// global variables TFile *f = 0; TTree *T = 0; int run(const char *fname = "Feb24-12-57-28_16bit.root") { if (!(fname && *fname)) return; // just a precaution if (T) {delete T; T = 0;} // make sure you delete it, if it already exists if (f) {delete f; f = 0;} // make sure you close the file, if it is opened //f = new TFile("Feb15-12-16-20_16bit.root", "READ"); f = new TFile(fname, "READ"); if (!f) return; // just a precaution T = (TTree *)f->FindObjectAny("T"); if (!T) return; // just a precaution TBranch *b_voltagesI = T->GetBranch("voltages_chan1"); TBranch *b_voltagesQ = T->GetBranch("voltages_chan2"); TBranch *b_timestamps = T->GetBranch("timestamps"); // To check receiver at room temperature with terminator at input: //MakeRoomTemperaturePlot(b_voltagesI, b_voltagesQ); MakeCryoTemperaturePlot(b_voltagesI, b_voltagesQ); return 0; } void MakeCryoTemperaturePlot(TBranch *b_voltagesI, TBranch *b_voltagesQ) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",800,1000); c1->Divide(1,2); Double_t video_offset1 = GetVideoOffset(b_voltagesI); Double_t video_offset2 = GetVideoOffset(b_voltagesQ); c1->cd(1); Double_t voltage_RMSI = GetVoltageRMS(b_voltagesI, video_offset1, "Real Noise Power"); c1->cd(2); Double_t voltage_RMSQ = GetVoltageRMS(b_voltagesQ, video_offset2, "Imaginary Noise Power"); Double_t real_noise_power = GetNoisePower(voltage_RMSI); Double_t imaginary_noise_power = GetNoisePower(voltage_RMSQ); Double_t CryoTemperatureI = GetCryoTemperature(real_noise_power); c1->cd(1); TText l; l.SetTextSize(0.04); char buffer[50]; int n = sprintf(buffer, "cryo temperature = %.1f K", CryoTemperatureI); l.DrawText(0.15,700., buffer); Double_t CryoTemperatureQ = GetCryoTemperature(imaginary_noise_power); c1->cd(2); TText l; l.SetTextSize(0.04); char buffer[50]; int n = sprintf(buffer, "cryo temperature = %.1f K", CryoTemperatureQ); l.DrawText(0.15,700., buffer); } void MakeRoomTemperaturePlot(TBranch *b_voltagesI, TBranch *b_voltagesQ) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",800,1000); c1->Divide(1,2); Double_t video_offset1 = GetVideoOffset(b_voltagesI); Double_t video_offset2 = GetVideoOffset(b_voltagesQ); c1->cd(1); Double_t voltage_RMSI = GetVoltageRMS(b_voltagesI, video_offset1, "Real Noise Power"); c1->cd(2); Double_t voltage_RMSQ = GetVoltageRMS(b_voltagesQ, video_offset2, "Imaginary Noise Power"); Double_t real_noise_power = GetNoisePower(voltage_RMSI); Double_t imaginary_noise_power = GetNoisePower(voltage_RMSQ); Double_t RoomTemperatureI = GetRoomTemperature(real_noise_power); c1->cd(1); TText l; l.SetTextSize(0.04); char buffer[50]; int n = sprintf(buffer, "room temperature = %.0f K", RoomTemperatureI); l.DrawText(0.15,700., buffer); Double_t RoomTemperatureQ = GetRoomTemperature(imaginary_noise_power); c1->cd(2); TText l; l.SetTextSize(0.04); char buffer[50]; int n = sprintf(buffer, "room temperature = %.0f K", RoomTemperatureQ); l.DrawText(0.15,700., buffer); } double GetNoisePower(double voltage_RMS) { // Noise power is RMS of histogram. In dBm/Hz: Double_t noise_power=0.; // With 4 MHz LPF at output, voltage gain of 5X: noise_power = 10.*log10(voltage_RMS*voltage_RMS*1.e3/25./50./4.e6); printf("Output noise power is %f dBm/Hz \n", noise_power); return noise_power; } double GetCryoTemperature(double noise_power) { static const int ncomps = 12; Double_t HEMT_noise_temp = 22.0; // Kelvin // HEMT mx1 fif1 ampif1 fif2 mx2 fif2 ampif2 ampif2 fif2 mx3 lpf1 Double_t gains_db[ncomps]= { 30.0, -10., 0.0, 60.0, 0.0, -6.0, -1.0, 34.0, 0.0, -1.0, -8.5, 0.0}; Double_t noise_figures_db[ncomps]={ 0.01, 10.5, 0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 8.5, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 10.0, 1.0}; Double_t gains_lin[ncomps] = {}; Double_t noise_figures_lin[ncomps] = {}; Double_t total_gains_db[ncomps] = {}; Double_t total_noise_figures_lin[ncomps] = {}; Double_t total_noise_figures_db[ncomps] = {}; Double_t gain_cascade[ncomps] = {}; for (Int_t i=0; iFill(x*x); } hgaussian_sq->Draw(); } void voltages_gaussian() { TH1F *hgaussian = new TH1F("hgaussian", "Fake Gaussian; Volts; Counts", 100, -3., 3.); TRandom3 r; for (Int_t i=0; i<10000; i++) hgaussian->Fill(r.Gaus(0.,0.5)); hgaussian->Draw(); } void voltages_sqhisto(TBranch *b_voltages, double video_offset) { Int_t nentries = (Int_t)b_voltages->GetEntries(); Double_t voltages[1024] = {}; b_voltages->SetAddress(voltages); TH1F *hvoltages_sq = new TH1F("hvoltages_sq", "O-scope data minus offset, squared; Volts^2; Counts", 100, -0.01, 0.05); for (Int_t i=0;iGetEntry(i); // fill the histogram with the voltages for (Int_t j=0; j<1024; j++) hvoltages_sq->Fill((voltages[j]-video_offset)*(voltages[j]-video_offset)); } hvoltages_sq->Draw(); } double GetVoltageRMS(TBranch *b_voltages, double video_offset, char *htitle) { Int_t nentries = (Int_t)b_voltages->GetEntries(); Double_t voltages[1024] = {}; b_voltages->SetAddress(voltages); TH1F *hvoltages_m_offset = new TH1F("hvoltages_m_offset", (TString(htitle) += ";Volts;Counts").Data(), 100, -0.5, 0.5); for (Int_t i=0;iGetEntry(i); // fill the histogram with the voltages for (Int_t j=0; j<1024; j++) hvoltages_m_offset->Fill(voltages[j]-video_offset); } hvoltages_m_offset->Draw(); Double_t RMS = hvoltages_m_offset->GetRMS(); //delete hvoltages_m_offset; return RMS; } double GetVideoOffset(TBranch *b_voltages) { Int_t nentries = (Int_t)b_voltages->GetEntries(); Double_t voltages[1024] = {}; b_voltages->SetAddress(voltages); Double_t histomean=0.; Double_t noise_power; TH1F *hvoltages = new TH1F("hvoltages", "Raw O-scope data; Volts; Counts", 100, -0.5, 0.5); for (Int_t i=0;iGetEntry(i); // fill the histogram with the voltages for (Int_t j=0; j<1024; j++) hvoltages->Fill(voltages[j]); } // hvoltages->Draw(); Double_t offset = hvoltages->GetMean(); delete hvoltages; return offset; }