SetTitle(title); fRapidity->Scale( 1./(sum*binsize) ); sum = hBoost->Integral(); binsize = boostmax/Double_t(nbinsboost); name = "fBoost"; title = "dNev/dy density"; fBoost = (TH1D*)hBoost->Clone(); fBoost->SetName(name); fBoost->SetTitle(title); fBoost->Scale( 1./(sum*binsize) ); sum = hPhiB->Integral(); binsize = 2.*Pi/36.; name = "fPhiB"; title = "dNev/dy density"; fPhiB = (TH1D*)hPhiB->Clone(); fPhiB->SetName(name); fPhiB->SetTitle(title); fPhiB->Scale( 1./(sum*binsize) ); // ================================================================ // calculate probabilities for dNclus/dx density Double_t p0,p1,pk,pksum,kpksum,pktail; Double_t *pclus = new Double_t[nclustermax]; Double_t *pdecay = new Double_t[ndecaymax-1]; Double_t *apclus = new Double_t[nclustermax+2]; Double_t *apdecay = new Double_t[ndecaymax+2]; pksum = 0.; kpksum = 0.; pktail = 0.; display << "" << endl; display << "Calculated Poisson(" << clustermean << ") probabilities:" << endl; for (Int_t k = 0; k <= nclustermax+10; k++) { pk = TMath::PoissonI(Double_t(k),clustermean); // pk is p(k) if (k > nclustermax) pktail += pk; display << "p(" << k << ") = " << pk << endl; } display << "" << endl; display << "Conditional dNclus/dx probabilities:" << endl; p0 = TMath::PoissonI(0.,clustermean); display << " p0 = " << p0 << endl; display << "pktail = " << pktail << endl; display << "measure = " << 1. - p0 - pktail << endl; for (Int_t k = 1; k <= nclustermax; k++) { pk = TMath::PoissonI(Double_t(k),clustermean); pclus[k-1] = pk/(1.-p0-pktail); // pclus(k-1) is conditional p(k) pksum += pclus[k-1]; kpksum += Double_t(k)*pclus[k-1]; display << "conditional p(" << k << ") = " << pclus[k-1] << endl; } display << " total probability = " << pksum << endl; display << "mean of distribution = " << kpksum << endl; // ================================================================ // actual dNclus/dx distributions display << "" << endl; display << "Actual dNclus/dx probabilities:" << endl; for (Int_t k = 1; k <= nclustermax+2; k++) { apclus[k-1] = fClusters->GetBinContent(k); display << "conditional p(" << k-1 << ") = " << apclus[k-1] << endl; } display << " total probability = " << fClusters->Integral() << endl; display << "mean of distribution = " << fClusters->GetMean() << endl; // ================================================================ // calculate probabilities for dNclus/dNdecay density display << "" << endl; display << "Calculated Poisson(" << decaymean << ") probabilities:" << endl; pksum = 0.; kpksum = 0.; pktail = 0.; for (Int_t k = 0; k <= ndecaymax+10; k++) { pk = TMath::PoissonI(Double_t(k),decaymean); if (k > ndecaymax) pktail += pk; display << "p(" << k << ") = " << pk << endl; } display << "" << endl; display << "Conditional dNclus/dNdecay probabilities:" << endl; p0 = TMath::PoissonI(0.,decaymean); p1 = TMath::PoissonI(1.,decaymean); display << " p0 = " << p0 << endl; display << " p1 = " << p1 << endl; display << "pktail = " << pktail << endl; display << "measure = " << 1. - p0 - p1 - pktail << endl; for (Int_t k = 2; k <= ndecaymax; k++) { pk = TMath::PoissonI(Double_t(k),decaymean); pdecay[k-2] = pk/(1.-p0-p1-pktail); pksum += pdecay[k-2]; kpksum += Double_t(k)*pdecay[k-2]; display << "conditional p(" << k << ") = " << pdecay[k-2] << endl; } display << " total probability = " << pksum << endl; display << "mean of distribution = " << kpksum << endl; // ================================================================ // actual dNclus/dNdecay distributions display << "" << endl; display << "Actual dNclus/dNdecay probabilities:" << endl; for (Int_t k = 1; k <= ndecaymax+2; k++) { apdecay[k-1] = fDecays->GetBinContent(k); display << "conditional p(" << k-1 << ") = " << apdecay[k-1] << endl; } display << " total probability = " << fDecays->Integral() << endl; display << "mean of distribution = " << fDecays->GetMean() << endl; //========================================================== display.close(); cout << "// display closed" << endl; TFile *histout = new TFile("ngenauauyth.root","RECREATE","ROOT file with NGenAuAuYt histograms"); if ( histout->IsOpen() ) cout << "// histout opened successfully" << endl; histout->cd(); hParticipants->Write(); hClusters->Write(); hDecays->Write(); hRapidity->Write(); hBoost->Write(); hPhiB->Write(); fParticipants->Write(); fClusters->Write(); fDecays->Write(); fRapidity->Write(); fBoost->Write(); fPhiB->Write(); //======================================================= histout->Close(); cout << "// histout closed" << endl; //======================================================= cout << "events = " << n << endl; tstop->Stop(); tstop->Print(); cout << "runtime = " << tstop->RealTime() << endl; cout << "CPUtime = " << tstop->CpuTime() << endl; //========================================================== }